>black people are stupi-
Black people are stupi-
Behind every great white man is a poor oppressed black woman who secretly did all of that man's work
Agreed. Just look at all these black inventors. Where would we be today without the curtain rod support?
Yeah sorry kangz women. Until evidence is provided i'm going to use Occam's Razor on this one
She didn't write them. Neither did he.
yeah for believing this sort of bullshit
half of these are lies, the other half are exagerations
wasn't this just a 'Sup Forums trolls the general public' episode ?
Dumb charcoal briquettes chanting about the KKK and Jim Crow in Berkeley...can they just leave if they don't like it here.
Amelia Bassano, a Venetian Jew. Nothing black about her. And the Shakespeare thing is just an embarrassment for you, the world laughs at shit like this. About Bassano though, it came about like all these things, because a low IQ black person saw the word "black" relating to the person, what you always, spectacularly, fail to understand is that in historical white culture they used the word 'black' in a poetic way, they called the Danish vikings black for instance, even though they were lily white. A person with dark hair and brows was black, even some of our names mean black, or dark one.
So please, grow up Jamal, you're not European and did not contribute to our culture, go celebrate your own for once.
He did write them, and it's down to typical middle class snobbery that the rumours he didn't came about. Shakespeare was working class and it was considered shocking to some people, centuries later, that a working class man could have such a poetic talent he shaped our culture.
black people will literally steal anything lmao even culture
they have nothing to celebrate
lost me when you said they judged her for being black and not a woman. Nice attempt
highly doubtful nigger. You jigs only appropriate works and inventions of others to make your lack of anything for 6000 years of recorded history to seem important.....when in reality, you're nothing more than apes
that shit wasn't worth reading anyways, your point means nothing
To be, or not to be: Dats wut it iz;
I wake up in in da mornin' an I axe myself;
iz life worf livin should I blast myself;
Mo nigga mo nigga mo nigga;
Rather be a dead than a po nigga
Friendly reminder that the ONLY American authors worth reading are Wallace Stevens and T.S. Eliot, your country has almost no good authors.
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