How the fuck do atheists think life started?
>big bang creates entire universe spontanesously out of nothing for no reason
>somehow in a universe full of inanimate objects life just starts
How the fuck do atheists think life started?
they are brainlets incapable of understanding the basic concepts of consciousness. they float through life playing video games, watching anime, and jerking off to degenerate pornography because their lives are empty and meaningless.
some old fucker up in the skies waved his hand and a entire planet was born... makes sense
well also
>god creates earth/man/etc spontaneously out of nothing for no reason
This folks, is how you recognize people without a science education. There is a reason they are employed to fix your toilets and your garage lighting.
Because even basic scientific truths are beyond them.
In addition, they are do nothing retards who have no skills and no experience. Their understanding of science comes from pop-scientists and their understanding of religion comes from other edgelords of similar circumstance.
No, they believe whatever caused the universe to come into existence expands well beyond our notions of time, dimensions or even what "reality" is.
And that the fact that religious people take their daddy issues and perceptions or moral superiority and try to paste that onto some kind of ill-thought out solution (i.e. God) is nothing short of a nigger-tier level of retarded
>haha athiest think the universe just happened out of nothing
if god created the universe then where did god come from? did he just exist spontanesously out of nothing for no reason?
Don't know - yet. Doesn't mean I have to make up bullshit to explain shit I don't know.
actually his reason was that the earth was dark and desolate so he created us in his own image (according to genesis)
>cant give an answer
Interaction of various chemicals in earths early stages, proteins eventually form, RNA and DNA, starts to form simple cells ect, not that hard to understand.
t. Christian.
Inanimate object suddenly comes to life from a bolt of lightning? This isnt frankenstein you retards
Fill the gap with nothing until science fills the void. God just brings in more questions
It didn't start with a skywizard that fucked with us for a while then just ignores us for the rest of time.
don't know OR care. It doesn't effect anything right now, but If some people want to look into it they can go ahead.
only retards say they know any answer for sure and even dumber retards say it's because of a sky wizard.
hahaha atheists are so stupid they dont even know how the world started. It was God you morons.
inanimate objects randomy interact with each other until they form a primitve life form
Primitive life forms interact with inanimate objects and others primitive lifeforms until they randomly ascend to a superior life form.
Rinse and repeat
Shouldn't need to, its covered in 1st year university courses and expanded upon in graduate school.
Thanks for outing yourself as some fuckwad uneducated tradie. Go unplug a toilet.
>doesnt have a basic understanding of science
>calls others retards
back to highschool, see my comment above. you are obviously too uneducated/young to be on this board.
I wont be responding to either of you anymore. Waste of time.
>scientific truths
Science is based on evidence. The question on whether or not there is a creator can neither be proven or disproven beyond a shadow of a doubt. To adopt the position that there is not a God and accept that position as fact is absurd. The biggest issue with atheists is their hubris on the matter and their sneering undeserved sense of self satisfaction.
>inanimate objects somehow interact with eachother despite being inanimate
>somehow a living organism comes from this
Why do atheists keep pushing their bullshit?
Prove it.
>Atoms and molecules are made of subatomic particles that give them a property called charge that attracts opposite charges and repels same charges.
>Particles in a fluid diffuse around the medium and collide.
>Some particles bind and/or aggregate, forming more stable and less energetic particles.
>Molecules will continue to coalesce into increasingly more dense and complex forms as time goes on, reducing entropy locally at the expense of increasing it in the surroundings, and attaining the configuration with the lowest possible Gibbs free energy.
>Amphipathic molecules - with hydrophobic and hydrophillic side chains - will orient themselves such that hydrophobic areas face away from the water.
>Hydrophobic chains will adhere to solid surfaces, as the solution is most stable when the hydrophobicity of the solutes is lowest.
>They will also adhere in globular and spherical aggregates called mycelles - where the hydrophobic tails are all turned inward and the hydrophilic heads are facing the water.
>It is possible for a "sheet" of amphipathic molecules to curl in on itself and make a spherical structure with water on the outside and water on the inside, divided by a double layer of these molecules.
>One such example of a molecule is a phospholipid, and they spontaneously form in solution a structure called a phospholipidic bilayer - the basis of a cell membrane.
>The phospholipidic bilayer is permeable to some polar molecules, and blocks others.
>The water inside will still react in such a way o decrease its Gibbs free energy.
>Molecules will cross the membrane and eventually form compounds capable of catalyzing similar molecules to attain their shape by lowering the energy barrier for this chemical transition through dimerization.
>The molecules can also absorb heat from the surrounding environment to aid in chemical reactions.
>As time goes on, these proto-cells become increasingly more complex, but are still inanimate matter.
Who created god
we don't know how life started, nor do we profess to
and neither do you, but you are naive enough to think you have it all figured out
They don't think, their thoughts and actions are purely powered by demons. The truth is, God is only inside man but the demons are everywhere. So to acknowledge God requires acknowledging that you have to express God and fight the demons yourself with no help. It takes inner strength to accept that God is real yet God is not there unless you draw God out of yourself and your community. Many people are compelled by demons to feel offended by this responsibility, so they choose atheism and/or satanism to 'lash out' at God for not being there to protect them from the demons.
burden of proof is on you to prove he doesnt exist.
>What are atoms
Lifeforms are made of inanimate objects.
>Says god made the universe
>The proof is on you to prove he didnt!~!~!
Your one of those retards.
Is this threat real ?
What's next, the earth is flat ?
An invisible, unobservable, unmeasurable purple dragon that floats in the sky created the universe. Prove I'm wrong.
Then how'd the earth get there to begin with genius
>God exists
>Hmmm I dunno user do you have any evidence or proof?
Sorry but you made the claim god exists, now back it up.
I talked to God last summer, he told me he created life and the universe.
He also told me the earth isn't flat and the that only true religion is Judaism.
Christians cannot disprove this claim because they're the spawns of Satan and God will NEVER EVER reveal himself to them.
>crazy german guy finishes compiling Hellish Earth 3.1
>deploys to some free server
>the graphics look cool (he has reused the gx engine)
>spawns primeval lifeform
>fast forward to see weird creatures fighting to death
>get bored and leave
>some bored 12yo kids find about the abandoned server after being kicked of some other game
>there are apes and other animals
>log in to troll the server
>they end up creating hybrids. They also hack an ape species to make them chat and do funny things.
>they get out after having crapped the server
>tfw nobody is playing
>apes still wondering
And wheres the proof of evolution without a shadow of a doubt?
Good luck.
???? ANY modern antibiotics?
People were touting the god horn long before evolution and theres no proof of god.
Beautiful goalpost move, even though you aren't the person I was responding to. He was incorrectly stating get the burden of proof and I showed how he was wrong.
Of course evolution hasn't been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, but there is exponentially more evidence for evolution's existence than god's
So you dont think an animal that is better suited to survive the environment wont?
I think God might be bugged
>Through trial and error, through the creation and destruction of billions of such self-assembled chemical compounds, eventually a few of the more complex structures are stable enough not to be ripped apart by random external forces, often at the expense of incorporating new molecules from the outside and using their energy to fight back external forces such as pressure, temperature and acidity.
>Many molecules can polymerize themselves when in solution.
>Most "living cell machinery" didn't start out as being part of a cell at all, they were just simple, detached pairs of molecules with limited function that contributed to keeping the inside of the phospholipidic bilayer more stable and less entropic than the outside.
>Some structures split in such a way that both parts contain enough of these biomolecules to keep their membrane potentials adequate.
>Of many millions of these structures, only the most complex, efficient, and robust endured.
>They were protobacteria. They had a membrane, a semblance of a cell wall, a few hair-like structures called cilia that work like tiny tentacles to help them diffuse through a liquid media in the hopes of colliding with something they could incorporate into their system in order to keep the reaction going.
>As they were affected by slightly different environmental factors, the early bacteria began developing slight divergences.
>Some conferred advantages against external forces, others did not.
>Most died, some replicated and passed on their molecular-machinery-logic.
>This process continued until the early eubacteria and archaeobacteria came to be.
>Bacteria with photosynthetic properties like cyanobateria, used this method for acquiring and storing energy in the form of a co-factor called adenosine triphosphate, and this reaction yielded more ATP than the fermentation used by other anaerobic bacteria.
>These bacteria started mass producing molecular oxygen (O2).
Are you dumb?
>Magnetic force does not exist
>Electricity does not exist
>Chemical reactions do not exist
>Gravity does not exist
>Fluidynamics do not exist
Jesus, have you got a mental retardation?
> 2017
> Believing in anything
You don't need to believe in science to become a atheist.
Prove me common ancestry is real. Good luck
>Not knowing what atoms are
>Being this retarded
kek did
> The question on whether or not there is a creator can neither be proven or disproven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
An impossible standard of evidence. By your logic we shouldn't believe in anything
Exactly. See
>The eubacteria and archaeobacteria came to dominate wildly different microscopic habitats, with archaeobacteria having a tendency to be extremophiles.
>More and more complex prokaryotic lifeforms developed until the most complex breed of all started dividing after achieving a certain volume because smaller spheres with the same volume have much higher surface area, and so can exchange solutes with the liquid medium faster, allowing these clumps of cells to trade with one another, further increasing their survivability against the harshness of nature.
>The outer cells, subjected to different forces than the inner cells, started specializing in becoming more protective against the outside.
>The intermediate cells specialized in transporting nutrients collected by the outer cells into the innermost ones.
>The innermost cells, which were least likely to die from random encounters with nature, became the keepers of the internal logic of the clump of cells.
>This process of cooperation between cells - called symbiosis - eventually led some clumps to become so co-dependent that they could only hope to survive if they kept together.
>Thus multicellular organisms were "born".
>Differentiation, natural selection, and speciation continued along millions of years, with far more beings counting themselves among the dead than the living.
>The stratification of different kinds of living beings continued until the present day.
>Along the way, between the root networks of plants, decentralized nervous system of cnidarians, and the brains of small animals, something incredible happened.
>There came to be animals with brains far more complex - enough for them to become self-aware, to perceive themselves as an existing, living structure.
>The most powerful observers and thinkers began to learn to manipulate the world around them instead of relying on brute strength.
Believing in something you can't prove is pretty retarded.
You are trying to apply reason retroactively, thinking in a religious and self important way.
Imagine if a turd became self aware - it might think that the universe was created for it, and that it is the best thing there is.
Proving something through evidence "beyond a shadow of a doubt" is literally impossible. This is basic epistemology
Congratulations, you have freed yourself from the science Jew
>We wuz Cthulhu and shit
An enternal infinite multiverse that can kick the can down the road forever despite the problems with an infinite regress (maybe logic and physics wuz different and shit in the multiverse, you don't know!).
Science is testable and reproducible. The big bang theory is neither. It's an interesting idea, but it's not science.
Additionally, until you can show multiple alternate universes where the fundamental forces didn't coincidentally allow the formation of the complex world of life we see around us, it's retarded to dismiss such a freak alignment of universal constants in our universe as blind luck when the dice were rolled exactly 1 time as far as we know. The anthropic principle is for literal retards.
Chemical evolution
I do all these things and am not an atheist. Checkmate faggot.
The big bang theory is rejected now by many scientists. And there are also many versions of it. We pretty much know, however, how life started. Electrical storms mixed chemicals in the primordial ocean into amino acids which over time formed tiny simple lifeforms, then evolution took place and formed complex ones.
At least scientists don't claim to know things they don't know, unlike rural and suburban religious retards. And you guys wonder why people don't take you seriously...
Yes becuase God made his creatures to survive where he put them. :]
How does this prove evolution in any way?
>The most advanced thinkers developed tools and overthrew whatever predators and harsh conditions they faced.
>This process continued until what we call the modern human brain developed.
>The human brain is the densest and most complex organ among all living beings, and has an insane computing power, most of which is devoted to projecting a three dimensional world inside our heads that represents the quantum weirdness that surrounds us.
>With the self-perception of existing in this "world", came the knowledge that we Are, and that one day we Might Not Be.
>Our brain is so complex that not even other humans can fully comprehend what each one is thinking.
>The human is the most formidable predator on the planet. It does not possess fangs or claws, but it possesses the power to conceive of dreams and manipulate the universe around it to make them true.
>The homo sapiens sapiens is the current "maximum" of evolution - it has the power to move mountains, cross oceans and raze entire landscapes into atomic dust. And yet is cursed with the following conditions:
- You came to be, and you will cease to be. All baby humans automatically understand that they will one day cease to exist and experience extreme anxiety about it, even if they do not understand the implications. This existential dread drives most humans to survive, grow and breed, which is in itself an evolutionary advantage.
- Your brain and its structure is unique and no other being will ever understand its inner machinations. You are always alone.
Only because you except that evidence as the proof you need. Meanwhile most people deny the evidence of the existence of God.
>Implying that everyone gives a fuck how the universe was created or how it has any bearing on how we lead our lives
Technically, time and space started with the big bang, so there was no 'before'
Just saying.
Acid and fire mixed around random chemicals to create simple organic compounds. After some time, these compounds mix to create simple self reproducing RNA based molecules. Fast forward some more time, and the first ribosome is created, and this lets life create their own proteins. Fast forward a few more hundred years, and viruses infect life forms with ribosomes to steal those sweet, sweet ribosomes, and one of those viruses decides to defend their new home by creating reverse transcriptase, which converts RNA into DNA. Fast forward more time, and life starts evolving to be more complex until it learns how to harness the internet and shitpost
That's just a theory. Post evidence.
Same that scientists believe. Not sure.
The universe is made of countless pieces of something that was unified as one entity, and life is the penultimate attempt of that entity to congeal into something that can understand it's own origin and eventually recreate the unity of its intial existence.
Stupid nigger
If the answer for the universe is beyond our notions how can you say that a superior intelligence like god doesn't exists? Using the same logic it doesn't even make sense to cultuate big bang.
I don't accept it as proof, but I do recognize there is strong evidence for evolution.
The evidence of god you will likely point me to is written in a book thousands of years ago and that's has been constantly edited
No Id give you my personal experiences and the experiences of people who Ive known my whole life but I dont think youd believe any of that either. Thats why this never works.
Yeah but God made the storms and the ocean
>they float through life playing video games, watching anime, and jerking off to degenerate pornography because their lives are empty and meaningless.
Atheist here, can confirm. Although I feel like it might have more to do with my nihilism than atheism.
Dead simple. Start with 0. 0/0 = undefined, which provides any set of starting blocks if they add up to 0 (matter counter-balanced by anti-matter). Different laws start different universes. Chaotic feedback loops do the rest.
I dont know, but i dont make shit up because of my ignorance kek
Thing is, I was baiting with the religious retards bit. I myself believe in God. I'm just saying that there is no proof he exists or doesn't, so both sides calling the others stupid are themselves the idiots. It's all pure belief, and that's fine.
However, whilst I believe God initially created the Universe and it's physical laws, I don't think he directly created Earth, or life, but let the Universe play out on it's own, like a simulation. God isn't needed to explain how life started, we know that amino acids and complex carbons can occur naturally. That's why OP is an idiot, not because he believes in God, but because he doesn't understand how life can form and somehow thinks he is in a position to call out anyone else.
Maybe it is, but its not some man-looing thing with a grey beard, and whatever "it" is, why the fuck would it care about your sins or whether you masturbate. The notion that "it" even "cares" or acknowledges human existence is wishful thinking. If it exists at all. Basically religion is retarded
Choose one.
Yeah I'm on team simulation too
Explains a lot, like why meditation brings a sense of peace and insight — the simulation has to counterbalance you less when you do nothing but sit and breathe