Watch out Sup Forums

Watch out Sup Forums
Anita Sarkeesian is done bitching about video games now she's going to start bitching about Trump

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Is this one gonna take 1.5 years to start and another 2 until she finally gives up and remembers to cancel it.

Did she ever deliver her kickstarter promises?


No but you're a misogynistic shit lord if you mention this fuck you white male scum.

She made some youtube videos so it's one of the more successful feminist projects

That Cunt is never going to learn

did she start asking for "donations" yet?

She made like 4 videos i think out of the 6 promised?
Not completely sure anymore. Ever since she ditched Macintosh she's been kind of under the radar.

Still waiting for her suicide to be livestreamed on Fecesbook.

Ends her series.
Well nothing of value was lost.

Still can't believe this crazy wombat went to the UN to complain about muh internet harrassment.

I'd fund that kikestarter

The real truth is that's she's grown out of feminism but she can't turn her back on it because that's what her fucking degree is in.

Who knew that Jack Thompson's whining could become a profitable scam if you just added a dumb cunt?

Zoe Quinn is releasing a book, or has released a book, not sure if it's out yet, about all her "harassment" she got because of her game

>Rocked the world of gaming
By rocked, you mean ruin a few AAA games from the west and spawned more shitty indie games in 2013?


I knew it would happen. I said on Sup Forums a million times that people should just ignore her rather than fight against her.

It's all about attention for these vapid idiots. So now she realises that she's dried the well of video game topic, and has picked the next easiest boogie man; Donald Trump

Learn what? That tumblr morons will donate to her as long as she complains about the right thing?

Remember that black family of what's his face that went to complain about racism and that they need help. And then the ambassadors laughed at them and called them privileged


>She made some youtube videos so it's one of the more successful feminist projects

anita nobody cares
stop making threads about yourself on Sup Forums

She's gonna complain she can't see his butt

What the fuck. Leftists will believe anything a poor oppressed woman tells them.

Anita didn't even finish her fist series and all her videos were debunked, she even used other peoples youtube footage. Anyone stupid enough to give money to this cunt deserves to be poor.

And so it begins

wtf, she didnt rock shit

I think the story was that she made up some bullshit reason why the videogame couldn't be made due to technical issues or something, and just kept the money.


I don't understand why anyone would give a fuck about this cunts opinion.


So what? Nothing will happen. She's wasting everyone's time.

if you pay 5k or whatever it is you can speak at the un too

>6 promised
>12 eps
>class curriculum (whateverthefuck that is)

Literally who and why should I care
At least explain shit

>implying she wont have them disabled

It's gonna be funny to watch her get laughed at by adults too and not just Sup Forumsirgins. She's never gonna be anything more than a joke.

Professional victim

That thief shit was worse than the 100% science based dragon mmo

She's coming to take your uguu VN's away.

We should definitely LeBouf her

she got over 300 000 bucks and did 4 videos of 20 minutes each with the same quality that i would deliver with a toaster, ms paint and ms movie maker

She knows full well that she is only popular because she is attractive. If people actually followed her advice she would be penniless.

The irony is amusing.


shill thread confirmed. nobody ever talks about this bitch anymore.


babby's first text adventure

She's not though..

jews gonna jew
vidya bitching is out of fashion, time to move on to the next cash cow

yep, those look yummy

The book was dropped. It was the same publisher that picked up Milos book a week later

Aren't they making a movie about her too starring Scarlett Johansson?

So what? she's going to guarantee Trump gets a second term?


She's fat now. That's why nobody is talking about her anymore.

This degenerate cunt's face makes me have diarrhea.

anyone got any good jew porn links?

She's got stubby limbs, a face like a bridge troll, terrible skin, "chola-chic" fashion and no other redeeming qualities. Why do you idiots like her?

Remember that the leftists had to make a song specifically saying they're not Jack Thompson, because they were saying the exact same things he was.

your a fagget

>not wanting to GOY a jew

>She's fat now. That's why nobody is talking about her anymore.


When she was mildly attractive she could make some feminists feel a bit better about themselves by thinking that even mildly attractive women were bothered by having pretty female characters in games. Now she just looks like a more average feminist with a malformed body and a personality that makes men's dicks want to recede into their body.

Stretch goals for making youtube videos. It's unreal to me.

WTF I love Trump now! Say we me - 8 years!
>yfw feminazi actually become feminists and start defending women rights in Middle East and Africa
>but there's no face because it won't happen

I get the feeling one of her ancestors was burned at the stake for scamming pilgrims

it's like she is trying to give people material to trash her ideology.

She's Jewish. Her ancestors weren't even in America yet.

She is one of the more successful con-artists, so you have to give her that.

I wouldn't rape her with my enemies cock, nasty ass kike whore.

Got any more? I could use a good hate-fap right now