Brit/pol/ - Kate Bush Edition

>Thread theme

>Armed British police arrest man with knives near May's office

>PM May says Merkel talk of UK illusions shows how tough Brexit talks will be

>UKIP leader Nuttall to stand in election

>'Marine A' Alexander Blackman to be freed from jail within hours

>FT: EU agency faces €400m London rent bill after post-Brexit move

>Nicola Sturgeon admits she will use SNP votes in general election to press for indy ref 2

>Labour most popular party among voters under 40, general election poll reveals

>FT: Scottish nationalists clam up on independence

>FT: UK Election Countdown: beware of tactical errors

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Good edition.


Lads how do we go from this...

To this?

Start purchasing firearms.

tunnocks teacakes desu

>potato-kun came back
so smug
reddit-newfags BTFO

Freedom from the EU desu


B-be careful, don't give them the impression you'll violate their safe space, A-Anglo-senpai. . .

Ah, ya beat me to it.

Question: I have heard probably here, that if you follow say oh I dunno Trump, Hitler, Pepe and Satan, on Twitter then it automatically blocks you from commenting on people like st. Hilary Clinton or John Oliver.

As I've never used Twitter I have no idea.

Is this true?

it is your duty to save your nation and post cute karens

A headpat and a notice is that is needed.

>Timea Bella

How does someone this good looking go into porn? I am legit curious kek what the fuck


British Flag - FOREIGNERS
>another paki
>Indian-"Scottish" Mongrel
>Iberian kike
>Racemixer (Chink Wife)
>Racemixer (Korean Pig Wife)
>Racemixer (Pregnant quadroon Wife)
>Japanese-"English" Mongrel
>1/8 kike "Brit"
>Pro-Anglosphere gook/chink/jap
>kike randposter
>Russian Gopnik
>Demented Tranny
>"Macedonian" degenerate gypsy
>south asian-"Persian" Inbred Mongrel (Tonybeen bevanposter)

British Flag - Degenerates
>Bomber Rimmer - Foot Fetishist Warmonger
>Meme Merchant - Autistic Underage Warmonger
>Rap Listening Russian Cuck
>Identified (Racemixer)

Foreign Flag - Subhumans
>Ukrainian kike (Russian Flag)
>JIDF kike (South African Flag)
>Civic (((Nationalist))) Half-Breed/Mongrel (Netherlands)
>chink (Australian Flag)

My Kate Bush ate your Kate Bush

It's late in Israel, g-go to sleep Shlomo-kun.

>Tunnocks, weebs and spuds
>still a million times better than PreuBe.
Take what silver linings you can find I guess.

God bless.

Yeah, that is how that works. When the worst is gone something else is the new worst.

She needs to lay off the pies

Hi Israel. How is the lebensraum gathering in Syria going?

Kate Bush though? What would Sup Forums know of such a woman

>3:20 AM

bunnyposter will NEVER be as treasured as potato-kun

Why does Pube act like he does? I don't really understand the mentality.

> When the worst is gone something else is the new worst.

Such as burger posts.

>Das Feels

Any chance of a pic of a teacake lad?

I wouldn't ask to be but thanks for noticing me steak-pai or whatever you people say.
It's true. Though I shall not speak it's name again.

he is a dirty pikey who travels around in a shitty caravan to shitpost at motorway service wifi hotspots

Yes, that's late. You'll be tired for Sabbat tomorrow.

Say it with me Brit/pol/.


Come, come and join us.

I'd take that smug amerishart over you, potatonigger. I'd almost take Pubes at this point.

>ywn live in an uncorrupted england before niggers and indians and pakis


so i assume you'll all be voting for the lib dems in june

I can't believe some one posted Kate Bush. It gives me an excuse to use the related pic

Thank you - what a grand sight

You mean pre-roman britain?

>What would Sup Forums know of such a woman
What does that mean? Explain.




A-Anglo-senpai you are bold Anglo indeed. . .
> burger
> instead of potato-kun.

Take that back.

Of course

She likes to wear leotards and capes and dances around w/a faggot ballet guy and has nice tits but never nips out in her videos and then she did a video w/Sledgehammer guy and I don't find her very attractive now.

Yeah, burgers are not very welcome most anywhere. C'est la vie. I will bare the cross.

Were I to act completely inconspicuous besides my flag would I still be unwelcome? Law of averages really hurts decent burger posters.

Anime posters are we still MAGA? Trump's gone back on a lot of things, it has only been 3 months though.

>Karen is dead to me now
t.Mikuru Asahina

great album cover

HahahahHahahaha what
boldest of the anglos to stand up to such treachery

Bloody hell...

>kate winslet is 41

Absolutely disgusting.

N-No Mikuru is not for lewd.

Also take that back!

should we go shit up trump gener- i mean ask them

>mug amerishart
Who, me? I almost always lurk here.

You applied I was worse than Pube.

As for your flag I treat all headpats and noticing equally.

Except for Anglo-senpai, his ones are special. . .

*blocks your advance*

Why WOULDN'T we? If you want to talk Kate Bush go to Sup Forums where she comes up all the time.

You're better than micks at least.

Oh no, I was self deprecating for my newfound tunnocks obsession.

>they can't even banepost correctly

the absolute STATE of the Lib Dems

Good plan.

Across the Atlantic we go!


My vocabulary is not kawaii this evening. . .

>You're better than micks at least.
I'll take it. Would you say though that I have an black mark against me no matter what though?

>lib dems in charge of baneposting

Daily reminder that if you don't support Based Kim Jong Un, you aren't a natsoc.

>Daily reminder that if you don't support Based Kim Jong Un, you aren't a natsoc.

Of course. Just as leafs do. Stereotyping has more than a few roots in reality.

wtf!! Diane looks like a strong, independent, righteous fucking baboon !! fuck I can't stop laughing !!!!!!!!

> You're better than micks at least.

B-but all I want is headpats and noticing. . .

Don't you mean Kimmel Jong?

Kate Bush is 58. Theresa May is 60. What the Fuck is wrong with Brit/pol and their obsession with old granny types.
Have a free Felicity Kendal to fap to.

drumpf is a dead meme
>tfw superior to other anglos
potato-kun you are too based. I love you

> be potato-kun.
> brit/pol seems comfy.
> ask for headpats and noticing.
> get bullied.
> only based Anglo-senpai stands up for potato-kun.

A-Arigato. . .

You want a bloody good hiding you taig wastrel.

Oh for fucks sake.

Decent burger posters are the exception to the rule. Decent burger posters in Brit pol are like hens teeth.

It's always about food in brit pol. You even get them in greggs. Steak-pai. You're not worse than him but that's only in the same way that you'll be second against the wall for the firing squad on the day of user.

This is something I've never understood is stereotypes exist for a reason and get are to be disproved to allow a disabled gypsy transvestite to flourish as the unique wheelchair bound ballet dancer Xir is. While xirs seventeen cousins are in prison or currently nicking your car.
>Dianne Abbo

What the fuck are you on about? Look at North Korea, proud ethnocentric nation who despite their people starving because of dirty judeo-yank trade sanctions but can still exercise their military better than us, and then look at the west. Its fucking disgusting. A pro-militaristic NK like state free of degeneracy is the best thing for Britain, if not to replace our cuck queen with Kim himself.

>pic related the degeneracy of the west

Wouldn't find this in NK would you?

Don't even fucking look at our rock or we nuke the fucking lottaya

Might as well post the video since you mentioned it:

We can't have people getting upset can we, you racist, phobic monster!

Of course not, all the women in North Korea are skeletal and don't have computers.

>tfw it's half 1am on Friday, working day
>out of food or drink
>just sitting, thinking and talking to people on discord/skype
>listening to this while looking back on life and england/ireland

No. She's far too thicc. Take about seventy lbs off her, her internet connection and makeup. Then replace that military with tractors.

Once upon a time labour was based

n-no problem. Brit/pol/ is dark without potato-kun

>Where is Kate's Bush?
t.Mikuru Asahina

>you will never go out for drinks with Nige

Did she ever get her baps out?

But I'm upset! Mad as hell even.

Nice try Tunnocks desu.

I-I helped you out

> Decent burger posters are the exception to the rule. Decent burger posters in Brit pol are like hens teeth.

Burgers, when they are based, they are very based.
Mummy May will force you to pat my head and raid your wallet to subsidise Ireland's Freddos to make them 10p again, you b-baka Anglo.

One of my favorite guitar solos, good taste senpai

Certainly. Most burgers on Sup Forums haven't even left the country because of distance to other ones.

Really isolated viewpoint often, a bit sad. Most all brits IRL I've met have been very nice and worldly.

>drumpf is a dead meme
Very rude, we didn't really have an alternative no matter what because of first past the post and progressive socialists.

Gibraltar is one of the greatest things about the UK. I hope it stays with you guys for all eternity to stick it to Spaniards.

I apologize for my lot, for whatever that is worth.

No, malnourishment and lack of internet, computers, cameras, and luxury goods would make that picture impossible.

N-No!! Haruhi is not for lewd!!!! REEEEEEEEE

Might unironically vote Labour, lads

>tfw no robust, working relationship with /britfeel/

Why don't we put aside the rhetoric lads?

Why don't potatoes get scared of the dark?

>they close their eyes.

Go to bed Jeremy. We know you're going to vote conservative anyway.