Hopefully China responds by nuking them
>Biting the hand that feeds
2 birds with 1 stone.
post a link you dumb faggot.
I don't think that the ChiComms will react very well to being threatened by the Norks.
lmao Kim you dumb fucking cunt, once Chinas on board with regime change you're toast.
Wow these NORKS sure are crazy! I hope they don't fire ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads because that would sure be CATASTROPHIC!
Millions of taxpayer dollars spent so a pensioner can go stare at a bunch of starving Koreans, sad.
Honestly Kim is Delusional he drank to much of his own kool aid. How long till we see a coup before Kimmy wipes out NK entirely?
Is Kim Jong Un this delusional? I thought the upper echelons of North Korea were in on the whole scam. Does he actually think he's a god or whatever the fuck norks believe in?
Tgis how it will go down. America bombing the fuck out of them from air. South Korea holding the line at the 38th. China invades by land from the north, marches to the 38th and stops.
China gets a great big new province. South Korea now known just as Korea. Everyone but NK wins. The world keeps turning. Mark my words, the plan is already in place and NK knows it.
China is already starting to put the squeeze on them with Oil this is pretty much the Nuclear option in reigning them in. So lets see what happens. China basically just bitch slapped them.
Fake news
>no link
Move on
Anyone besides Daily Mail carrying this story? lol
>Everyone but NK wins.
living under chinese rule instead of NK rule sounds like an upgrade to me
How the fuck could he possibly beat 1 Superpower Let alone 2
Kim lay off the cognac
They would just get even more fucky with the DMZ since they don't border a westernized first world state and thus people would flee across it like the wall in Berlin.
there is no winning for kim if this turns into war.
Best case scenario he makes everyone else lose too.
who is going to back down at this point?
I don't think kim is stupid but without any major allies we can pretty much do whatever the fuck we want.
>people would flee across it like the wall in Berlin.
so? fleeing to south korea is a best-case scenario for anyone living in NK right now
No we cant. China isnt going to let us build military bases on their border. If anything China will say ok lets get rid of this annoying twat but north korea is ours or they set up a puppet government like NATO does
haha bring it filthy monkeys. you have no hope.
>threatening China
>when it's your next door neighbor
Two possibilities come immediately to mind and both are achievable at the same time
(one) he plans to move his ideology beyond the country stage, in which case he no longer needs a country
(Two) He believes he can draw out the war for long enough for it to either be a massive waste of time or to draw two or more of the superpowers currently pressuring him into shooting at each other.
something along those lines.
I almost didn't say anything because I want to watch some fireworks.
>america backs off
>norks bang their drum
>america backs off after getting nuked
>good marketing for nuclear materials on black market
>america attacks first
>they look like assholes and all the propaganda that hick farmers are getting suddenly looks like 100% truth, radicalized nork terrorists
>america gets invested
>bogged down in logistics keeping the now war torn country's people fed
>now look like incompetent assholes
Best thing to do with russia and china is to get them to rev up their food trucks so that we can drop a MOAB on lil kim and they can play the good samaritans since it's their region of the world.
I would rather live in NK than SK any day. SK is a cultural monstrosity.
Based Kim working Zionists and Chinks and Globalists into a shoot. Drumpftards on suicide watch
best case scenario we pull both russia and china in and get them to fight over it.
other best case scenario is they get along and thank us for helping
worst case scenario we look like assholes, again.
How to burn diplomatic bridges with Kim Jong Un
>Best thing to do with russia and china is to get them to rev up their food trucks so that we can drop a MOAB on lil kim and they can play the good samaritans since it's their region of the world.
well said
> money shouldn't be spent so that a commander can go inspect and visit with the troops under their command
lets see, we have America which is a yuge trading partner, and we have North Korea which gives us nothing, let me think on that
we should not be boots on ground for this unless they shoot a nuke at us, or at the request of a neighboring country.
This should be china and russia's deal, but we can drop the bombs if they want.
Honestly NK would be a huge money sink for China, possibly with little to come out of it.
Idk how NK or SK would feel about being invaded again.
>Chinese central committee orders its citizens to jump of a chair in a coordinated action.
NK fag dies from an earthquake.
it would be a good joint project between russia and china.
>a seven-year-old threatened an adult
Let's see what will happen.
Suck it, fagette
A coordinated fart would be enough to eradicate them.
SK and China will invade with US and co providing air support and logistics. After the war NK will be divided up between China and SK which will now just be Korea. There will be some gorilla fighting but it will be handled by New Korea and China.
china would just send in their insectoid army in and either kill them will bullets or drown them in chink blood, they got a few million spare men will no women to marry them anyway.
Goddamn. He is like a kid threatening to run away from home.
That's acceptable.
I am against us getting invested on the ground in every capacity.
I am seriously cross at the idea of our government using taxpayer money to play world police when it only serves to undermine and piss off other countries who are perfectly capable of doing things themselves.
You cant just go there and use chemical weapons. Thats evil and highly condemned by the UN.
Source on this? Kim can't be that stupid the only thing keeping him breathing is the protection of China, not an smart move
It's not a good idea to threaten China
Member when America was going to get out of the nation building business? Member when America was going to stop inserting it self into every conflict?
Trump doesn't. Thanks for giving Hillary her wish.
>gorilla fighting
Not really.
> Implying that this entire article isnt pure fiction
Where does Kim fall on the Autism spectrum?
I member
NK will wither and die without their nanny. Where else will they get anywhere near the amount of oil they need to not crumble?
Trump negotiated so that China steps up to the world police role in their region or they get cut out of sweet trade deals. He is doing what we elected him to do which is negotiate on our behalf with our interest in mind.
>gorilla fighting
I'm gonna need a quick rundown
What a time to be alive
Trump just turned China into our bros
>Trump: Daayummmm Chiyna, shamfrul dispray, you gunna ret you talk to you rike thatttttt?
HK flag also lives under communism is breaking the law just by browsing Sup Forums
This desu
Ching-Chang on Ding-Dang Crime
How does Asian League fight each other?
North Korea is Dead Korea.
You fucked up Kim Jung Un. It's nearly ass whooping time.
Like this but they will be wearing Nork and SK uniforms.
His jacket says:
Vice President
Mike Pence
It makes me giggle. A lot. I'm unsure why.
That's the most retarded thing Kim could possible do
>threaten to destroy the only country that might help defend them
Oh Noes! My 6 gorillion!
Would anybody really speak out?
Ching Chongs B T F O
well we had European war. why not an Asian one?
fuck off chink
I'm betting it will be something like this
gorilla warfare
It's 2017 and ""people"" on this board still don't get North Korea.
>Fighting in gook megacities
fuck dat yo
like shrinking yourselves and fighting in an anthill. Klendathu bugs look at these fuckers strange
You guys need to understand that nork diplomatic threats aren't about foreign diplomacy. They're directed internally. They are intended to reinforce legitimacy with his people, not to be taken seriously by a foreign nation.
Still interesting that China is party to these threats now. The Chinese relationship really is dead or dying. His regime won't survive that, one way or another.
Private 2nd Class Harambe
We do, awful place
>whats a link
Wheres the link you frog
didn't you set ants on fire with magnifying glass as a kid?
i hope they get steamrolled sooner than later
>Wheres the link you frog
Ribbet. Here he is.
>Kim is willing to sacrifice himself for a nuclear happening
Godspeed, you glorious fatass
are you suggesting we should use orbital laz0rs on chink cities
All these hong kong flags.
Really brought them out OP
>Wheres the link you frog
The Daily Star...literally the voice of the people
honestly if NK dropped some nukes on China it would solve a lot of problems.
its like 9:50, this is prime shitposting time
That fatass Kim is suicidal, literally biting off more than he can chew.
힘이터치로 텐바이텐!
North Corea, Best Corea!
>in picture
Our Dear leader in fun mode!
And if he didn't go, you'd be calling him an armchair general that was too afraid to leave his mansion.
You don't know what you are talking about fucking america
As far as i can see, as long as SK gets lands up to Pyongyang than i don't care if china still wants a buffer state