So recreational weed has been legal in Colorado for almost three years now. What measurable negative impacts has this had on the state or the country?
So recreational weed has been legal in Colorado for almost three years now...
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>satan fishing around Sup Forums for ideas
Satan pls go.
Come, join us. Moloch has all sorts of delights for those who are worthy.
Increased tax revenues and stronger economy
Happier populace
Less crowded jail cells
Less alcohol deaths/drunk driving incidents
The negative impact is undesirable people being drawn to Colorado
Have any measurements of this? How do you measure someone's level of undesirability?
Hippies boomers moving in and making the state even more blue.
helped destroy the weed is for hippies stereotype.
God I fucking hate buying from hippies and wiggers. Goddamn I cant wait for weed to be normal for non freaks
Didn't their crime rate go way up because of all the degenerates being drawn to Colorado and the fact that legal marijuana is expensive?
if they're willing to uproot themselves just for legal pot, they're undesirable
Weed prices for the black market were cut in half.
now they can focus on catching real criminals burger
Not even controlled for population increase. Kek.
Aren't Denver and Seattle two of the fastest growing cities in the US?
>Crimes per 100k population
I don't know if they are but that would be irrelevant on the fact crime was rising, at least during those two years.
lots of bozos walking around absolutely stinking of the stuff now
The number of crimes per 100k went UP after weed was legalized. I'm not surprised, legal weed is way overpriced people must have started committing crimes to raise that goddamn 25/g they are charging. The solution is to let weed grow free in public parks.
Reduced demand for imported weed costing gangs profit so they have begun to import larger quantities of heroin to compensate.
Legal weed + illegal gangs have created a heroin problem.
None that I can see. Pretty much everyone who wanted weed was getting it before and after. Actually what I'm seeing is more fast food joints being built, I guess to meet the demand from late night munchies.
people driving stoned killing people, kids oding on brownies and dying, and the massive price plus increase of left wing cucks everywhere.
Go back to cali faggots! It's legal there now! Leave my Colorado alone and let me smoke my pot in peace.
More fat nasty dudeweedlmaos. More people walking around stinking of weed and Takis. Probably more liberals moving to the state voting like retards.
>crimes per 100k people
>not controlled by population increase
found the stoner
lf it were legal everywhere, undesirables would stay where they are.
it HAS increased the incidence of fatal automobile accidents from drugged driving and now if you count ALL drugs except alcohol, drugged driving passes alcohol in fatal wrecks. Marijuana accounts for about 35% of those.
But driving while stoned is not legal, any form of DWI is illegal.
For fuck's sake people, if you hit the bong, wait a good 3-4 hours before you get behind the wheel to sober up. If it's edibles, wait longer.
le lolz nice maymay comic. chan invasion when leddit brother?
Used to work at an after school program for poor brown folks in a gang infested area of a different state. After Colorado legalized recreational weed, a lot of the neighborhood gang members and quite a few families packed up and moved to Denver. Now they run high medicinal grade weed back into their old hood. Business is a-boomin.
Not surprised property theft is up in Colorado. I should check to see if theft is down in their home state...
Are these statistics even real? This is what I could find on that same website. It doesn't make sense to count 2013 statistics since weed wasn't available for legal purchase until Jan. 1, 2014.
I live in kansas, we had so many degenerates jump ship after colorado legalised weed. That and people litterally willing to be homeless just to move to a state where it was legal.
no they're not. its widely known that violent crime has gone done since pot was legalized. but all these damn lefties came with it. oh well. that why i stay in the mountains.
The one problem I've found in Washington is that a lot of people stink and don't know it.
>kids oding on brownies and dying
going to need a sauce on that.
>Positive drug tests were more common than the presence of alcohol among the fatally injured drivers who were tested in 2015
>Cannabis has a long half-life in humans (67 days) (57). In chronic cannabis users, it is particularly difficult to determine whether a positive result for cannabis represents a new episode of drug use or continued excretion of residual drug
I could test positive for a drug test RIGHT NOW, and I haven't smoked in a week.
>Correlation is causation
Sure kiddo.
It increased the real estate making legal weed only accessible to the affluent
Too much money that then the state even knows what to do with
This is what I noticed when I went to Denver. Fucking greasy potheads in their tie dye on the streets. Overall just a subjective noticeable decline in quality of people. I'm not sure if this would hold true for everywhere though. Denver might have just suffered for being first.
Colorado is a nice state and I really liked some of the parks. Not sure if I want to go back to Denver though.
Well it's just common fucking sense that if you smoke weed, don't jump behind a wheel, till you're sobered up. Stay safe user. Get your snacks before you toke.
nigger what? dispensary weed is not expensive at all compared to illegal weed. it's much higher quality too
I can see that. I just quit smoking cigs 5 months ago, and now I can smell that shit from a mile away, and its disgusting to have on your clothes. For the decade and a half that I smoked, I didn't notice the smell once until I quit.
Sweaty greasy retards walk around on the streets instead of staying in their bedrooms all day.
It is a very sad state of affairs.
-degenerate pothead influx
-shitty political decisions made as a result
-state culture headed down the drain as a result
It's not too late for them to fix that, but I don't see it happening.
This article doesn't even talk about Colorado specifically. iirc fatal accidents in CO have decreased since legalization
Housing prices are through the roof due to the influx of population, also homelessness is way up. Good for tax revenue, good for investors and property owners, bad for infrastructure and locals paying rent. It's also becoming more and more like California which is very bad.
Overall I'd say a net negative, at least until other states legalize marijuana.
But that doesn't mean crash victims testing positive were even high at the time. It just means they had the metabolites that the drug leaves behind in the system, which stays for quite a long time.
A lot of weed has been crossing out of state lines. Not really a negative; more like other states should be legalizing and taxing so that Colorado doesn't hog it all. Colorado's weed market will take a hit once it's legal in all the states.
Fucking commiefornians and spics flooding into Colorado ruined it.
We should just legalize all drugs in a single state, wait awhile, then nuke the shit.
Great way to take out the trash.
Whats up everyone, currently friends with a chemist working on this project in washington. For the past 4 years, they have been measuring the wastewater to find out how much marijuana is being smoked in a random city. We have been cross referencing this with the legal marijuana sales for each month, and its been nuts
Long story short, the amount of weed being smoked has stayed consistent for the past 4 years, but the amount being bought from dispensaries has gone up 500%, AKA no more degenerate drug dealers in the town.
Could possibly post proof lel
I know drugs are pointless when I found myself trying to make myself feel normal under the influence rather than letting the drug manipulate my perception.
Drugs are so stupid.
OP asks what negative impacts legalization has had on the country.
This increase in drugged driving deaths is a correlation with the timing of more states legalizing (Colorado was the first and has inspired other states)
It's not definitive, but it does suggest that with increased availability and more people using, that accidents could have gone up on it.
But like I said. It's common sense, don't drive while stoned. Period.
the degenerates who flooded here brought other drugs and faggy politics with them
kek who the fuck waits after smoking to go drive
the best experience is to drive WHILE smoking
in my area they call this routing, and it's fucking awesome. i've been routing thousands of times and never gotten pulled over once
the only type of people that need a break after smoking to go drive are space cadets
Cool, make sure you publish your findings. Legal weed will benefit every state.
Also less opiate addicts/overdoses
Correlation And causation.
Cannabis stays in the body a relatively long fucking time compared to other drugs.
Testing positive =/= high at the time
You're a fucking moron and I hope you get busted and spend some time in jail and lose your license before you kill your damned self.
Not to mention, people undertaking risky behavior like driving while stoned give people like Jeff Sessions ammunition to keep it illegal and raid dispensaries.
Be responsible about your smoking, the more people do the more public sides with legalization and it'll happen. If you're an irresponsible shit about it, it turns public opinion against it and we go back to war on drugs.
The graph is crimes PER 100,000 PEOPLE. That means that it's adjusted for population.
None of the listed benefits in this thread matter. When you legalise weed you are saying that being a long-haired sweaty jobless retard is okay.
I dont want to see those people and I dont want to smell those people. Weed laws arent to stop people from doing it, they're to stop people from doing it in front of you.
So tell me, why exactly should you be driving while stoned?
Tell me what's wrong with advising people not to drive while stoned. I smoke weed, I don't drive while high though.
I think Denver would be a different thing because of the early adoption. Could also reflect people using more outside of the city. City people were always stoners.
How the fuck does wastewater=amount of weed smoked?
You shouldn't, when did I say you should? I'm just saying a crash victim testing positive for cannabis doesn't mean they were high at the time, or even recently.
Watch the news carefully next year, this study is getting national attention, this group has been in contact with many big heads of governments internationally and are the first group to be doing this
It has caused other states to stall on legalizing, so they can find ways to have friends in high places be the ones who benefit from growing and what not. Rhode Island is a fine example of corrupt state government
suck my dick you autistic faggot
learn how to handle your drugs better before you lecture other people on what not to do with theirs
anyone use CBD oil? How has it helped you? Vape or oil?
this nigga said driving high is "risky behavior" LMAO
well. I'm hoping they start running PSA's to educate people on drugged driving the same they do with drunk driving. Something at least.
We have machines that can detect the amount of THC metabolite (what your liver excretes) at the level of parts per billion, and we take samples from 2 treatment plants.
We look in the samples for a compound your liver excretes, and based off the amount of that we find we have the population
We take the population and THC in that population sample per week, and have found how much THC the average person excretes based off the THC percentage smoked too
Homeless population grew since legalization. Also spic criminals
Too many degenerate transplant faggots
t Colorado Springs
Driving while impaired IS risky behavior.
Now I guess you're determined to become a statistic. Hopefully you only kill yourself though running off the road, and not hitting someone head on.
>that goddamn 25/g they are charging
I've never paid that much. At most $12-$15/g.
In WA, all the businesses have shut down. Entire strip malls are empty. People will come up to you in Seattle and ask if you have heroin to sell them.
It's not the weed.
It brought in degenerate fuck head califaggots and now they won't leave.
have you ever even smoked weed? anyone who's done it more than a couple times knows that it doesn't impair your ability to drive. if anything it makes it better as people are often extra paranoid and thus very cautious and careful about observing the rules.
but weed is legal in cali now
this x9001
Expecting the califags to leave colorado is like expecting the """syrians""" to leave sweden and go home
It's too late the cancer has gone terminal
Yes and I used to drive on it when I was younger and stupid. It depends on how much but it will impair driving when you get really baked, noticably. Your reaction times are slower and you drive much much slower, its a compensating mechanism because you're aware you're impaired.
Don't be an irresponsible faggot
Kek says you are satan.
Kek is always right.
Follow not thine flesh but seek ye unto that which is of good consciousness
i would love to know where that is painted
I was in Denver last week actually.
Yall got some shitty looking people.
born and raised in CO.
-cost of living skyrocketed
-camp sites being closed off due to too much litter/disrespect for nature
-my GADDAM FISHING LAKE is fucked with hippie garbage and not allowed to fish there anymore due to over fishing.
- accidents went up mainly because nobody knows how to navigate snow/ winters (yes retards you need 4 wheel drive when it snows 2 feet and it does happen every year)
- denver/boulder are cancer liberal breeding grounds
-my shooting ranges closed down and replaced with fusion restaurants
-whenever im out of state or people know im form CO they auto assume HURRR 420$$$ blaze it, bong water state XDXDXD.
Sweden got 1st choice
feels, brother. isn't it great driving out of state and every cop thinks you're a baked fuckup? thank kek I have nice cars
ye its beyond repair, I predict state will go bankrupt in the next 20 yrs. I'm planning to transfer to Idaho by then.
It's because since weed is still illegal on a federal level, the shops can't put their money in the bank. So there has been a rise in break ins because everyone is just hoarding cash instead of depositing it.
>-whenever im out of state or people know im form CO they auto assume HURRR 420$$$ blaze it, bong water state XDXDXD
seriously, it got old after the 30th time
Same. Up in that panhandle or Montana.
At least there will be less forest fires us there.
it's a shitshow of increased buglaries in Denver, our fat cops could give a shit
He said real estate, meaning that only wealthy people can afford to live in the state.
So basically your job is to sample drug addicts piss. Noice.
>drugs which have once been legalized are almost impossible to de-legalize
hurr durr war on drugs