Is this pretty accurate?
Is this pretty accurate?
I'm just a simple commie that wants to kill our bankers and rulers
bullshit, you dont give a shit about that, you have been indoctrinated with muh racism and sexism and muh evil white man
mean while white men are poor and fucked all over the country, fucking bastard
JIDF is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far left.
ANTIFA is waaaaay too far left.
Brainwashed is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far left.
Kill yourself kike scum
Yep, that's pretty accurate.
No. That's what you were sold. None of that actually exist. Here is what you need to know. Some people and cultures are better. You cant fix stupid.
Why would anybody think that being authoritarian was a good thing?
I used to think the same thing too user
So. Authoritarians?
I want people to tell me exactly what to do.
Or. I want the people I want to tell the people I don't like how they are to be different.
Why would anyone think either of those things are a healthy or positive way to be?
U seem upset
Oh. I get it.
You take in all the memes and fallacies and eventually you like being told what to do and believe everybody should be this one way.
natsoc isn't a redpill
No. You have been indoctrinated into hate and confusion.
something about jews
>lacking natsoc redpills
No, I just like free trade. Obviously certain aspects from every ideology are bad.
It's a reward system. Sup Forums is.
You turn into a good anongoy
In a National Socialist society people still have a ton of freedom, there are just restrictions in place so society doesnt fall to degeneracy
This. The real redpill is strong, principled conservative leadership. Only though our faith in the lord God and our rights guaranteed by the Constitution can we find enlightenment.
>more gubs to do wut I wants hur bur dur
fucking childish
I'm same as him I literally live in the south and am a white man wtf are you on about
Nah man ive only been here since 2009 and im centre up. Hardcore authoritarian. Havent been here longer than most and by far not an oldfag
>trying this hard to bait
you're right, but
take your trip off, my dude
inside yellow rectangle is masterrace tier, contemplative and well informed. almost impervious to being duped or swayed by logical fallacies
blue circle is passionate tier. usually informed and knowledgeable though hints of bias prevents them from fully understanding different pov-s. can be swayed by particularly well presented fallacies, but will get suspicious if said fallacies are repeated too much. smarter among them tend to drift towards the center while somewhat less intelligent blue rectangle bros get swept up by low hanging fruit that is the fringe
everything outside of these two rectangles is more or less lost cause and their tendency to dismiss arguments in favour of logical fallacies, half truths or outright lies makes them unlikely to ever change their ways and ascend more intelligent planes of discourse. sad.
What kind of degeneracy and what kind of restrictions are you talking?
Why does a socialist society have to restrict behavior?
>if I don't hold any strong opinions nobody can disagree with me
Because people need to be led
So. Basically. You want your head dude to tell others how to be for your own comfort because your way of being is superior?
>well informed
The quickest ticket to being in the middle of the compass is having zero political knowledge, have literally any child take the test for proof.
Populations need to be governed. People don't need to be lead. Not by laws or a forced ideology.
Because there will always be someone who wants to manipulate another (ie jews). NatSoc holds people to standards where everyone is expected to contribute to society, and if they don't, they don't get a damn thing from anyone else. Someone who lives on welfare would have their rights restricted so they would actually feel motivated to work and improve themselves. Society should be able to progress (space exploration / huge projects individuals wouldn't do on their own). And for the most part, people can't take care of themselves, so they should be guided onto a path in which they can.
Children are lead by their parents, just because you're a big boy now and we let you make your own decisions doesn't mean they're that much better than when you were a child.
>Radical Centrist
This is probably true for people but definitely not for governments. Middle of the top line of the blue rectangle is clearly the best form of rule.
This is true.
But the green section of the yellow square is enlightened tier. Anything towards authoritarian is less intelligent than the rest.
This is true. The population should care more about itself as individuals than the government.
>it is important to consider all aspects of an issue before making a final judgement - all things considered makes it difficult to lean predominantly towards either extreme
wrong. here's an example: an extreme lefty will hate Hitler but love Stalin, an extreme righty will love Hitler but hate Stalin, an extreme Libertarian will hate them both while an extreme Authoritarian will love them both. A centrist will consider all their actions and will lean towards considering one better than the other or consider them both good/bad without dismissing or over-emphasizing either the good or bad things they did.
if you asked a kid what they think about either of these men they'd answer based on whatever tickles their fancy. maybe they'll hate Hitler because they learned in school that he was the worst person ever. maybe they'll love Stalin because he has a funny mustache. or maybe they'll hate him because he looks scary. What no kid will say: I need more information about these men before I can make a judgement.
fringe people are like kids in that sense. they'll likely fixate on things that confirm their bias and will not stop to think there might be more to an issue than meets the eye.
>Not being between the blue and yellow rectangles
What your saying only justifies people following laws and mandates.
Not any man telling another man how they should be as a human. One adult telling a different adult the kind of adult they should be.
>self convicted opinions based on nothing
The Political Compass test is shit. I land slightly in the green every time I take it but every other test I've taken considers me firmly in the conservative camp
So. Adults still can't be trusted to make their own decisions about themselves?
>nuh-uh: the reply
I was in the centre back when I knew basically nothing about politics and just scratched the surface of leftist degeneracy.
Being a centrist is nearly always a transitioning period.
So adults shouldn't be able to make choices that don't line up with how you feel they should?
I'd say ideally you want to be within the box because its the most well rounded.
you can hold serious convictions on any and all issues. but if all your serious convictions converge in the same are it's likely that you've given them way less thought than said issues merit.
A transition period into being indoctrinated into right wing red pill bullshit. Shit you fall for because you're uneducated and falling into an internet reward system.
Nah, I'm slowly moving from slightly leftist ultra libertarian to ultra left slightly authoritarian atm, been on Sup Forums for6.7 years, in Sup Forums since 2 years
I've been here since 2006 and I'm somewhere toward libertarian and left or right depending on my mood that day. Live and let live man.
back when you knew nothing about politics you weren't even on the compass. you didn't start at the center and transitioned towards the fringe. nobody does.
you started on the fringe but haven't tempered any of your opinions with logic or practical knowledge
Self convicted opinions based on facts that actually happened, and we learn about, to MAYBE get a better result.
Consider that you yourself are not a fitting example of "most people", are you? "Most people" are dumber than you and can't adequately perceive reality. Those people need a smarter person to think for them, and a good leader to keep them from degeneracy (manipulative jews). Of course, it's natural for you to worry about it for yourself, because you don't want some asshole dictating everything in your life, but see, it's not for *you*; these things typically don't apply to smart, "free thinking" people; it's there for the idiots.
Chances are, you're already a good enough person that an "authoritarian" natsoc society won't impinge on you; you're probably not degenerate enough to be affected, and you're smart enough that you'd probably see the wisdom in what natsoc leaders want to get done.
The most "authoritarian" people in the world, as you see it, are jews. They want to completely dominate every aspect of everyone's lives, and they're inhumanly evil to boot, so it won't be any kind of good domination. These people hate national socialism more than any other kind of government. Think about that.
Stop posting this inaccurate square. The triangle is reality
Giving the government the power to round up and gas the undesirables might seem like a good idea but sooner or later that government power will be used to tread on you.
The real redpill is ancap because in a truly free market with no welfare, all the niggers and undesirables will slowly go extinct because the productive people will keep out competing them for resources.
I was on Ghandi spot when i came here in 2011. I'm a Centrist now and I wont get further up because Sup Forums has not convinced me after all there years that an unchecked Capitalism is the answer to a better economy. Unchecked capitalism ends in corporatism, period. Monopolies are the inevitability of unchecked capitalism. This the true redpill.
never took this test. does it even MEAN anything? also, almost checked
Fascism works.
Jesus christ, what the fuck is this thread. i never filer IDs, but this shit is a mess. fucking retards ITT eating up discussion space
Personally I see Green quadrant as the uninformed/standard normie viewpoint
it's illogical and naive
Red quadrant is for people believe people must be controlled and view themselves as the "enlightened ones" that should rule over them
Purple quadrant is based, but lack the people skills to ever see their ideas come to fruition
Blue quadrant is people disgusted by the world one way or another
authoritarians generally have hierarchical, broad views of society
libertarian end people generally have either a sense in goodness in the average person, or a strong hostile lack of trust
Centrists are either pretentious pricks, or people that are inwardly divided on their opinions
Not really, my transition towards the right started before Sup Forums.
I've been debating a lot of left wingers ever since I got interested in politics and they never managed to convince me of their ideologies. Most of the people in my life are lefties and I've always been open to listening to their perspective.
And so far working has not changed my opinion on immigration policies or capitalism. It has only confirmed my beliefs. If working is what you mean by "practical knowledge".
doesn't ancap basically guarantee formation of a typical state? in a world without welfare and other forms of state appeasement the underclass will eventually try to take what they need/want by force, mandating formation of security services - and in an unleashed capitalism the most successful of said security services would eventually monopolize the market (or several services would create a cartel) thus returning you to square one - an organization with a monopoly on legal use of violence to which all other entities must subscribe lest they get left outside of its protection and destroyed.
What the hell is /ourguy/ Pinochet doing close to the left in this triangle?
far right is the only way to go
Radical centrist is the true redpill.
having strong individual beliefs without needing to trend towards a particular established grouping.
Having a powerful state that can take anyones life away isn't exactly anywhere near pro-individual rights. You worship a fascist, and thats okay
Ancap is just gradual eugenics and eventual monarchy
>monopoly on legal use of violence
You don't need a subscription to the local mercenary force when you have land mines and machine guns covering avenues of approach.
>centrists are either pretentious pricks or inwardly divided
See>Red quadrant and blue quadrant are exactly the same socially as they both are disgusted with one another on economy issues but they both love censorship and heavy-handed punishment for disenters.
Green and purple are both liberals but differ on economic issues.
Centrists like me dont fully buy the bullshit of either quadrant but believe that we need the things that works from everyone to actually lead a country. We need to protect the enviroment but we also cannot expect the rich to support the poor with higher taxes.
Centrist is the true redpill.
been here more for than 4 years and still a soc dem a.k.a. newfag. fuck off
so what is your preferred ideology? If I assume it's something along the lines of National Socialism (speaking purely based on ) being sympathetic towards it doesn't necessarily mean you're a fringe NatSoc.
If you're the gas all kikes, aryans #1 ubermenschen, jewish conspiracies, (((universities))), kewl uniforms 24/7/365 type then yeah I'll consider you fringe and ill informed of both other ideologies and NatSoc itself.
If you value NatSoc for its ability to get shit done promptly, to homogenize various different elements of society into a cohesive whole, for its proclaimed goal of preservation of a your people/culture but at the same time disagree with other ideological aspects or methods than you're probably somewhere in the blue rectangle.
But if you truly understand the ideological foundation of say NatSoc, its flaws, its implementation, the potential traps, discrepancies and incompatibilities between its implementation and its proclaimed goals then add a similarly vast knowledge of competing ideologies you'd most likely end up within the yellow circle, leaning towards one end of the spectrum but never being able to unconditionally support it.
at least that's the abstract idea. if you go into concrete issues you'd find that, say, NatSoc had terrible issues with ineffective bureaucracy, that its authoritarian nature favoured connections and party affiliation more than merit, what this dude said , etc. it's such a vast topic of discussion, but the point is the more you know the less you're ready to unconditionally support any ideology.
>far right
Now you look like a retard.
I share many of their concerns. I'm more of a "fan" of GLR than Hitler. I do take issue with their methods especially those of the 3rd Reich having heard stories of their ineffectiveness (my great-grandfather and his wife were German communists in the 3rd Reich).
I don't care much for the Jews though.
What you think of this? and this
>mean while white men are poor and fucked all over the country
>Costa Rica