Dare we say it?


>“He said that countries taking in refugees should take a healthy look at the situation and realize that it’s not possible for all of the newcomers to be integrated into European society, stressing that the main goal for Europe’s leaders is to provide them with temporary shelter.”

Is he.... could we even dare ... ?

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bump for the Based Lama Man

such smart shithead and yet he is shilling for CIA lemon party gestapo. How come he is not asking and not telling questions and answers about those migrants from the egg, chicken or rooster viewpoint? They are talking as if 5 million people just fell out of the sky. It's as if they are from Atlantis swallowed by the sea. They are here, they are queer, get used to it.

He is the anti jew

wtf, screw this christ shit. Imma buddamissle now.

Even the king of hermit monks knows how cucked Europe is. When will they finally fucking listen?

Reminder that Buddhism is the ultimate redpill of existence.

>hates muslims
>hates commies
>hates jews

Dalai Lama is /ourguy/

Probably taken out of context or cherry-picked for supportive quotes. I'm skeptical of what they're trying to paint him as.

He's asian. He knows immigration is retarded.

The Lama knows first hand what its like to get screwed over by Communists

>pic related


Dalai Lama is /ourfuhrer/

Based Dalai Lama

Based Buddhism is the true redpill, unlike christcuck, which created by (((them))).

China exports Han settlers into Tibet to alter the demographics of the region and weaken Tibetan power in the area. This is the sort of thing the Dalai Lama understands better than most prominent world figures.

See Myanmar. The Dhali Lama knows how dangerously retarded Islam is. Be prepared for lefties attacking their own sacred cow because he doesn't unconditionally love their pet savages.


How pathetic are whites that non-whites have to say the obvious?
>inb4 they have non-white skin
Exactly. It's white people themselves that are their worse enemies. A democratic Europe hasn't been around long and it is already fucked. In less than 100 years Europe has been fucked harder than anytime in history. Let that sink in. Nothing will change either, the ship will keep sailing, but is sinking and at the end will just simply sink under the ocean.

Look up interviews from him 10 years ago, he's pretty much a libtard. Concerned about over population and global warming.
But just like every libtard once it effects him he changes his mind. Tibet has a long history with China, they have to have national pride to not get annexed.


He is a nationalist who has largely lost his own country to Chinese Communist imperialism.

Oh, he gets it all right.


>population and global warming
I dunno about global warming but overpopulation (thanks to brown people, basically) is a concern and so is taking care of the global ecology. Those are tenets of liberalism I've no problem with. As conservatives, we are concerned with family, and these issues affect the future of our children and grandchildren.

Overpopulation and global warming should scare everyone as they will both lead to horrible ruination of our selves and our planet.

The only issue is how far away they are and when we should start doing something about them.

Over population isn't a concern for the west, we are importing millions of refugees.
Overpopulation may be a concern for Africa/India/China. That's on them, not a WORLD concern.

>I dunno about global warming but overpopulation (thanks to brown people, basically) is a concern and so is taking care of the global ecology. Those are tenets of liberalism I've no problem with. As conservatives, we are concerned with family, and these issues affect the future of our children and grandchildren.
Except that any country that can be moved into the "developed" countries list has a population that can't even replenish its own population. Unless you're saying that currently developing countries will forever stay that way global overpopulation seems to not be a thing.

He always has been based

Except that India destroying their environment will affect the rest of the continent if not planet. If Africa/China/India raise the Pacific Ocean's temp by 2 degrees creating more typhoons and killing more wildlife, you don't think the West Coast won't be affected?

Unironicly thinking we control the weather

U think the weather never changes? Hominids / archaic humans alone have been thru 3 ice ages. 2 degrees doesn't mean shit.


Here is the original article, in German.

Based Asian "Six Chambered Path" Wrath

What a biggoted homophobe nazis he is.

I met him once. He did not seem that smart. Although a very funny guy. Soul of any party, down to earth, funny guy.

Buddhists are redpilled as fuck about islam unlike the enabling christ cucks.

To be fair if I lived anywhere near China I sure as fuck would be considered about global warming and endless hordes of chinks that come with it.

>realize that it’s not possible for all of the newcomers to be integrated into European society, stressing that the main goal for Europe’s leaders is to provide them with temporary shelter

This is what I don't get about modern liberals. I wouldn't even mind giving """"""""refugees""""""temporary living conditions in a camp or something. neighboring countries have took in refugees since forever, so I really don't see that as much of an issue. These people are crossing like 10 safe countries to get to the big gibmedat countries though, so this is a little different. If I were king of Europe, I'd throw Turkey a few bones to help them pay for the refugees from Syria, and be done with it. No European country takes a single refugee because they already passed through peaceful ones.

I mean if they were actually put into camps probably 95% of the """""""refugees"'""""" would stop coming.

Most certainly separated from society. But why are these modern libs so infatuated with just straight up making them citizens of their host country no questions asked. I mean the obvious answer is that they will vote liberal for more gibmedats, but the question is very murky with mudslimes. They fucking hate to their core every "socially progressive" issue these people have spent decades promoting.

It's truly bizarre.

That's on China, not some world policy. So what u gonna do, push for some world committee to make regulation, works out great for countries like EU right?
Or we could go to war to make them stop, how many lives is pollution worth?

If not your just regulating your own country on emissions/pollutions.... And then the company will say cuck it and make it in China.

Literrally no solution that is better than the problem.

Daily Reminder the Nazis were close to buddhists and hindus

the swastika was not random chance

This is a silver bullet.

Holy shit

3rd worlders all had the chance to live under european rule back in the colonial era.
They didn't want it.
Now they do.

Dalia Llama knows a thing or two about population replacement, that's how the Chinese do it, too. They routinely move solid han blocs around to outbreed and wash away natives/minorities and declare it Chinese clay.
He's an entertaining existence because he says a lot of things leftists like, but then he goes against the Narrative occasionally and they start to REEEEEE and call him literally Hitler.

For once I agree with Sweden.

Yea let's see him talk all this shit when the COP comes to his doorstep and rounds up all those asian skin heads.

There's no reason why a person can't be concerned about climate change and the environment while simultaneously being red-pilled on migration

You can't get much more red pilled than the Dalai Llama. The point of his entire existence is to be enlightened and spread wisdom.


Holy shit the truck even says peace


this. dudes flat based.

He doesn't really hate people IIRC. He's opposed to the PRC but has expressed approval of Marx's economic ideas. I don't know what he's said about Jews though.


Europe was pretty badly fucked during the fall of Rome, the Migration Period, the Mongol invasions, the Black Death, the 30 years' war, and both world wars. This isn't nearly as bad as those.

Buddhist/Thulean alliance now.

(no LARPing (((western))) faggots who call themselves Buddhists and talk about their sex junk tho)

There was also a yuge piracy/snackbar problem. Singly most (often intentionally) overlooked factor about the dark ages desu.

its shopped


>refugees travel to europe
act like animals
>Refugees from Gaza come here
Insta cry of pure joy and work hard like every normal Chilean does

WTF europe...

Old videos:




>He's an entertaining existence because he says a lot of things leftists like, but then he goes against the Narrative occasionally and they start to REEEEEE and call him literally Hitler.

Ignorant Leftists probably disregard them cuz Dalia is an old man.

pic related

The Dalai Lama is all about balance and anyone with half a brain can see flooding Europe with refugees is upsetting the balance.

is the numbers weon , the amount of muslims here its less that 1% of the pupulation while in europe its 5 to 10% of some major EU countrys; france,germany, etc

>Is he.... could we even dare ... ?

He is clearly a damn white male white supremacist nazi scum.



>they are queer

Start spreading that rumor and watch them kill each other off in Europe as Sharia demands!

Base lama

China did it to his country so no doubt he'd speak against it.


> (OP)
>China exports Han settlers into Tibet to alter the demographics of the region and weaken Tibetan power in the area. This is the sort of thing the Dalai Lama understands better than most prominent world figures.

Tibet is a prime example of how invading foreigners can undermine a native population

Reminder that Buddhism is the last surviving off-shot of the Proto-Indo-European religion and is thus closer to us than a dead kike on a stick will ever be.

If liberals really knew how much Buddhists abhor Muslims than all those limp-wristed hipsters would probably stop misappropriating their culture.

Enlightened Bodhisattva of compassion: "Eurofags are cucks lol."


Unfortunately the chinks are buying influence including Hollywood, and Tibet as not a top priority for Western governments so they could easily threaten to drop him if he causes too much of a stir.

I support Tibet and want all Muslims out of the West, but I don't think he has enough leverage.

Source this right now someone please

I'm very concerned about the environment to the point of it being on par with my concern of white genocide.
Why are there no socially right wing parties with strong environmental policies as well?

Yea I suppose if it was a bunch of Teddy Roosevelts trying to preserve nature I could get behind it. Unfortunately it's a bunch of greasy kikes trying to guilt me into living like a third world nigger.

>Source this right now someone please
Here, based monks

He's against anything other than penis in vagina sex.

Everyone who isn't a pathetic casualty of bullshit liberal Islam apologetics knows that Islam is a fucking cancer that turns every country it infects into an oppressive shithole.

This is what China is doing to EVERYONE

>inb4 buzzfeed calls the Dalai Lama alt-right
Perhaps we should meme this,the lefts would lose their shit.

Where do you think those millions of refugees come from?

If overpopulation affects shitholes in Africa, it consequently has an effect on the West's population.

I agree. They would go awol and hopefully kill themselves realizing that even hermit chinks can figure this out