A possible reason to all this gender nonsense

I believe that a possible reason for all this "more than one gender/ transgender" bull fuckery is because they're following the whole "history repeats itself" much too closely and believe that we're oppressing the "other" genders too much and are using the fact that blacks and women also went through the same thing even though it's entirely different because these fake "genders" are not real while blacks and women are.
What are your thoughts Sup Forums?

not really. Notice they are repeating the same template as with Clinton making bathrooms, offices and shopping centers wheelchair and handicapped accessible. It's the red handed gandhis creating a caste and "fighting" non violent resistance in the name of it. So Obongo picked DSM and picked some mental illnesses for his legacy. Sure i'm simplifying a bit, but you get a drift. These are military operations of GEN IV warfare where they are using OODA loop to attack the culture. So america was genocided and holocausted in the past few decades. They call it "change"...

Don't talk to this poster

It's Alex Jones

are you warning me or issuing warning about me?
I'm not alex jones.

Outside if eurocentric cultures there's been long acknowledgement of other gender identifications. The kathoey or Thai lady boy probably being the most well known to western cultures.
Even Sup Forums unintentionally acknowledges divides within traditional gender with alphamales and betamales.

Most of which are born betamales, desiring to be alphamales but consistently failing. You could almost say Sup Forumssmokers are transalphamales. Simply were not born with the physiology, or raised to induce the kind of psychology that produces a true alpha male.

It's a way to destroy the differences between men and women, to make everyone "the same" but that also means we are also just a replaceable as each other. Not to mention it disrupts white birth rates much more then other ethnicities.

How many white women have you impregnated user?

checks out

Look up Calhoun's Mice Utopia. It is an effort to speed up a natural process that happens in high density populations that leads to lower birth rates. Read about how it changes the behavior of male and female mice once they hit peak population density.

you're not talking about genders. you're talking about that loaded expression about power being ultimate aphrodisiac. It's not the power. It's the freedom deficit disorder. So CIA lemon party gestapo has holocausted the western world and transplanted caste system here preparing for full blown monarchy, slavery, serfdom, etc. Of course it's only the beginning, but it's already quite obvious. So the pervertariat and any other nonsense - serves as diversion. Something like all the nasty things done in that audition of "the aristocrats" joke. Of course just like the punchline of that joke - this final solution should yield "the aristocrats".

This leaf is actually saying something correct.

Mouse Utopia Experiment will give you the answers you seek.

This is the beginning of the end of a civilisation.

Please explain


Also called the Boyde loop named after the Vietnam era fighter pilot who first defined it. In fighting, the objective is to act while your enemy is in their decision phase, thus getting inside their OODA loop.

Ya know, I don't actually disagree. But we probably disagree on what slows the process of us reverting back to the gilded age.
One side distracted with frivolous "degeneracies" while arguing to pull all restraints off the billionaire overlords in hopes they will trickle down to us when it really just hands more control to the unaccountable wealthy. Even convinciby themselves one of there's would be the savior of America instead the herald of the plutocrats. Though it's not like either side did not have that as their ultimate goal.
The other obsessed with extrapolating statistics without context into victimization while ignoring corporate hijacking of their causes to indoctrinate them into debt slave consumerists.

Granted Sup Forumssmokers have also fallen prey to looking at statistics without context extrapolating racial conclusions.

Using crime statistics to believe blacks are inferior while skimming over the jew they scapegoat must be superior by that same logic. Instead of the reality that moving up the socio-economic ladder is difficult for everyone, and frequency of crime is consistent across similar economic situations. Those born from family wealth retain and pass it on through their predominantly Jewish and white bloodlines. And those born into poverty continuing the same poor habits that often lead into crime and addiction. There's always been class war, and we're all pawns in the world of the Soros's and Koch's.

>Cultural Marxism
>The Frankfurt School

Prior to the 60s "gender" was a term used by linguists to describe "masculine" and "feminine" words. During the 60s social scientists borrowed the term to describe masculine and feminin roles in society. The phrase "gender is a social construct" is absolutely correct, when used by anthropologists. It's used to mean masculine and feminine roles change over time and cultures. It is not used to mean there are multiple sexes.


>be me
>wake up
>get told by the girl i slept with that i raped her, she took back consent after we woke up
>she wont do anything isay
>eat breakfest
>walk to class
>pass cis gender male and call him a cuck as the 34th amendment says
>see a non-binary horsedragon walking a cisgender african-asian male on a leash
>get to class
>see my teacher raise her hands up and show how she is fighting the Patriarchy by dyeing her armpit hair green
>everyone applauds
>my classmates talk about how cis people are ruing the country and oppressing them
>our president is a gender fluid female
>look my classmate in the eye and tell her shes crazy and is oppressing me
>the teacher calls security because i mentally raped her
>get taken to jail
>see judge and look down at the the floor while i get a 40year sentence
>38 amendment says all cis males get an automatic 40 years for "eye rape". im also not allowed to have a lawyer
>also get an extra 10 years for being racist and not looking at the judge
>i sleep in a cage outside with a sleeping bag on concrete and a bucket for the bathroom
>later that week i get charged with rape when my girlfriend tells the cops i raped her after she withdrew consent
>go back to court
>tell the judge im a niggerkin and rape/kill her
>the cops are to scared to stop me from identifying as a nigger
>eventually a cop tells me to put my hands up
>the cop is arrested
>he claims hes copkin and is just identifying
>cop who tries to stop the copkin is also arrested and charged with hate crimes
>mfw the second cop is copkin

it's regular "destroy the family" kikery
the goal of all of this bullshit is socialist egalitarian state

But when you control for similarity of economic situation, you end up finding that blacks still commit far more crime than whites.

Massive ploy to dismantle the traditional family and create divisions

The whole "point" is to destroy the family unit just as was the push to normalize divorce and then homosexuality. Strong family units are like little states and can't be as easily influenced and controlled by The State.


The entire reason for this is to replace GAY MARRIAGE as a wedge issue. They are poisoning children in order to have voters down the line. There is nothing else to this. The entire "TRANS" movement was slapped together following the Supreme Court ruiling in favor of gay marriage and a bunch of DNC friendly corporations "protested" simultaneously.

They are already winning, they teach this shit in schools. If you aren't willing to kill people right this instant, then you must accept absolute defeat, as a side effect of this will be an even lower birthrate and the death of the West.



it's getting really tiring watching you reddit faggots arguing back and forth as though there's a fucking debate. THIS IS TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS, THE FUCKING WELL IS POISONED, YOU WILL JUST BE AN OLD FOGEY IN TEN YEARS AND THESE KIDS WILL REBEL AGAINST YOU BY VOTING FOR FAG PARADE DNC AND FREE STUFFZ

Create problem> offer solution > gain power to "fix" problem

Its simple.

I'd challenge you to find a proper citation for that.
A higher amount of blacks also begin in poverty. Where whites span the whole economic spectrum. This creates a culture and habits more inductive to falling into crime, such as the glamorization of gangs. The statistics are true, the context you infer over them is as flawed as feminists looking at the percentage of women in STEM and crying sexism.