Bell curve debunked
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inna trash it goes
The article didn't even try to debunk anything. KYS OP. sage
i made a website when i was 12 about butterflies that has only half as many lies and bullshit
How about a short summary of the points refuted by Krugman?
Does he point out disproportionate Jewish control of everything and say "This result is consistent with their high average I.Q. A result which would be called racist if anyone but Jews had achieved it."
The author made some compelling arguments
Who cares about a book from the 90s? the details may be wrong but the premise is true.
Salon AND Krugman? L O L
No, he made zero arguments. Quote them if you think he did.
>Paul Krugman
I don't even
Quote "Charles Murray is a racist" end of quote.
>African American intellectuals have often been attracted to leftist intellectual movements and environmentalist explanations of racial group differences in IQ at least partly as a reaction to their perceptions of white animosity and the consequent implications of genetic inferiority.
Murray was on Sam Harris's podcast recently. It was an excellent podcast with over 2 hours of enjoyable fluent conversation where he addresses a lot of related points. Recommend it a lot.
Nicely done
That's what confused me the most. It's like they expected you to only read the title and share it on facebook or something. Don't they know that there actually has to be arguments below the title in order to debunk or prove anything?
>Airquoting "Girls"
Jeff «Laff» DeGraff must be /ourguy/
Paul Krugman lol I smell shekels just from the name
Wow, a Jew tries to debunk one of the most accurate books on society? HMMMMM
I just read it and the argument is literally "facts and empirical data are racist"
>When you’ve spent an entire book arguing that blacks and Latinos have lower IQs, more out-of-wedlock babies and higher reliance on welfare, it’s clear who “the wrong women” are. Oh, and the book also argued for limiting immigration, because unlike earlier waves of immigrants, today’s are coming from countries with a lower national IQ. In what world are those arguments not racist?
>It's like they expected you to only read the title and share it on facebook or something.
Ding ding ding
I ain't clicking that shit nigga.
>"stunning racist dishonesty"
Murray says that no one has debunked any part of the data nor its interpretations used in the Bell Curve
Salon is literally a propaganda machine, Sam Harris used to talk shit about them a lot because they constantly called him racist, islamophobic etc after he BTFO'd Ben Affleck.
But yeah, that's exactly what they expected. Reading it was just bizarre. A strong convincing (for normies) title, and then an article of literally nothing.
Memes aside, The Bell Curve does have some issues with its methodology.
Nah. You're a liar. Prove yourself right.
double helping of a shit sandwich i'm not interested in eating
The bell curve doesn't even make conclusions about race and iq and quite rightly so.
also MFW realizing 90% of molymeme's pre trump content is straight out of the bell curve
Those pesky hate-facts are always getting in the way of Salon's propaganda.
Besides the fact that IQ can't be reduced to a single number?
Or the fact that using a test like AFQT for a huge chunk of it to measure it stupid considering that it tests things you learn in school like trigonometry or algebra? Not exactly the best test to predict IQ.
Yeah this is obvious hackery
>a business
>publishing a celebration of the end of capitalism
man normies really are dumb.
I was going to greentext "Salon" but so many have already beat me to it.
Murray's findings on the correlation between IQ and race is not controversial among actual scientists. Krugman is an economist. I mention that so we don't confuse him with "doing" science. Even Sam Harris conceded that Murray's work has been attacked by the left due to their collective "moral panic." Have a listen. It's very level headed.
Surely you don't really believe that it been debunked, do you? And why didn't it even bother to debunk anything? Don't take anyone word for it either way and go live in a nigger neighborhood and trust YOUR OWN experiences not what the internet and TV tell you to think to be cool and trendy.
You do know that Murray isn't a real scientist either right?
Make an attempt to obfuscate the source (((Salon))) if you want anyone to take that shit seriously.
>Salon AND paul krugman
>>It's like they expected you to only read the title and share it on facebook or something.
Bingo! I was one of the few of us, who sounds like you. I actually would read stories from fake news and the fake anti-fake news, both and form MY OWN opinions as best as I could. Too much bias ruins the idea of accurate reporting. Not only that but, the fact that womens are writing stories is telling all on it's own.
Based masr
Pew Research found that 60% of people don't read past the headline before sharing an article on Facebook and that roughly 70% use social media as their main/only source of news.
All you need is a misleading headline to start shifting the narrative
>Memes aside, The Bell Curve does have some issues with its methodology.
I agree. It needs updated. The author very clearly was way too generous with african IQ's. But then he's got "the passover syndrome" too where he's probably never been around niggers short of testing the smartest ones (which still score extremely low)
Lel that article provides no arguments against anything in the book. He even makes the claim of Irish Catholics as anecdotal proof against Murray. Maybe Krugman should take a class on statistics before writing such horseshit.
The thing with the Bell Curve is not that it can be debunked, in the sense that a well carried out statistic can't be debunked, but the notion that people of african descent are less intelligent solely due to genetic predisposal is completely arbitrary and the findings can't in any way exclude the social factors that might be causing this.
Holy shit, an immortal nigger!
>the findings can't in any way exclude the social factors that might be causing this.
>what are twin IQ studies
>what are adoption IQ studies
not enough
Except that the societies were built by people with superior intelligence. The fact that niggers had no technology at all in Africa, and have trouble adapting to it here proves that they are less intelligent. Where are the thriving, technologically advanced societies created by niggers? Take your time, we'll wait....
Aren't you confusing the terms "society" and "advanced civilization"?
your posts suck
Overall niggers dindu nuffin in terms of science or technology.
Not a single nigger has won a nobel prize in the hard sciences
This. Niggers basically make any argument against IQ moot. Personally, I find that hilarious.
It's no use even trying to make a point honestly.
I mean, it's not that hard to grasp that environmental factors always play a big role in the characteristics that an organism exhibits. You just don't want to admit it.
And yet somehow a negro was a POTUS for 8 fucking years
God damn you're a dense motherfucker. The current estimate is that IQ is 50-70% hereditary
Yeah, that's some pretty basic shit.
But then again, niggers always find some fucking excuse.
There is no 50% hereditary you idiot. A trait is either hereditary or it is not.
>paul krugman
How BTFO can one man possibly be?
"By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."
-Paul Krugman 1998
These people have no academic or moral leg to fucking stand on.
Who the fuck read the jew york times?
If you were any other flag I'd be 100% sure you were trolling. Height is not 100% hereditary. You could have the genes to become 195cm but if you're malnourished your body won't be able to
He just meant a child will get a large majority of their intelligence from their genes, the rest being dependent on how they are raised/schooled etc. It's okay you're a dumb smelly malaka
Don't be so rude. He's just an apologist for the stupidity of niggers.
"You're a faggot"
That argument is on par with any one in that article.
Can we make a collection of these with Krugman just constantly being wrong? Can we meme him into utter oblivion?
IQ is more genetic than enviromental, so you can't exclude genetics either, this is well established in biology and genetics.
A person born with low IQ will remain in that category no matter where he lives, which is why blacks having only risen 10 IQ points or so in US compared to Africa, but are still far behind the average in US, and the IQ has stopped rising amongst african americans, which supports the established theory that enviroment can only affect it a small part, and genetics play the biggest role.
No studies shows IQ is soley based on enviroment, so why come to the conclusion that IQs amongst black is lacking soley because of enviroment? Thats' neither logical nor rational.
There's not a single high functioning black society on earth, this includes smaller communities,
• Intelligence and race, or IQ, inevitably leads you to the Jews - which group is the most intelligent? This is the question you will ask yourself if you’re a normie. If you learn about the truth, that the Jews are indeed the most intelligent group, then "antisemitism" becomes a rational response to this reality. Claims about Jewish dominance, where it counts, suddenly become anything but conspiratorial lunacy.
What are the Jews to do? As usual, under the pretense of being progressive, they try to cover up anything that could potentially lead to this anti-Semitic realization. They pretend bullshit is real, that IQ is nonsense. They know very well that they’re being dishonest, but hey, the only thing the Jews think about is “what is good for the Jews?”. Honesty is never good for the Jews!
Less intelligent people among our own will look at people like Krugman and say: “See! He’s a stupid Jew. They can be stupid too! You’re just being anti-Semitic!” – not knowing that the Jew is fully aware of how wrong he is. And he's having a hell of a good time knowing that you have no idea, whatsoever, of what's really going on.
South Africa also has their own Space Agency
Paul krugman must be the most annoying man in America
>When you’ve spent an entire book arguing that blacks and Latinos have lower IQs, more out-of-wedlock babies and higher reliance on welfare, it’s clear who “the wrong women” are. Oh, and the book also argued for limiting immigration, because unlike earlier waves of immigrants, today’s are coming from countries with a lower national IQ.
>In what world are those arguments not racist?
I don't have the necessary knowledge to tell if the "blacks have lower IQs" meme is true, so I'm undecided on the issue, but it's this "racism" boogeyman thing is fucking sad. It's obviously bad when some retard hates blacks for no reason, but when someone provides a good argument against immigration from supposedly lower-IQ countries, you can't just reject them on the grounds that they are "racist".
t. correlation is causation
africans are way poorer, less educated, live in more poisoned environs (ie the continued use of leaded aviation fuel near ghettos), face systemic discrimination, etc.
Before I click on that link, does it really specifically address anything, or is just broad abstract virtue signaling ultimealty stating that "racisss is incorrect".
Speaking of the bell curve. If America's racism translates to its wealth gap, then how would you explain pic related?
Debunked where and by whom? because the article you linked doesn't refute any of the assertions in the book, all it does is make appeals to emtion.
>africans are
You've never been to Africa and you have absolutely no knowledge of what you're talking about.
Kill your entire family and then yourself, retard.
I'd totally fuck the curry cunt to be perfectly honest family.
To any normies not completely brainwashed it's facts and data are racist, the article.
Why? Because filthy shitskins aren't as smart as whites or asians. (>Asians are smarter than whites btw le ecksdeeee)
There's obviously differences between races but they are smaller than the differences within races so making laws or policy discriminatory is kind of a stupid way to go about making decisions.
tfw you contradict yourself in 1 post
You have source of your pic?
>Murray ends his self-defense with this last remarkable piece of dishonesty:
?"I’ll leave you with this thought: In all the critiques of The Bell Curve in particular and my work more generally, no one ever accompanies their charges with direct quotes of what I’ve actually said. There’s a reason for that."
>That’s absolute bullshit...he’s a liar when he says “no one ever accompanies their charges with direct quotes of what I’ve actually said.” You can trust the rest of his self-defense as much as you can trust that last self-serving statement – which means not at all."
>unironically mentions his charge that no one quotes his work, then says it's bullshit by quoting him saying "no quotes my work"
I literally can't even
It's from the bell curve. Wasn't the implication obvious enough :) ?
Link to book written by the author of this article is right at the bottom
Oh I didn't know, haven't read it (yet). Cheers though :)
>that pic
i can't contain my feels anymore
Fuck >Salon
i'd afford her more respect than to call her a curry cunt - not white knighting, but she does appear to be a rocket scientist at the very least.
>South Africa also has their own Space Agency
My dad saw a real life Afronaut once. He put gasoline in a kerosene heater to "make it warmer", and was lifted in to the sky for a short time.
Ana Kasparian is having some sort of meltdown on twitter right now
Quote the arguments, I'm not giving salon revenue.
A less than half nigger. You forget that.
Why did that Armenian cunt team up with that genocide denier?