Trump lies constantly and conservatives give zero shits. Here's a list.
Trump lies constantly and conservatives give zero shits. Here's a list
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I would literally take you more seriously if you linked to the Onion. Saged. I hope you die of bloodloss from a severed cock OP.
>Trump is a blowhard
Everybody knows that that's the whole reason Sup Forums supported him.
They link sources to everything.
But I get it, you can't handle facts, so kys and get out of my thread crybaby.
only rural and suburban retards voted for skumpf
Pick one and only one.
So Koreans don't understand sources?
No wonder that area is such a shithole.
>instead of posting the actual sources, Im just going to whine about you not fällig for clickbait!
You first fag.
Apparently neither do you
Get the fuck off Sup Forums nigger jew
Still nothing? Can't even copy and paste? Well atleast we know you're not working for Buzzfeed.
So I'm going to link literally a hundred sources because you're too lazy and entitled to click a link?
KYS. Seriously.
Buzzfeed adshekel hoarder pls go
>previous president was black and way more respected than Trump
>current president has married all his kids to jews and swallowed israel's dick and Sup Forums still hasn't grasped that yet
wew lad.
How much are you willing to bet that buzzfeed only hired that journalist because of how exotically brown their name sounds
>link to a concise collated group of times Trump has said something untrue, and then a source to back that claim up
>le clickbait b/c buzzfeed xD trump da bes!
rtd leave
Its not that he lies, its that he has no concept of the truth. Theres a difference.
I cant support him anymore because I have no idea what the man believes and Im not sure he does either.
I have pundits and Trump defenders telling me that I should pay attention to what he does, not what he says which is proof that he doesnt do what he says.
How can I then support what he does if its constantly the opposite of what he said.
I only feel a little better now because I bailed a month ago and tried to warn people that the Wall was the next thing he was gonna reverse on because there wasnt any fucking thing left to reverse on.
Watch his 2016 rallies NOW and you can see the lies pour from his mouth one after the other.
Im still not convinced he wants a second term. If you remove the assumption he is running again, the rest of this and how he shit all over his base makes sense.
I might start taking a pool on it now- that we will hear some reason by early 2019 that he isnt going to run again. Its already back to neocuk shit as usual.
Christ, you could be a liberal and support Trump at this point. At least you would be getting everything you wanted, more refugees, no wall, no repeal, no muslim ban. Trump is a gift to fucking liberals.
His book literally says he will lie to everyone to get what he wants.
Lmao get fucked with your shit circlejerk tabloid "news".
Hey goy, don't you have social studies homework to finish before spongebob comes on at 9?
>being this butthurt because you read buzzfeed
holy shit nigga you're desperate. go suck some more monkey dick to pay for your bananas haha
I'd vote for Shkreli tbqh.
Into the trash it goes.
What an original post!
Are you unironically posting jew memes in support of Trump?
how brainwashed are you?
Low education voters are too stupid to critically analyze much of anything. They are the same types who think chemicals in the water turn frogs gay, and have no understanding of economic, politics, environmental science, or the world in general. The work menial labor jobs and are threatened by anything that might take their button pushing job away.
Art of the Deal was literally a how-to guide on taking advantage of stupid people.
And since Trump voters are stupid, they never read it, or realized it was about them.