Just saw someone asking how much Shareblue is paying these days.
Let's say that I just bought a second car thanks to you guys. Between Sup Forums and The_Donald I'll be getting a house next year.
Just saw someone asking how much Shareblue is paying these days.
Let's say that I just bought a second car thanks to you guys. Between Sup Forums and The_Donald I'll be getting a house next year.
Other urls found in this thread:
Not bad money for sitting on the computer.
I could do that. I can argue any side to any subject to any person.
How do I get in on this? I'm willing to sell my soul to ((them)) for precious shekels.
I make more money than you in neet bucks.
Thank god there's a paper trail on the payouts like this. You will all be hanged.
how do you survive off 3k a month?
kek has spoken
I get the same from my trust fund.
My family donated to Obama and had white house dinners and hand-signed holiday cards from him.
Pls give me job shareblu.
I survive on 1k a month.
Where does all your money go?
Digits have determined this to be true. Enjoy your money while you have it OP. You won't be able to take it with you on the day of the rope.
How do I get in on this?
Not on NEET bux any more but I'm about to be again. Don't even have to sell my soul.
>work your ass off to get a college degree
>end up working at mcdonalds with minimum wage because got a degree in uzbekistani cavepaintings
>50k student debt
>all the while someone is earning 3k a month making a few low effort "DRUMPF BTFO" posts a day on Sup Forums
36,000 a year.
Not luxurious for one person he's probably doing fine
Hi, this is my job application
36,000 a year.
Not luxurious for one person he's probably doing fine.
>mfw day of the rope isn't just for niggers
you can find all my work with the fagcode
holy shit pedes, we need to screenshot all of this. i fucking told you anti-trump faggots we were being raided since the election
this is trolling, i wouldnt betray Sup Forums, not for less than 5K monthly, do you use Western Union?
Shit , pretty depressing desu
I'd drop pol and swim to the other side in a heartbeat, for Dem sweet shekels
I'd make the best libtard shareblua faggot shill ever
The key to getting by is to be debt free.
lol trust fund fag
if they used free speech boards to communicate, i would pay people to shitpost, infiltrate, and disrupt them. and there are plenty of us who would contribute money.
You retard, Trump is the real (((them))).
Unironically thinking that he dindu nuffin and is gonna le drain le swumpz makes you as stupid as they want you to be.
Fuck you.
i give props to you homie, my guess is you don't believe 90% of the shit you are schilling
they are too proud of themselves to hire the real professionals, they are afraid to lose control, they need controllable faggots
lmao moron just gave us the business name for share blue
My nigga I survive with 750€ a month, y'all niggas have it easy up in America.
how do I get in on this, I'll shill for any side you want anywhere you want all day long
True Blue Media, LLC
I would look it up, but I dont know burger public databases, just my local ones I use to track down the licenses plates of people that piss me off on the road and keep a list with their info
when shtf, i m coming for those mofos
>extracting $3,000/month from the Democratic Party apparatus
>while achieving only negative value
OP is truly /ourguy/.
Indeed. Treason is to be punished by death.
Trump is a neocon puppet. I only supported him for the lulz. I voted for Bernie in the primaries. Give me shekels to shill. They're all (((them))).
But everyone knows about it and thinks you're a wanker, and thanks to tricks like this the Left is failing beautifully. Do they really think wasting money is working out for them?
this is true, I think the shills help "the cause", the more they shill the more people sees that shit and gets redpilled
fake screenshot you received 2 payments but you have 0 balance? also "repeat transaction" only shows up below sent payments and not received ones
T. PayPal merchant
where does it say 0 balance?, its just blank, maybe OP blank it out so we dont see his balance.
oy vey!
I spend a lot of time arguing on the internet. How do I get involved? I don't mind shilling for whatever the fuck shareblue stands for. How many hours did you have to work to get this amount?
>money received
>repeat this transaction
>1 post by this ID
"No balance needed to pay with PayPal" means he has 0 balance
and repeat this transaction only shows up with sent payments not received thus OP photoshopped sent payments into received ones
I've considered seeking out this kind of work, professional trollbaiting. Of course I'm a Red-Blooded American with a strong heart that beats fast, not some pinko commie faggot. Sabotage would be the name of the game, I doubt these guys properly vet their hands and bet their virgin vault is a thing of the past.. Hell, maybe I can work from home.
>selling your soul for shekels
I literally wouldn't shill anti white pro Jew propaganda for a billion dollars and I'm not even kidding
In all seriousness, how the fuck can you apply for being a paid Shareblue shill on Sup Forums?
Ayy I'll be dropping by with a resume
so OP paid sharia blue?
Time stamp with shoe on head or gtfo.
The Day of the Rope was for traitors, if you actually read the book.
Why do uneducated plebeians always say shit like this?
I'm still more intelligent and capable than just about all blue collar workers. But I don't have to do anything but what I want to do.
Suck it, wagecuck.
3k a month on top of my 4k paycheck. I can buy as much anime and dakis as I want and still make it out with enough money to hire any underage prostitute in my city every weekend (there are hundreds)
roflmao, that's 50% of neetbux in norway. portugal is probably dirt cheap in expenses in comparison tho
Imagine what George Soros could do with all that money if he put it to something constructive.
Traitors will be the first to be gassed deus vult
also I could easily survive off 2k a month, the rest is gravy on top (just bought a realdoll)
So you DO understand capitalism. That's a start.
the way the system works, when you have the much money, its only going to lose if you invested in a traditional way, that why they need to scam whole countries and fuck up currencies, is the only way their wealth can increase
Exactly, inflated numbers don't mean shit, what's the purchasing powah is what mattah
Seeing as how shills last all of about thee minutes on T_D, I don't think you're making shit over there.
Now Sup Forums is might be a different story. Someone is paying the anti jew types to flood the board with shit that has nothing to do with the thread. God I hate those fuckers.
settle down autists, screenshot is obviously faked
shareblue doesn't pay anywhere near that amount, trust me, they can get pajeets to spam cut and pastes for a third of that
They have randomized the image upload name rather than calling it: