For this Crusade, it'd be a good idea for the Christians to take Mecca. How would any of you people on Sup Forums react if this happened?
A. Happy
B. Depressed
For this Crusade, it'd be a good idea for the Christians to take Mecca. How would any of you people on Sup Forums react if this happened?
A. Happy
B. Depressed
silly leaf, Crusades were about protecting Holy sites and Christian pilgrims en route to said Holy sites.
Mecca isn't a Christian Holy site and it would be utterly unchristian to attack someone when Jesus teaches his disciples to love thy enemy.
There already was a second crusade, you uneducated imbecile
>Take Mecca
Just nuke it.
Don't you mean 10th Crusade, or whatever we're up to now?
Nope. Ideally we'd take back Constantinople and give it to Greece.
first we take constantinopul and jerusalem
good try jew
A. Happy (but only if we burn it to the ground)
>Second crusade
More like 10th
Did none of you fags read Luke? I didnt return for peace.
>implying that wans't tried b4
>implying that the arabs will not rebuild it and return no matter the radiation or mines
Matthew 5:39 But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. 40 And if someone takes you to court to sue you for your shirt, let him have your coat as well. 41 And if one of the occupation troops forces you to carry his pack one mile, carry it two miles. 42 When someone asks you for something, give it to him; when someone wants to borrow something, lend it to him. 43 "You have heard that it was said, "Love your friends, hate your enemies.' 44 But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may become the children of your Father in heaven. For he makes his sun to shine on bad and good people alike, and gives rain to those who do good and to those who do evil. 46 Why should God reward you if you love only the people who love you? Even the tax collectors do that!
It might just be time for a... Second World War.
>second crusade
>Leaf education
>Second crusade
>second crusade
Why would we take Mecca ? We must take Jerusalem.
>Second Crusade
There's already been a second crusade
>For this Crusade, it'd be a good idea for the Christians to take Mecca
Why would Christians want a holy site that has no relevance to their faith?
Forget Mecca! Take Riyadh, Babylon, Carthage, Tigranocerta and Tarsus. And secure Damascus.
Why on Earth would Sup Forums be opposed to REMOVING KEBAB in the name of God?
Mecca will never fall or be ruled by infidels who want to destroy it.
Take back Constantinople and Jerusalem
It's rather a time for another battle of Vienna because Muslims have the commanding lead right now
Last times your pope throw crusaders on us.We killed thousands of them near the Prague and you lost so many battles.Silly crusaders you failed now we are most atheist country on this planet.
Why would we want to rule your cube? the point would be to demolish it.
And that is why you will never succeed.
Assuming that 'christians' today are willing to go on a 'crusade'.
I once got banned from for putting my political view as White Nationalist. They just don't want whites reproducing.
> Second crusade
wew lad
>second crusade
>LEAF education
>canadian flag
>time for a "2nd" crusade looool
>Crowd source when?
>100 billion
>buy tanks and helicopters guns ammo from russia or colorado/texas
>march on constaintopole
>fuck up turkey
>move onto syria // iraq // tell iran they fuck wiht us they next
and yes OP there should be a first, second, or even a third crusade. Lots of atheists will be joining this time around though.
Why should we join.Hell this fucking crusaders were attacking my country many times and they lost.Crusaders were always trash even our bohemian peasants could kill their knights.
Men you shouldnt talk with these poor crusaders.Remember how they attacked you.Our Kingdom send troops to help kill their trash knights.
Mecca is not a Christian holy site.
Whatever helps you sleep at night degenerate, the next crusade will happen in your lifetime and it will be fought with ethnic bioweapons, mudshits as a people will cease to exist
There is already a crusade going down now.
We will take back EU and the US.
>we will take back the EU and the US
In your fucking dreams mate, the lot of you will genuinely be dead within the century. We'll turn the Middle East green with your corpses as fertilizer.
Those are Teutonic Knights, you stupid leaf.
These backstabbing cunts spent way more time pillaging villages of fellow Christians than removing kebab.
He is from Canada also he is too stupid.He dont know where is Europe.
I would be a sad panda. The Muslims are the last line of defense against the faggotry machine.
You're not smart enough, jew yourself.
>you're not smart enough
>said the shitskin whose entire people hasn't done anything of note since following the instructions of a paedophilic bestiality enthusiast, all the while leaching off of the success of white Christian nations.
>He is from Canada also he is too stupid
That "also" is pretty redundant.
Do you need a history lesson?
Oh, I am sorry, I forgot you don't have one.
>radioactivity makes you glow in the dark
>looks like a nuke on mecca finally enlightens the muslim world
I wish I was good at puns.
Im sorry i was learning czech, polish,russian and latin languages.Im learning english right now.
do they even teach history in iraq?
thought they only taught how to use rifles and bombs