Why does it seem like social media is inherently left-leaning?
Why does it seem like social media is inherently left-leaning?
from what I've seen, facebook is still 50/50 despite Zuckerberg's jewry
Normies follow the media consensus.
because it is
Because tech companies are all leftist.
Jews run all entertainment media.
The majority of people are lefty and not many people want to question the majority especially on social media
anywhere with heavy moderation lodes of normalfags and a platform meant to sell stupid shit to retards tends left
Same reason you jerk off to feet. Who the fuck knows.
Heavy moderation. Fall in line goy.
Those are some nice feet. I always fap to this pic just because of the feet
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, are all owned by globalist/leftists
>why is kikebook filled with kikes?
probably because people with bullshit make-work jobs like coffee pourers have all day to post social media like faggots
stay away from it. even the right-wing people on there are pure cringe
Age and sex demographic. Heavy users of the twitters tend to be majority teenaged to 30, female and/or gay.
All major tech companies are in California.
Why do you think why social media are leftists and at the same time pro censorship? Really names think who owns (((social media))) or else, opinions will swing to the right.
this girl looks like a worthless bitch
because in society it is more acceptable to be left, therefore it is something you can write on social media without being controversial
Also this. Those who stick around social media sites despite said moderation tend to be lefty.
It's a great way to stick it to The Man or bourgeoisie.
The people who use them the most are looking for validation, and what better way to get approval and attention than by virtue signaling and parroting the trendy viewpoints of the day?
art, media, the internet, and culture in general are center-left. Even this website is very left wing, which you would notice if you left your echo chamber.
1. Social media is controlled by corporations with leftist ideologies and actively sensor dissenting views
2. Social media is primarily used by 20-30 year olds, a large portion of whom tend to lean left
3. The left has shown zero qualms about using social media posts to dox people and destroy their lives, ergo most right-wingers are lurkers
leftists have to yell out loud that they're on the left
people on the right wing tend to just be themselves.
because they are social and have friends and they use their real names and so they have to fit in. by admitting you're racist, it's a social suicide and you will lose your friends.
the right typically has no friends and so they have nothing to lose by being racist. and they use anonymous message boards for good measure.
It's the kikes I tell ye
It's for kids.
>seem like
Leftists are inherently narcissistic. It's the perfect platform for them.
Not to be stereotypical, but Jews.
Jews is the answer you're looking for.
It's dominated by women. Like most social aspects of life. Most men don't give a shit about gossip and the other garbage that permeates such platforms.
Because it's full of normies and will inevitably resonate with the zeitgeist.
Because youngsters are inherently left-wing due to a lack of real-life experience like holding down a job, owning a home, and raising a family.
>Because youngsters are inherently left-wing due to a lack of real-life experience like holding down a job, owning a home, and raising a family.
And living around black ghettos.
What I mean is that most users of Social Media are young and therefore left-wing for the aforementioned reasons.
The left is full of vain narcissistic people
Prove to me that you're a Boomer and not some LARPing faggot. I don't believe that fags that old know how to use Sup Forums, or even what Sup Forums is.
I've been posting on Sup Forums since you were in diapers. Did you even know what /new/ was?
And I'm not posing proof for your personal satisfaction.
How else can you virtue signal without an online platform? No one in the real world would care if you ran around telling them how tolerant and diverse you are, but facebook and the like give leftists a vast platform to tell everyone how good they are, and then other virtue signalers will jump in and say how brave and progressive the posters are in an effort to virtue signal themselves.
TLDR, social media is the perfect leftist circle-jerk platform.
Because reality is inherently left-leaning.
By the time Sup Forums was a thing you were already too old. Post proof you underage faggot.
>posing proof
>Did you even know what /new/ was?
Do you even remember what /z/ was newfaggot?
Boards and social media platforms where censorship thrives are always left leaning
boards and social media platforms where free speech thrives are always right leaning
>too old to use the Internet to talk about politics
I've been on Free Republic since the Lewinsky days and Democratic Underground since the invasion of Iraq.
You don't know shit!
I get shadow banned from Twitter every time I tweet.
No, you can only 'stick it to the man' in controlled ways the man allows.
Rural and suburban retards are too poor to own tv and Internet.
Why pander to peasants?
Because leftist are narcissistic.
>Rural and suburban retards
oh it's this chink again. Go back to eating your mothers fetus, Xu.
Does anyone actually care about /z/?
Idiot king board that lasted for all of a month.
Leftards are by nature useless attentions whores.
Sensible people (Conservatives) are too busy working or minding their own business.
Because "social media" allows for moderating and censorship
Yeah which is why newfaggots don't know about it and it's pretty much the only fool proof method of proving you're an oldfag. If you have /z/ memes you've been here for a while.
Fuck I still have the original /new/ and Sup Forums meme.
Newfags don't understand Sup Forums's relationship with Sup Forums and /lgbt/ because they weren't around for the struggle.
most normal people are left leaning
Because the world is inherently left-leaning especially considering the mentally ill sociopath version of the right you follow that is the alt-right bandwagon.
There is a reason you're a socially alienated manchild loser who spends all day convincing himself random assortments of anonymous strangers are his group of friends and considers himself a "part" of Sup Forums as if an image board is like your secret best friends club.
There is nothing I hate more than virtue signalling. If I catch somebody doing it my estimation of them drops dramatically.
Same reason celebrities and journalists are left-leaning: attention-seeking faggots tend to be lefties. People who are less concerned with external validation are more conservative.
It caters to the mentally ill
owned by jews
the bots that pretend to be people are jews
the most followed people are jews with botnet followers
Because social media is mostly a millennial thing, ran by millennials. It's popular to hate republicans and be an edgy revolutionist with anyone under the age of 40 so the answer is pretty obvious.
Social media companies are mostly west coast based, and that are tends to lean strongly to the left.
Honest answer? Well, let's consider your own perspective on the subject. Do you make more than $10 million per year in income? If so, that's your answer... *Most* social media participants make $100K or less. I.e., more than two orders of magnitude less than what the (rational) GOP voter makes.
Does that answer your question?