Thaddeus Russell is fucking retarded and Joe is not able to argue with him.
Anyone else listening to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Listening now....this guy is fucking insane.
Joe can't believe what he's hearing
He's contradicted himself several times.
Why would I listen to this?
Joe Rogan is a pseudointellectual retard and nothing he has ever said in his life is of any value. Despite his rather large cultural impact, he's completely disposable as a human being. If he were aborted, it would change nothing. Joe has no butterfly effect. Joe is less significant than insects.
Joe or the other guy?
He seems like the type that's never had anyone question him before.
other guy and yeah, exactly.
Oh shit, two CIA agents are complaining about teenagers on their phone again.
Stop watching this garbage.
Go be famous and productive and happy instead then and do better
I'm not saying I'm better. I just wish the stoner clique from high school would stop posting his shit here. He's turbo-normie tier.
oh this guy is a professor no wonder he's insufferable.
now I feel like a retard and they've changed topics.
mods please delet my thread
Remind me never to hire someone with a degree from Willamette University.
I have never listened to an episode to listen to Joe, but sometimes has interesting guests and I do think he is a good sounding board, so sometimes I'll check it out.
I check these shows to see if they are interesting, tuned into this for about 5 seconds before turning off.
Even when there is an interesting guest, if they start talking about trump or politics the quality drops to shit.
Joe should keep his guests on the topic of their expertise. I can just watch msnbc myself if I want to hear shit tier political opinions.
I've seen Joe shoot his mouth off for 15 minutes advocating for universal basic income which was all the evidence that I needed that he's one of two groups.
1) False-libertarian using his popularity among the group to destroy the party.
2) Absolute useless idiot just parroting whatever is popular on Reddit.
I lean towards the latter.
Don't see why so many people shit on Rogan.
Sure, it's expected since his views probably are pretty different on many on here. But he has many different kinds of guests on and there's often interesting things being said.
Sure, he's a bit left leaning and it also reflects on many of his guests, but still. It's not as if he agrees with everything some of his crazy guests say.
He has had many interesting guests on, like based DIlbert guy.
I wish he would have Nassim Nicholas Taleb on. That would be something to see. I think Rogan probably wouldn't want that though, because NNT is too smart for him, so Rogan wouldn't really be able to argue the points he might not agree with.
I generally like Rogan but he is often too sure of certain positions, even though he claims not to be at all. This is typical for many people that dabble in psychedelics. They claim their ego is dissolved, but in reality their ego is building an identity of not having an ego, but that in turn is only an illusion and causes these people to feel superior to others. A pretty ironic phenomenon I have observed throughout the years of having been around the psychedelic community myself.
KEK jammie stop and reuploaded it because of the like dislike ratio
Joe and his guest just said
"Boarders are so fucking stupid and mexicans should hate us".
Fucking what
>this guy claiming Trump is a moron and don't know about the drug war problem
>this moron guy not aware that Trump wrote in the 80a alreaddy (or early 90s don't remember) that drugs should be legalized to take money our of cartels hands
I exited out in ~2min when he brought up sam's talk with charles murray and began explaining how race is a social construct
and earlier he called professors who don't challenge SJW stuff cowards
the irony was palpable
pretty sure a otaku pedophile nigger has that same name as well.
Mad thad is a fucking legend.
But like all nigs he belonged in jail
>Joe has no butterfly effect
Can someone link it can't find it
here's the 2nd part I guess it got cut off
Sweet thanks