GMOs are ba-
GMOs are ba-
What are those?
nigger eggs
wild banana
banana seeds
What bananas look like in the wild.
Breeding out undesirable traits =/= dipping seeds in arsenic and other chemicals and growing the mutant survivors
bretty sure theyre seeds
they harden in response to liberal propaganda
Enjoy your phytobezoars.
GMO =/= uncontrolled mutations by exposing to mutagens. Although I agree OP is a faggot for using that as his argument I'm also under the impression that anyone who thinks all GMOs are bad is a hippie retard. Sure you can engineer a grape to produce ricin but you can also make crops that survive harsher conditions, grow larger, produce more nutrients etc. It can go either way.
I actually have never seen a banana with seeds
do they taste good?
where can I buy them?
ya they're actually way tastier, and the seeds are super healthy packed with protein.
we've unfortunately destroyed 94 percent of the biodiversity in the plants we consume. One good plant disease could now kill the entire planet, but the pseudo intellectual crowd doesn't get too far into the actual issues.
You can't convert me Jack!
Might wanna rethink that, sport.
>and the seeds are super healthy packed with protein.
What a cunt.
fuck off and eat a banana...
A simple video for the undeveloped baby minds that think GMOs are bad.
my banana is augmented
Papaya seeds can literally cure many cancers. They are also toxic to any worms living in the gut.
Shame eating them makes you shit so violently.
To be fair if you ignore plants that give you the shits you are going to get something nasty a few decades into your life. Getting apocalypse tier shits every so often is vital for maintaining health. The only exception are those who were
Jewed of their appendixes as they are likely to just straight up die if they completely evacuate their intestines.
>a single person
>even the most mentally-backwards rural and suburban retard
>ever meaning artificial selection == GMO when they discuss GMOs rather than meaning lab-designed chimera organisms
And I thought Americans were retarded for voting in Trump. Is this the power of Argentina's white population?
The argument against GMOs is that there a ton of unintended and hidden side effects that we don't know about sorta similar to the fluoride in the water and anti-vax arguments.
There's historical precedent to it and a study by MIT showed that a chemical used in roundup had a 1-1 correlation with autism.
>chimera organisms
Yup you're the intelligent one here. All those dumb white Americans and Argentinians don't stand a chance against the might of a super genius cucked leaf like yourself.
I think GMO food is fine. They should just specify it if it has been create by splicing DNA from unrelated creatures.
I think there is a big difference in selective breeding and splicing salmon DNA into soy beans.
>selective breeding = GMO
>don't be anti science you rethuglican, climate change is real!
>woah GMOs are really bad
>Ricin grapes
Now that sounds like a cool way to weaponize grapes desu.
>literally shitpost.
This is why i dont eat bananas but kiwi
> I'm also under the impression that anyone who thinks all GMOs are bad is a hippie retard
So you completely trust a company, that is ran by Jews, owns Blackwater, sponsors terrorism, used to threaten politicians with murder to get it's way and colludes with letter agencies to make artificial food for you?
You are a complete retard, m8.
Well that's not because of GMO's if it's from Roundup
Of course it's because GMO, idiot. Because no one regulates it. Monsanto knowingly released toxic food on the market and you ate it up. Don't you read wikileaks?
Roundup is not a GMO, it is an herbicide
>Ethics of companies that utilize a technology = ethics of the technology itself
Never said anything about the companies m8. Anyone who trusts a technology like that in the hands of kikes is retarded I agree but dismissing the whole technology because of kikes who use it is also retarded
>This retard tries to look smart by making up bullshit
Top kek faggot. My dad works in Gene Engineering and they are dipping shit in nuclear fluids and crap all the time. KYS
Got any links to articles?
My gf has been saying something similar and I want to show her wikileaks has her back.
Proprietary one, which is mandatory to use with GMO. Unless you want to lose your seed license.
Nigger that's a wild banana
>Ethics of companies that utilize a technology = ethics of the technology itself
Well, the whole biotech is ran by kikes and letter agencies and it will stay that way, because no one else has the money to do the research. Keep supporting GMO, goy.
Your and idiot
>which is mandatory to use
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that Roundup is not a GMO. Blame the company for pushing harmful herbicides, not the science.
Argentina, your flag looks like a jew flag.
All jew sluts?
Somebody didn't read the contract
The Cavendish is selectively bred and sterile, propagated by cuttings
Genetic engineering can be used to gain superior traits without having to breed many generations, source of DNA means nothing, protein product of gene can't be toxic, allergen, etc. More scrutiny than other foods.
Mutation breeding is different, uses EMS in tissue culture with selection to rapidly generate useful mutation, downside is other mutations and somaclonal variation
That's how it is. When you buy a biotech seed license you are obliged to use proprietary herbicides, unless you want to get sued.
>Theist's nightmare
Again, source?
That's nothing.
DId he blame the science?
Was he original post blaming science? Nobody is called a nazi if they blame the science, but if you blame the jews you are a nazi.
Not supporting GMOs just saying they're like any other technology and can be used for good or evil. What you're trying to say is like making an argument that TVs are evil because jews control the media.
Tldr, technology isn't the problem jews are, keep the two separate.
Of course roundup is not a GMO, it's merely a GMO accessory. (American) farmers plant "Roundup Ready" crops, genetically engineered by Monsanto to be herbicide-resistant so the farmers can dump roundup over their entire fields without killing the crops.
Glyphosate is harmless
We used to spray 2,4,5-T on peopls
OP is retarded
Huge difference between natural breeding and GMOs
>Asian Bananas
By supporting GMO you support the Jews. By supporting TV, you support the Jews.
How hard is that concept to understand?
Until every last Jew is killed you should support neither.
But selective breeding is still technically modification of genes, it just takes time.
Damn that shit looks delicious desu senpai
By posting on Sup Forums, you support the jews (google)
It might be part of contract clauses people sign to use patented biotech, glyphosate is bad if you drink straight from the bottle. Just wash your food.
>Papaya seeds can literally cure many cancers
steven jobs is that you?
It's like you didn't even read what he wrote. Just got mad at him taking jabs at liberal hippies. Oh wait, I get it now
They are currently being sued by the state. How ignorant can you be?
>processed food is ba-
>sugar is ba-
>if you can't pronounce it, don't ea-
enjoy eating only what MONSANTO says
It's about the grain too. Your bread is soaked in glyphostate
By the way they pay the (((scientific community))) to tell you GMO is OK.
Source, please. Roundup is basically just the trade name for glyphosate, like Aspirin for acetyl salicylicacid. Glyphosate inhibits an enzyme in the shikimate pathway in plants - essential for plants but a pathway and thus enzyme humans don't have. The license is for "Roundup ready" plants, which have a bacterial DNA sequence insterted so they produce a bacterial ESPS synthase which is not inhibited by glyphosate. That in turn restores the shikimate pathway in plants even in the presence of glyphosate, thus enabling survival. That's the whole magic. By the way,
Monsanto is not the only company producing Glyphosate. Further, it is a rather popular herbicide in use even without GMO plants. People are just retards and use it in ridiculous amounts because it's cheap.
Guys, Monsanto doesn't exist anymore.
It was bought up buy another company.
This line of argument is so retarded I'm surprised people keep making it.
There is nothing wrong with GMOs, there is no reason to suspect anything would be wrong with GMOs.
BUT, we have to Ban them they Might, Possibly, Potentially, Maybe do something bad and at one point.
You can literally never do anything new with such a retarded standard.
Its just dumb Luddite Niggers afraid of what they don't understand.
Key word in your argument is "could". I could win the lottery tomorrow. We could all die from a meteor hitting us. Gmo's could be beneficial, but since genetic manipulation is not fully understood and is largely funded by less than trustworthy (((people))), it's pretty dumb to allow them to sell people this stuff for regular consumption. The possibilities of what can go wrong in this field of science is large, and the consequences potentially severe. Questioning it's legitimacy for things we put in our body is not "hippy" nonsense, it's common fucking sense for anyone who doesn't want to be a walking lab rat.
I'm not defending Monsanto, I'm merely asking for the source for your claim that farmers are being forced to use Roundup.
I agree that Roundup is harmful, since various studies have proven it.
> there is no reason to suspect anything would be wrong with GMOs.
Never said that.
But Monsanto got bought up by another company. You're quite literally shouting at the wrong person.
Don't get me wrong, GMOs can be fine and good but that cuck who made that video also made a video about how the EU is great and has no real problems at all and theres no real reason to want to leave the EU
see Also pic related. They are writing their own scientific tests and paying scientists to put their signatures on it.
Just type "monsanto sued" in google.
>But Monsanto got bought up by another company
No, the acquisition is still pending. It didn't happen.
>shills unironically defending monsanto
How much do they pay you?
>wants to be enslaves by companies
GMO planets is ownership of company and that demands pesticides that go with that plant, also owned by company. GMO is nothing but enslavement and besides humans evolved with plants on planet, ate them for very long time, your stomach is made to process them and some plants you can't process, while other animals can. GMO experimenting will have known side effects in decades and even then question is who will be responsible if you sell all to big corporations, including food inspectors. Only complete retards promote GMO without getting paid for it.
Where did I say GMOs were good?
Do you have schizophrenia?
Good Christ.
Bayerag is happening
I wouldn't try to argue with these normies.
They've probably never plowed a field or picked a rock in their life.
Look, I know RTL and Bild have been preaching for years about the dangers of genetic engineering, but the unfortunate fact is that GE is a technology that has
(1) not been developed for the military
(2) not been used for murder
(3) has the potential to deprive (((them))) of huge profits in both agriculture and the pharmaceutical industry.
The so-called dangers have been studied hundreds of times and the only work that actually "proved" the dangers of GMOs has been ripped to shreds by the scientific community because the author was to retarded to run appropriate controls. Incidentally, that is the study that convinced our glorious parliament and the enlightened public to ban most GMOs. That should speak for itself.
But how does that prove that they are forcing farmers to use RoundUp?
there ya go sweetie baby hunny pie
The problem I have with GMOs in general isn't the fact that they make new types of better growing food stuff, but the problem is they fucking patent the food they make and charge out the ass for seasonal growth. You have to buy the new crop of seeds each year, if you don't and just plant some that you had left over they can sue the shit out of you.
Monsanto is notorious for doing just that. As such, food is more expensive.
another (((company)))
Finally, a topic that I'm passi-
I fucking love the term "RethugliKKKans"
>GMO plants immune to spraying
You must be a baby. GMO plants are exactly the plants that need pest control and spraying with chemicals. More ancient the plant, more it is immune to pests, since it survived for so long and developed preventives. They invent plants that need dependence, since that's the whole point of it. We have enough food to go around planet 4 times, but we throw it away to raise the stock prices. You think we can't feed Africa? We can solve the African problem in a week, if we wanted. Rich people are rich because not everybody has money. Prices of diamonds/oil are low because some control it, when they create wars and lower the price of it.
The people that make your aspirin are going to buy up Monsanto...So far it's pending.
German madman is just being schizophrenic.
You Luddite Niggers should be Gassed.
You're freaking out over some non-existent worst scenario.
GMOs simply a few new proteins that they don't normally have. These same proteins exist in nature and are regularly consumed by people.
Yet you dumb faggots think you're about to be turned into the fucking X-Men or something.
I always forget to tell the potatos theyre immune to wireworms
>GMO being anything else than profit making
GMO isn't tastier, it isn't more immune to pests, it isn't healthier, it isn't cheaper, it doesn't solves world hunger. The most tasty/good fruit will always be old types riped on sun. You can reinvent all you want, humans are like they evolved, same with food. When you push new GMO plants you can then also re-create yourself at end you fat fucks, but first learn to loose weight.
>(3) has the potential to deprive (((them))) of huge profits in both agriculture and the pharmaceutical industry.
Are you retarded? It's the opposite. GMO seeds are sterile, you have to pay for the new seeds every year. Once the biotech has the monopoly on the agriculture in a country the rise the prices by 500%.
In Iraq, where biotech managed to get written into the constitution a loaf of bread is considered a luxury now.
>(1) not been developed for the military
>Robert J. Stevens, Monsanto Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Martin Corporation
Did you even look up the people at Monsanto? Half of them are involved in Clinton foundation, military sector, CIA or some other NWO arm.
You are completely ignorant about biotech, please stop posting.
You think plant seeds you buy in store are not genetically changed already? You think corn tastes sweet? No corn never tasted sweet, only American GMO corn does.