What does it mean to assimilate?

With our countries being raided by foreigners, many anons complain that the immigrants do not assimlate? But what do we really mean by this? What do we want these people to do to fit in society? Learn the language? Change religions? Bleach their skin white?

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immigration to western world doesn't make sense. the jobs are not there - they have been outsourced. So immigrants who are coming here will be laundering offshore and tar budget money and used as targeting instruments or they will be targeted 6 feet under by using already established well oiled targeting machine. There is nothing to do in the western world apart "operation paperclip" type social science...

Does this map mean something?

yes it represents the diveristy and multiculturalism of the us

The subject is assimilation and yet theres no ireland flag in pic related, its hidden by the jew and a gay pride and poo in the loo flags.... That sums up perfectly ur subject

Assimilation truly means submission so ask ur self would you submit?

yes it represents diversity in us

Only when the relations with homeland (relatives and such) are gone can start the assimilation process.
Before that, one will never truly integrate.

Assimilation never actually happens. Minorities can act like whites to a certain degree, but they always fall back in with their own, every single time.

preferably same religion. Otherwise same values, same culture.

i think cultural marxism has made it culturally ok for minorities not to assimilate, which is why they are so shit now. if you get rid of cultural marxism, i think they'll be doing a lot better.

they said the same about irish because they were catholic

Maybe, but even then, they used to form their own little ethnic enclaves in white countries, focusing on their own self-interests.

Which is what everyone should do, including whites, in their own countries. White people are the only group on the planet who believe it's their duty to accomodate other groups of people. And minorities see this weakness and take advantage of it. It's essentially a parasitic relationship, since whites don't actually get anything back from it this exchange.

Ignore other cultures = Xenophobia / non-inclusive
Participate in other cultures = Cultural appropriation

Exactly. We want segregation. Assimilation is the last thing we need if we ever gonna get rid of the filth. I support having 55 no go zones.

>fag flag and jew flag in the picture
>no confederate flag

Do you live near any Irish communities? I do. Something I've found is that Irish people in this country will actually "drop" their whiteness when it's convenient to do so. I have literally heard Irish people say "I'm not white", to fit in with minority groups for whatever reason. They'll cite the treatment of Irish people in the past in support of this. It's sort of like a reverse Jew thing.

I don't want non Europeans to assimilate. I want them to leave.

Because this kike wrote this book


im 3rd gen. half white. only speak english. not leftist. ron paul faggot. eat typical american foods. im only 70% european though so Sup Forums ellis island niggers will never consider me assimilated.

White supremacists think they are so smart for thinking that everybody should stay in their country. What they do not understand is that this doesn't apply to most cases in Europe because the blacks/arabs are historically attached to the white country's culture.

We blend in so no one sees us as a threat, its an easy way to get about undetected from possible danger so when the hordes of muzzies start to wipe everyone out we go completely unnoticed its a survival tactic your gna need old boyo livin over there

It's just a low-tier Sup Forums level argument used to excuse the fact that we just plain don't want anyone but white Americans in America.

(See JonTron vs. Destiny for more examples on the correlation between low testosterone and thinking you're redpilled.)

I think it's about fully adhering and supporting the founding principles of this country.

I'm an immigrant myself and I can attest that the ethnic enclaves that form are a necessity for immigrants to transition and assimilate. It is only damaging when 2nd generation or more stay in this cultural bubble.

I think a good indicator whether or not an immigrant has assimilated well is if he is willing to fight and die to protect and preserve the liberties we have here, against his origin country if such scenario rises.

so the more redpilled you think you are, the less testosterone you have?

This is true. If there is any tribe that really represents America, it's the Irish flag. That and the British flag should be half of the goddamn map.

Fuck leftists so hard

>That and the British flag should be half of the goddamn map.


But Chinese immigrants have 110 IQs, and Mexican immigrants have 90 IQs.

They will never be same. They will never earn the same. They will never achieve the same. So fuck off with your pie in the sky bullshit

>israel is on dc


Those are empty counties, friendo.

One needs to look at their total percentage of the country's population and their percentage of achievements. Like Irish Henry Ford, or German Wright Brothers.

But yes, Germans are a huge part of this country. I should have added them

>Mexican being an ancestry

Wew lad


Irish people have been here longer than anyone save the Brits. 23 presidents have had Irish ancestry. The idea that they "pretend not to be white" is complete bullshit. I grew up in wealthy New York suburbs and the Irish were always the most Republican group I knew. All my friends dads were like angry clones of Bill O'Reilly. They'd make Sup Forums blush with how they talked.

What state do you live in?

that's not DC, it's NY

MD is still USA

I live in NY, upstate.

I'm from Westchester county. Outside of rich liberal Jews here, I feel like the Irish are the only consistent conservative people in this area. That and a few old wasps, but they are dying off.

They're pretty much exclusively working-class Democrats where I'm at.

The only ethnic group I'd really consider primarily conservative are Italians.

The Italians here (there aren't that many) are also conservative. But they're mostly in our Staten Island and Long Island, not Westchester.

Italians are one of the last working class white groups left in the city.

Have far up are you? I'd imagine almost everybody is working-class up there. Upstate NY is not really economic powerhouse. But I do love it's beauty.

Assimilate means that you have to accept the country you live in.

Including the people that you don't like.

There is no more assimilation with SJWs in charge

There's three republican councilman in NYC, two from Italian statem island and one from Irish rock away

Outside of them, the NY City council is probably like a Marxist banana republic filled with drooling retards.