Is there anything positive about gypsies?




their tents are very flammable

hiv normally

literally no

The fact that they die is something positive. Probably the only thing.

No. Try having two types of them and get back to me. Roma and Irish Travellers. Terrific combo.

they don't kill people for their religion?

They're crafty as fuck.

Best hackers I've ever come into contact with were gypsies.

They kill people over shoes and money here wich make them nigger-tier

what is worse?

gypsies or niggers?


for 2 cigarettes, you can fuck the girl on the left and have the guy mow your lawn. but youll get an std and have no more lawnmower.

Trips of truth desu senpai

They aren't niggers
They aren't sand niggers
They aren't kykes

it's phones and money don't know what kind of gyppos you met probably some negroes larping

Ever notice how nobody ever commemorates the extermination of gypsies in the holocaust?


kinda ancient people 'n stuff I guess

Nobody ever even mentions them.

I think it's hilarious, honestly.

there was never a plan to exterminate them just to deport them

My God. You're full of shit.

No, they should not be welcomed anywhere.
They should live on the run, never being allowed to settle

Aren't they related to Slavs? Why does Sup Forums love Slavs but not gypsies? They're literally the same shit.

They poo in loo?

wow leaf and you laugh at burger education

>My God. You're full of shit.

Had a gypsy neighbor spoof my router using mac address ripped from package in garbage.

They're crafty as shit dude.


>real gypsy

Shoo gypsy shoo

>Best hackers

>thinks it has any power
sure m80

They make valuable rapestock for Saudi nationals?

Don't quit your day job

Best hacker of the last 18 months was a Romanian.

Laugh all you want.

if they are not acting like nomad motherfuckers, or being total SJW, like in Hungary, I'm totally fine with them

like literal niggers. Black people are fine,

never be fine with Gypsies

I play horse races and the gypsies that hang out at my local lottery agency always give the best betting tips on horses

Why are North Americans so retarded?




Wherever they go, the crime stats for
>Dealing in Stolen Property

positively increase by 20-30% above the mean.
Stupid fucking Leaf... at least tell the truth.

No. They should all die burning while having shoved a sharp tree up their ass and their kids beaten to death with hot iron rods.
t. Actual Romanian who has met and beaten a țigan.

I never understood why they're called Roma it's sounds so retarded

>romani don't congregate in gypsieland


That doesn't make him a hacker.
That makes him capable of reading instructions online.

If we know about his nationality then he isn't the best

>doing Gods work
bless you user

They really shouldn't have that name. It's fucking stupid and every retard on the planet thinks all Romanians are gypos.

ay, in Hungary most of the mare studying and some of the are actually attending courses in Universities. In Serbia most of them are fucking roaches or fucking addicts, but at least there aren't too many of them. Hungary's population has 10% gyppos, there are some really decent people among them, but most of them are fucking trash
>saying as a Hungarian living in serbian, studying in Hungary

script kiddies aren't spoofing their neighbors routers to send encrypted messages to France.

HIV tests

Sorry for the typos, I'm motherfucking piss drunk, but I have to have my late night Sup Forums like most people need their fucking food after a good drink

He would've been better off if he wasn't an ideologue.

here them being gyppos is like being handicapped they get so many privileges

it's not about the Romania think but they come from pooland why Roma why not what we Easterners call them țigani

yea... they should fucking stop supporting those pieces of shits. If they get a job, that pays shit worth of money and their kids are still in education, social benefits, im all in for it. But if lazy slack of degenerate pieces of shits they are... They deserve bubonic fucking plague

>Is there anything positive about gypsies?

If muslims get handsy with gypsy women gypsies gang up on them and stab them with knives.

Stop asking me for spare change.
I'm tired of deciphering.

assimilate or annihilate

please Ahmed spare a bomb for us

during the communism they actually worked and were quite well educated

they got land from the byzantine they where citizens of byzantine :)

Ba nu.
Sunt tratati la fel de prost ca ceilalti oameni, putin mai prost din cauza rasismului, dar nu e ca si cand nu o merita.

kinda hard when you have a ((democracy))

There is absolutely nothing positive or optimistic about gypsies. They are the devil's own work; insect colonies in human form.


What in the actual fuck ARE gypsies? Are they Roma people, Romanians, Slavic/Baltic?? I just don't get it. Why is it also always typical of them to just wander around from place to place and try to scam, hustle and generally just be pieces of shit? Is it cultural or something?

t. dumb burger

great way to sleep with underage virgin girls if your a pedo...

In the US they are like deceitful Mexicans who pan-handle and prey on old women with home repair fraud.

I would say worse than niggers.

știi că ei pot intra la universități înaintea oricui numai pentru că sunt țigani nu?

>tfw even gypsies are less cucked than you

old poos who fucked off to Europe

They are originally from India, but in the US they will often have Romanian names because that is home base.

they had what?3 or 4 centuries to INTEGRATE?and they still live and behave like fucking animals.

no source on this cause im lazy af but allegedly they were classless indians that got driven out

Niggers of europe

THeyre a form of Slav. Slavs in general are depigmented poo in loos.

Hungary and Bulgaria have as many or even more gyppos than us burger

ehhh... countries should buy islands where they can deport pieces of degenerate shits... like duty free shit islands.
or maybe force these pieces of shits to start working for the country and make them realize that civilizations have already embedded themselves on a land and no one is a traveler anymore.
Force labor on these motherfuckers.

nice bait m8

You're whole country is gypo though you dumb gypsy.


They live on the other side of the world from me

Suck my cock you gypsy loving faggots

George Soros.
I'm not even joking,google that shit.

I'm a cop, so I just telling you the last names I've personally run into in the Chicago area.

They have good music, OP
but they are trash


But a man wants to be recognized, along with his ideals...

forced Labour is what everyone I know has been advocating for those leeches but hey we're a ((free)) world so we can't have that

i think they have Indian origins and came to Europe because of the ottoman empire, thats what I was taught
they are funded by the government, have tons of children, leave them on the streets and they end up in orphanages, still living on government money, steal cables, mug people, steal anything that can be stolen even electricity, water, cable tv etc. They send their children to beg on the streets while they breed and if you are alone during the night and gypsy gang sees you 90% chance you are getting beaten up and mugged


Romanian last names are cool, especially when they end with -scu. Like Caeceascuscu and Antonescu

more like Codreanu

>black people meme


>Gypsies are just even shittier Indians that even the Indians don't fucking want anymore

God damn that's pretty interesting. Is it true that the term "gypped" actually comes from typical gypsie behavior too?

Fuck. I should have read the thread before replying. Well done.

they begged for the poos to take them back

They can be used to clean mine camps

if they dont have fucking identities or are not citizens, they shouldn't be accounted as free people, but fucking leeches or slaves with some amount of liberty.
Labor for those pesky pieces of shits
