>Duterte has announced he is going after Rothschild banks
>Duterte has announced he is going after Rothschild banks
bad goy!
What a raging antisemite, such behavior ought to warrant tomahawking his ass
flips are based and honorary aryans
If true, that's pretty damn based. Almost enough to make me overlook the fact that he almost assuredly has killed innocent people.
i swear to fuck this man is crazy as balls
>flips are based and honorary aryans
I vote for agreeing with this.
Also :
Told you.
Oy vey! were not the enemies, goy.
>the call that defeated the rothschilds
You had a good run, but
It's fake news
President Duterte has vowed to “eradicate all traces of Rothschild financial criminality” from the Philippines, announcing that hewill no longer respond to pressure or financial blackmail from the US government or Rothschild-controlled globalbanking institutions.
they're the most powerful race in the world
Fuck off you filthy kike.
He realy is /ourguy/
Trump wouldn't allow this to hap-
I reckon he posts here
Post a source?
Fake news
>he almost assuredly has killed innocent people.
that's what makes him more based tho
if I get a get Duterte succeeds
>honorary aryans
They're literally a monkey race that got even more defiled when the Spanish raped their ugly women. They are the result.
looks like it's time for another regime change
so close, reroll mah kek/christ/thoth/ convert duterte to christianity.
>not using google
Pick one
he did not kill innocent people. only liberal and main stream media controlled by soro's financial institutions says that.
but local media and country side media reports the opposite.
>Link to article you fucking cunt????
Geesh, how hard is it?
does the college sorority blog rappler still count as local media?
>do philliphine spring
>kill him
simple as that
Duterte is the president that America wanted but didn't deserve to get.
What a badass. Love this guy, doesn't give a shit to them.
Prepared to be FREEDOMED.
>USA couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Phillipines in a week
TOP KEK Filipino PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Americans are ITCHING for a war with Phillipines. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Filipino soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY Filipino pig shit they see. When USA is done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
>supports china
choose one
Dudes a mad man
Looking at the response in the west to Duterte tells me any actual fascistic reforms in the West is basically impossible. Everyone always screams about muh human rights when a leader uses the necessary force to cleans a society, but are deafeningly silent at the atrocities happening every day to citizens because of lack of will to fix the problems.
How do we go about solving this pol? We need people to realize that sometimes the leadership cracking down on bad elements in society is far better than letting the problem go unsolved. Duterte killed 1000s of drug dealers with his policies, but saved 10s of thousands of lives from drug violence and addiction.
fuk cunt we just went through this
no sauce no steak
Kind of like what America does?
Nice pasta, saw it in another Duerte thread 30 min. ago.
>Still believing in this meme
Your media and ours are not that different. Biased, special interests and of course ((( )))
Like one of Duterte's speech:
Human dignity over human rights
Both are Literally me though so its cool.
fake, probably an aquino; chinese cock loving traitors
>killed innocent people
Every single country and government in the existence of the human race has done just that. Even more so America.
shut up jew. you caused them to be poor and degenerate. Now they're breaking free from your clutches and you're going to throw a fit over it.