/brg/ Boston Rally General: Permit Approved Edition

On May 13th, a free speech rally will be held in the Boston Common on 139 Tremont St from 12pm-5pm.

Libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, or anyone else who supports Trump or just hates leftists are encouraged to attend.

Bring Stickman basics at LEAST. Boston is saturated with Antifa or Antifa sympathizers. Expect a shitload to be there. They WILL be violent. Remember, Boston is the birthplace of liberty! This is our town, progressives are just squatting in it. Time to take it back.




>What's the point of this rally?
To support free speech and show the world Boston isn't completely cucked.

>Will cops stand down or help Antifa?
Likely. Some are on our side, but they may have orders. Do not expect help.

DO's and DONT's:

DO NOT: Bring guns, knifes, bats, or weighted gloves.

DO NOT: Come to this event if you're a skinhead or plan to act like one. If you are a skinhead, dress like a normie, but assist during skirmishes.

DO NOT: Come planning to instigate violence. Any fights must be strictly defensive or after Antifa have thrown smoke into crowd etc. etc.

DO NOT: Let Antifa beat the shit out of you because muh media coverage.

DO NOT: Wear a mask, We are not antifa thugs. Don't act like them.

DO: Bring items that can be used for self defense, IE Strong Flag and Sign Poles, Mace, Anything legal.

DO: Helmets, shin guards, goggles, respirators, and other body armor.

DO: Make a Shield with a patriotic symbol on it (US Flag, Gadsden, etc). Make more than one shield to share and form squads.

DO: Make signs and (removably) attach them to your sticks/shields.

DO: Bring water and food to share to make friends.

DO: Form Doxing Crews, get high quality cameras and pictures of Antifa members faces.

DO: De-Mask Antifa whenever possible.

DO: Get a battle buddy! Safety is in numbers.

DO: Get the message out there! We need as many people as possible attending to counter Antifa.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping faggots. Brookline faggot reporting in.

Parkman Bandstand will be the main area for speakers. That is where we will meet.

I would recommend anyone who wants to be involved show up early to plan with other patriots, set up squads, set up equipment, keep antifa away from our set up etc.

16 days until the rally. Prepare to get time off work, make arrangements.

Things are rolling along, lets be ready to repollute the Charles with unwashed Antifa.

Beverly kid ready

Roll for class

are larger image file would be nice


California is an inspiration. let us make our brethren on the west coast proud.

Dont have any larger ones of that particular poster, hopefully someone else has the full res version.

is anyone posting posters around Harvard etc?

Honestly these street protests are the most cringeworthy shit I've seen in a while. Yeah, freedom of speech is important, but it's clear that the overwhelming majority of pro-Trump protesters are pathetic degenerates who have attached themselves to the cause to give meaning to their lives.

Antifa, despite being faggots, are aesthetic as fuck - they have matching uniforms in an intimidating color scheme. They can easily convey their political message and appear united.

The "alt-right" protesters are a bunch of people barely keeping their blubber concealed beneath their bright-colored spandex, or pasty lanklets in motorcycle padding. Of course, mixed in is a bunch of stolen valor Boomers in camo so they can roleplay as the soldiers that they were too chickenshit to be back in the day. These right wing protesters are dressed like they're extras in a gay porn parody of Mad Max. It looks pathetic because it is pathetic. I'm glad that antifa bitched out today, because seeing /ourguys/ without an actual opponent (other than some pissed off high schoolers) makes it even more clear that they're fucking losers.

> inb4 Laura Southern

She's basically a camwhore. Pretty much all right wing women there are ham beasts.

another novel i didn't read

I got work off for the day, hopefully we get a good turnout, have been wanting to get into some kind of Sup Forums organizing around here, or at least since merging conservative. The leftism is driving me nuts, I take classes at UMass and they have fucking booths inside the campus center advertising skipping school for a day (for both students and teachers) on May 1st for commie day. Its awful.
Hope to see some other fashy goys turn out.


commie day was really workers socialist day. just remind them that Hitler fought for that holiday for them.

"The Battle of Boston" rolls off the tongue pretty nicely. Make it count, burgers.

Listen you collectivist faggot, get off my board! RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

rawling for warrior or assassin

We will start in a few days hopefully.

shit nigga

BPD here, we are currently tracking the threat of 11 Neo-Nazi terrorist groups in the area. These people are agitators stay clear of them.

Like 5 people are goin to show up

Back to your piss covered needle den Antifa

Myself included btw


Im bringing two others with me, so hopefully not.

Since Berkeley is now proven to have been conquered, Boston is indeed next.

After that, Europe.

If they dont show, fine by me. Ill be happy to spend an afternoon in the Common hanging out and representing.

I really hope people dont show up looking super cringy.

digits will confirm



if Boston does not win then at least we have Valhalla

cape cod here, ill be there cant wait



Thank you for your service sir, we'll keep our eyes out for troublemakers.

>11 neo-nazi groups
are we talking five faggots in a basement? What we talking.

Get in the discord faggot.

Other discord with permit user involved.


Rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin YEAH!!!


I'll take it, kind of what I had planned anyway....

should this be our official flag for the event?

Its such a based flag, I wouldnt mind it.

no step on snek is good too.



thanks based bpd thank you for your service. I hope those guys don't show up they screw everyting up Berkley seemed to end ok hopefully more of the same peaceful actions and debate.





roll mf roll


best thread music ever let it play

Many Irish tunes make for good thread themes.


bumping with origional snek

we need to be prepared with tendies and pepsi


looks like shit leaf kek

Cant wait!

It does exist, a good post from a leaf, I never thought I'd live to see the day.

The location is going to be the Parkman Bandstand (pic related) and the statue in the OP and your post is actually in the Public Gardens.

good enough for printing out a bunch, can even be b&w to save sheckles

good to know

you tried that's all that matters

>looks like shit leaf kek


we need to start sourcing AV equipment and a power source too, but the bandstand will make for an ideal platform to reach people.

I saved that.

>being this butthurt
>using alt right unironically

No merchant class?


New England is a classless society

I like the clear pic better not the fuzzy one

I am artist


>I like the clear pic better not the fuzzy one

I'll whip one up.

I'm done. I was just doing this to clear my head after doing my taxes.


bumping with irish tunes









oops forgot the date

Excellent once you add the date. Might want to include its a Saturday


Saturday May 13

very nice

punch an antifa fuckhead in the gut for me - pussies didn't show up today

the kid in the statue is just getting off pol ready to rally

North Shore Antifa shared Anti-Fascist News's post.
5 hrs ·
Anti-Fascist News
8 hrs ·
That "antifa scum" page is the epitome of why the far right can never effectively organize. They are "doxxing antifa," but really what they are doing is just reposting the pictures of random people that could vaguely be associated with the left in some way. This isn't doxxing, and they aren't associated with Antifa. Since these people do not understand how actual organizing and movement building works, liking things on Facebook is what they think participation is. That is what the Alt Right really is, collections of vaguely tied together people online, and when they show up in person they are a disorganized mess without a clear analysis and no strategic vision. It is run by silly Goth LARPers and are posting the most basic level of info that it seems as though they lack even a cursory understanding of the movement they think they are exposing.
Antifascists should take this as a really good sign since it shows that the opposition has really clear weaknesses, but it should not give a false sense of optimism. It simply means as we organize we can do so more effectively because the right is honestly embarrassing, simple minded, and lacking in even the most basic elements you would call organizing or strategy. Keep "doxxing," you have literally accomplished nothing and instead are helping to obscure who is actually involved in antifascist organizing and what antifascist organizing looks like. If anything, they are actually help block a clear view of who people actually are.

they love to write novels

Antifa literally brags about 'doxxing' patriots by finding their facebook. they have no self awareness

as they bitch about doxing they do this

ha yeah I am aware of this website

"only the wicked flee when no one pursueth"

Very excited for this coming up bros

I'm looking to attach something like this to the front of my helmet captain falcon style. How do?

go to home depot with the items and ask what would be best

A bit of krazy glue will probably hold it, but runs the risk of ruining the helmet. youll probably have to hammer it down to contour to the shape of the helmet