Fact: No aspect of the Steele dossier has been disproven. In fact it's the basis for information which has led to the fall of people like Flynn, Page, and Manafort.
Fact: No aspect of the Steele dossier has been disproven...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fact: there's no need to disprove that which has never been proved to begin with.
Except it has, as I just said, among other things.
So you still lose.
Proof that any of it has been proven true or GTFO goy
>Page, Manafort, and Flynn all busted
Your turn.
Sup Forums can't challenge it.
prove they were related
it's a conspiracy theory
The dossier contained information about these guys and was written almost a year before it was leaked by Buzzfeed.
And the author, Steele, has already said numerous claims never verified.
Who's been charged/arrested?
>You cant disprove this dossier that has never been proven!
Retarded leftists.
Again m8 that does not prove they were related
So how did Steele get information on people and places in the dossier that wasn't public knowledge? How did he know about the russian diplomat/spy being recalled? How did he know about Epshtyn?
The dossier has enough validity already that it's now your job to disprove it.
Especially when Russians were MURDERED and ARRESTED FOR TREASON for their roles in providing the information.
none of that is proven m8
even the source said so
I thought I was next..
Anyhow, burden of proof is on the accuser. So, there's that.
And the other stuff you said, is bullshit.
>The unproven dossier has enough validity already that it's now your job to disprove it.
this is not how it works m8
None of what you said has been proven, none of it sorry you believe in any paper that the "news" leaks.
The Americans show on Fox is a psyop designed to rub the election of a Russian puppet in our faces, just like the clues to 9/11 in previous fox '''''''''''programming'''''''''''
>literally prove to you that information in the dossier has been validated
>conservative brains can't process that, go into reset and still think it's unproven
You're going to have a hard time coping when this is all finished.
this show has been on before the elections m8
>a dossier that is offcially unproven has enough validity because I say so to not require me to prove it
seems like you guys are the ones having the hard time right now
>officially proven
The best part about OP is he does not realize the Russian narrative is dead and not coming back. Its all about fear mongering WW3 now
Going to be a long 8 years for you.
But, another thread says that you make 3k a month, so you do have that going for you.
Yea show me a MSM source that is calming the dossier is offically proven
What was proven? That they talked with Russians once? Am I suppose to care, are we at war with Russia? I've wanted more collaboration with Russia ever since Syria kicked off. Tell me why I should care that anyone in Trump's administration meets or does business with Russia. The fact that you can't even prove any collusion, or provide an actual motive for what they allegedly collude over, is really priceless.
How did you prove it has been validated? Buzzfeed? are you fucking serious? leftists shills are a special kind of retarded.
Nice try shill, CNN disproved one of the main parts of the dossier, no Cohen, no negotiation, whole thing falls apart youtube.com
This is the pissgate dossier right?
It's just formalized rumormongering m8. fuck, isn't this the one that had Sup Forums-made disinformation in it?
The Trump show was also on before the election
It's going to be a long year, yes, because it's going to take some time. It took about two years for Nixon, but things move much faster today than then.
Are you really this uneducated of what your president is accused of or are you just a Russian disinformation faggot?
No, by the fact that information has been validated by other sources, which you can't seem to grasp.
Fake Tapper is not only a moron, but that is three months old, which is a lifetime ago for this investigation.
>single paragraph is about piss
No, it's the treason dossier.
the trump show?
Flynn's press release today kind of shoots holes in all of the 'muh russia' narrative. That's why Cummings was stuttering so much this morning...seems they did have the documents.
Amazing how only 2 dems have still taken the time to actually look at the docs Nunes found about Rice unmasking.
But, continue, please. I'm starting to really be convinced...
We are waiting cuck prove something enjoy Trump rapeing your liberal progress you sour bitch
They literally disproved the wiretap claim so what are you even trying to imply?
Flynn's very existence proves #russiagate beyond a shadow of a doubt.
What sources? you say sources but the only thing I see is people debunking it on things like CNN your either insane or just retarded for believing this "dossier"
Lmao got the piss beat out of him literally WHEN WILL THEY LEARN
>trying this hard
Nobody has debunked it, so stop trying.
wtf I hate drumpf now
I could give less of a fuck if he deports my spic side of the family as long as he still making lefties cry and shitposting I'll support him
They dident disprove trump being surveyed and Obama having access to that info m8 its still going to be a investigation.
Trump has nothing to do with flynn's accusations notice nothing has come out to even implicate trump in anything
Nobody has proven it either. so stop trying.
Autism speaks. How many times a week will you make this thread? Every time I have asked where the dossier is that I can read it you can't even answer that and deflect the question.
sorry m8 you have nothing and thats why your here and trump is in the white house and the msm is fear mongering WW3 the narrative is dead
>provide an actual motive for what they allegedly collude over
Sanctions over Ukraine & Gazprom off the top off my head
You guys want some redpills? Look up the description of the murderer of Jo Cox (murdered last june). Then google imagesearch chris steele.
You're hurting, but you are keeping several of us interested...lazy Thursday afternoon.
So, you know the Flynn letter I'm talking about? The whole Flynn thing is the RT speech...read his press release, then get back to me.
And who disproved surveillance was performed for political reasons? You hung up on Trump's wiretap tweet? He's already explained this.
Also chris was in washington right before the Jo Cox murder.
You mean these sanctions
Are you serious?
Theres a mugshot of a chris steele arrested in 2015 which fits the description of the murderer of Jo Cox perfectly.
Trump didn't explain anything.
Trump is a mouthbreathing manchild who is used to living in a world where he can say crazy retarded shit and have zero repercussions because nobody remembers. Except it's 2017, and literally everything is recorded, including his urine-covered romp in Moscow.
What Trump does is make excuses and pass blame. That's all autists like that are capable of, because they can't internally cope with the fact that they could ever be wrong.
When Trump goes to prison I honestly don't know how he'll handle that.
you wouldn't happen to have said recording?
aww he thinks trump is going to prison cute.
No limits to how deep this can go, if a true investigation is done. Trump is not a politician, and never claimed to be.
Business, and stacked with business guys and military leaders.
But, he also has people with large amount of data. He says some crazy stuff, but almost every bit of it gets proven...of course, page 8 on the NYT 2 months later, or 3am on CNN.
If he truly lets this investigation go, and lets Flynn testify, DC would implode. Just my thoughts.
Fact: nobody cares.
>nobody has debunked it
no need to debunk what hasn't been proven to be true
>it was proven true, some anonymous sources said it was true
that's not proof
Oh look, Rick Wilson is posting again.
Post some proof, I want to read the dossier/evidence of hacking etc. I am not saying I don't believe you, I would just like proof outside of CNNs "anonymous sources" Otherwise, as a neutral, you are nothing more than a propaganda spouting retard.
I have several pages on this shit. The description of the ((white nationalist)) who supposedly killed Jo Cox is bald, goatee, around 50, spot on his cheak. One pic of a Chris Steele that comes up in google fits that. Also he was seen by a journalist in washington right around the time of murder. Im thinking the dossier is ((their)) way of explaining his presence in washington. He wasnt supposed to be seen.
damn those digits...think I'm on to something lads.
Hmmmm....wonder where McInsane fits into all of this....
Wikileaks disproved:
Cohen denied he was in the countries they said he was at the times they claimed:
Guy who claims to have created the report admitted in court that he was full of shit
Sage and neck yourself
This whole board is about conspiracy theories. Get it together.
And suddenly, OP disappears from his shitposting session. I am sure he will return sometime soon, make the same 10+ claims(without evidence) then fuck off again.
You are a cocksucker and that has not been disproven.
Yea and they are asked for proof or "its not happening"
Do you think they have a minimum number of posts they have to make in a thread to get paid?
Guys please look up chris steele and scroll down untill you find a bald guy.
It's not something that needs to be disproven you dumb nigger. The burden of proof is on the accuser, you fucking mongoloid
What if I told you he was paid to head butt a wall then be photographed.
Simple fact that you're paid to sperge out propaganda and we're here laughing at rando shit while not taking you seriously.
>he actually believes the Trump golden shower tape isn't fake