
This drug is completely ravaging my state, or at least my side of it. Like 10% of my high school class has died from it. Last summer I was going to a funeral like every other week. I've even heard horror stories of people murdering their own siblings over this. The government isn't doing nearly enough to fight it, but I don't even know what they could do at this point. Does anyone else have any experience living in a community where this shit is everywhere?

Other urls found in this thread:


>drug problem
>the government isn't doing enough to fight it

Either Black or White trash. Either way, low-IQ subhumans.

>doctors get people addicted to legal opiates
>government starts to punish doctors for prescribing opiates
>doctors stop giving them out
>people already deeply addicted to them turn to heroin

American "healthcare" everyone

I can tell you in no uncertain terms both the CIA & the DEA are bringing it to the streets of small town USA. I know people inside and it's very common knowledge. Get informed and spread the word!!



I do. Its pretty much in epidemic mode in my parts. One kid I went to college with nearly Od'd during class. (eyes rolled way back started look really shitty) right in front of me so I shook him out of it (he had no idea and thought he was aware). Did my internship at a diversion program for non-violent drug offenders (alcohol included). Drugs are shit dude....all of them.

Dealers are cutting it with Chinese fentanyl and it's dropping people like flies. Especially people who get clean for a few months then relapse. Kills them on the first dose.

Another kid I went to school with got clean...went home and od'd...its pretty normal where I am...Its so available and everyone has it in the house via prescriptions and whatnot. They give out that medication cops and emergency workers have to wake the person up if they od'd now. If you have someone in your family who struggles with drug addiction you can get it just in case.


Yeah my whole peer group of Degenerate friends are addicted. Used to just smoke weed and pop pills now everyone is shooting up. You have to have some strong will power if your gonna use and not fuck people over or shoplift/pawn from Walmart bc the withdrawals are seriously terrible..To where you feel like and want to die..It gets real bad at night when you can't sleep and can't stay still like your legs are on fire. Anyone with restless legs imagine that X100 and all over your body, and that's only one symptom. That said when you're on it you don't give a fuck about anything which is why they want so many people dependent on it.

You have to start dealing drugs OP, then you find out who the other dealers are then you murder them and take their territory, now you're the only drug dealer and you kill your supplier and stop dealing drugs and retire and write a memoir on the top of a small mountain in alaska

Another huge thing where I am is this whole synthetic marijuana craze. Its available for next to nothing for a "real high" and is basically sold EVERYWHERE. They just cracked down on it.

If a friend or family member of yours is using, keep some naloxone around. And have their dealers killed - they're probably mixing it with fentanyl or similar.

kratom got me clean. ive been clean almost a year. the scariest part is withdrawl, and why its so hard to quit. kratom helps mitigate the horriblness.

Heron addicts smell like SHIT when they come clean. Must be all that garbage being metabolized and whatnot. Good for anyone who can kick that shit...oddly enough very few heron addicts die from going clean. Alcoholics on the other had drop like flies when they come clean....that and the shakes...

>marijuana's getting legalized left and right
>people are dying from heroin and opiate overdoes
lol who cares :^)

really makes you think

Thanks Dubbya. this makes Afghanistan worth it.

>How do we kill a lot of poor people?
Heroin addiction
>How do we do that?
Opiod pills, opiod pills errywhere
>And then?
Stop giving them pills! give em the good stuff
>where do we get the good stuff?

Heroin output over in that shithole is the highest its ever been. We protect the goddamn fields of this shit.

If the only thing you care about is reducing overdoses, then the best possible course of action is legalization heroin. It has already been said in this thread WHY so many people overdose, and that reason disappears if the drug becomes legal.

>non-violent drug offenders (alcohol included).

you mean twinks who can't fight and whore themselves out?

Ok, drug users are degenerates

Yeah man heroin is the type of shit you would kill your siblings for. But didn't you know that already?
Also CIA sells this shit on the blackmarket online so there you go

Here's a guy who really gets it. Like 90% of the world's opium comes from Afghanistan and we are literally protecting the fields.

Also get out with your blog post faggot

Drink beer and smoke a blunt. Fuck Heroin.

You're just a plain nigger if you get addicted. I've been abusing Opiates for years, it's a lovely drug.

I've abused (taken more than the RX'ed dose) every script I've gotten for medical issues, I've swiped from relatives and I get a 60 5/325 Percs every 60 days.
I blow through the 60 day RX in about maybe 2 weeks, enjoy the fuck out it, then just wait until my RX re-ups.

Never felt the slightest "jones" or withdrawal.

Sure, there's been weekends where I've said "gee 30mg of Oxy would be nice right now" but then I fucking moved on.

These drugs are awesome...I've had kidney stones and some other Health issues.. trust me Dilaudid is like having Ice Cream, Puppies and Blow Jobs pushed into to you...faggots that can handle it..they are niggers with no self control.

Have the FBI lace the shit with rat poison and kill off all the addicts and people stupid enough to try the shit.

I was an alcoholic , I had delirium tremens and couldn't eat. But I had real next level hallucinations, On the metro everyone's face became the same and they had light coming from their eyes, the hallucination laster three days because I was trying to 'tapper' off alcohol by only drinking a little bit. It featured machine language being synthesized in my head, hearing voices, demonic screeching and wailing putting everything together I thought that bodies were just a window into this world and could be inhabited by a whole other world of personalities, some of them were talking to me for hours with very distinct personalities and voices

I saw this girl working as a cashier for a bar once, she was so, so pretty, but her arms looked like old woman arms, and she was looking very sad. She was a heroin user it seems

Aside from drugs being degenerate I wouldn't trust any dealer, especially street vendor, that I'm getting what I'm asking for. People just need to stay away from shit like that in the first place. If not go to rehab. If poor, their families (if known about the drug addiction) should get them to the doctor asap.

>The government isn't doing nearly enough to fight it
Meanwhile in Afghanistan
>They said that IS fighters saw the district as their own. After most locals fled, IS banned poppy cultivation and began farming wheat, turning the valley green.

Fun fact: Slovenian health organisations give free needles to drug addicts so that they can shoot up with clean ones. You just have to bring your old needle and you'll get a new one.

Is the USA still not over Heroin?? Move on you fucking spergs and get a real drug epidemic going, like ICE.

Fucking Yanks.

You know how to handle it unlike the addicts ,I agree

>delirium tremens

I totally thought you were talking about the actual beer....

That shift is intense.
Wouldn't recommend it.

Don't forget the Taliban were actually destroying the poppy fields and we put a stop to that

Also tons of people are getting addicted to a tea made from the opium poppy seeds now since it's cheaper than pills and heroin. Turns out the 3 major distributors of the seeds to the US are run by Orthodox Jews. Just can't make this shit up.

it's not the end result. it's the in-between....stealing lying I hate meth heads. I hope they all of.

What state and and what part of the state are you in OP?

we actually have a really bad meth epidemic in my state.
they amped the fuck out of the drug laws including mandatory minimum sentences for duis for alcohol.
and yet people are still injecting/snorting/smoking this shit.
it's like prohibition doesn't work or something.

When you're having DT / hallucinations from alcohol withdrawal, how much do you need to drink or how intoxicated do you need to get to stop them? Is it properly drunk, or ?

Norway too. It is discussed that heroin should be legalized so addicts don't have to suffer. fucking kek. Also we had(have?) needle rooms where junkies either got help from a nurse shooting up or could do it themselves. Poor nurses desusenpai

>it's like prohibition doesn't work or something.
The problem is that nobody will actually use this argument because everybody has something they don't want to be legalized.

>Steals from relatives to feed habit
>I'm not addicted

>On the metro everyone's face became the same and they had light coming from their eyes, the hallucination laster three days because I was trying to 'tapper' off alcohol by only drinking a little bit. It featured machine language being synthesized in my head, hearing voices, demonic screeching and wailing putting everything together I thought that bodies were just a window into this world and could be inhabited by a whole other world of personalities, some of them were talking to me for hours with very distinct personalities and voices
This sounds a lot like what I'd expect reality to actual be if you could see demons. What kind of shit did they say?

Heroin was mostly gone and extremely rare even just a decade ago. Then, opiates of all kinds started getting prescribed at alarming rates. When people are taken off their prescription opiates but have still become addicted, they turned to street stuff which has become ridiculously cheap and accessible in the interim. Dealers saw a growing market and jumped on it.

>Is it properly drunk, or ?
You need to be in a hospital to DT.
You should not DT from booze at home ever. It can kill you.

No, just 2 or 3 strong drinks to calm down.

West Virginia here. Opiates are the goddamned plague. I turn 40 this year; I've lost about 1/3rd of my friends to this shit.

This. I'm actually floating an idea of going undercover so to speak and literally murdering drug dealers. Only heroin dealers mind you I could care less if someone is selling weed and mushrooms. Heroin is fucking destroying our community and I'm fucking tired of watching it happen.

you should try some, user. everyone is doing it so you know it must be good

where do you live? Arizona?

A double shot will stop them for me for about an hour. You've got to be careful though, because if you load up real quick and then just quit again the withdrawals hit harder and you can have a seizure.

That's why I fucking quit for good.

Why not just go undercover and send anonymous tips? You don't need to go full Batman, vigilante justice is no good.

I'm not sure I've only had them when going sober. They get worse though, progressively each time you sober up. I'm positive if I drink heavily for a long time again and sober up alone I'll die or will leave my body to one of those things that were talking to me the last time.

Are you saying that heroin being legal is a bad thing?

I was on heroin from 2012-2014. Once you do a decent amount for a couple of days in a row the withdraws do get really fucking bad. At that point, It's not that you want to get high, it's that you want to not feel like you have the flu all the time.

Enjoy getting brutally killed in retaliation by the gang that controls the supply if you go too far up the chain.

Report to FBI.

You have good intentions, but no need for you to risk peoples lives by trying to play vigilante and possibly getting the wrong person or killing innocent people.

FBI just gonna do a check-up on you to make sure you're ok. Anyways have a nice day bud

Don't care

stop parenting like shit

CIA needs money from somewhere

Had a chick in HS I knew who was fucking sexy af that started doing smack. Now I'm in school to be a cop & I've got no clue how we can stop this problem.

We could try the rehabilitative method but most junkies will go back to using within a year of exciting treatment. The tough approach we're taking currently isn't doing shit so I doubt increasing penalties, a legally acceptable amount, would work. The only thing I can think of is taking the Duterte approach but the Supreme Court would shoot that down quicker than hell.

Been clean for a year but so much misconception in here. One of my best friends was a heroin addict and an aerospace engineer. I know other people addicted to coke and dope that have high end positions. It just that since they don't have to scrape by for money they don't have to commit crime and you have no idea they're even addicts. For me life was honestly better when I was using, I just eventually quit to invest more. Ill probably go back eventually. Degenerates will be degenerates no matter what. The most intelligent people use drugs and alcohol. Live a little.

>Had a chick in HS I knew who was fucking sexy af that started doing smack
And why do you think she did that?

Ex heroin addict here. Took 2 jail trips, 2 overdoses, rehab, and prison to get clean but been free and clean for over a year.

Eat a dick. A vast majority of opiate addictions start in a doctor's office. You'll notice this problem is the strongest in the states that don't fund public education in a meaningful way. Humans need some training to become intelligent. When our society fails to provide it, many fall behind. You're a faggot and I hope you choke to death on a wad of your trust fund money, cocksucker.

Dear Nigger,

I don't swipe my poor old grandma's entire 90 day supply of pills who's dying of cancer like some episode of a shitty TV show.

I swipe 4 or 5 pills at extremely wide intervals of time from large RX's.

Niggers get high/drink whatever everyday and can't go without. There is such a thing as responsible, moderate recreational drug use.

Every bit of intelligent research we've ever conducted shows that a rehabilitative approach is the only approach that has significant success.

Please find an honorable job. Cops have a monthly quota of lives to ruin. All they do is wreck people's lives. You can be better.

Happy for you user. Believe it or not, it actually gets easier over time. They make a big deal in rehab about how it sticks with you, but the feelings actually go away eventually.

Am CIA and can confirm

Pure Afghani chinga right here. Let me know.

Wow, sorry to hear that.

Reagan wanted to kill off the inner cities with crack, the nu-left wants to kill off small towns.

>This level of rationalization
Have you considered getting help?

The government is allowing this shit to be imported; if they weren't, it wouldn't be here. Best we can do is demand rehab services.

t. an addict in denial

>I mean yeah I steal drugs from my family members and have developed medical issues related to my use, but I am not an addict like those pathetic faggots!

Sack up, libbie limpwristed faggot.

Go back to pleddit with your embarrassing sob stories.

that is mostly the thing. YOU CAN ct in most cases, but people are weak and have no willpower.

>Yes I steal drugs to support my habit but only small amounts at a time
>Responsible drug use
I think you need to re-examine your situation.

yes my sister is an addict, it's terrible, and shameful

I want to get addicted to heroin. I think it'd be cool and, like, tragic rock-starish

I was told my half-brother was murdered for stealing a half ounce of heroin with his other half-brother. Hard to feel bad for him.

WV here and it's the same for me except I'm 30. I'm in the WV/KY/OH tristate and it's INSANELY bad here.

this desu, the toothles smelly bums they see are the tip of the iceberg sticking out, who would be like that with or without junk. I am not a criminal or a degenerate, i have a job and am an exellent student at uni. I just like smack

How do you "develop" a medical issue? You either have it or you don't.

>The government isn't doing nearly enough to fight it,
That's so cute, he thinks the government isn't importing it from Afghanistan

When I worked at an diversion program the direction has a stash of alcohol incase someone went full blown dt. Said he rather give in their addiction in that moment. ..
than have them die in the office
This is true...the rehab approach is not only better for the individual but cheaper on taxpayers than locking them up.
Also quit ragging on cops. They often make next to nothing to do a impossible job. Don't forget this addict most likely didn't just walk iinto rehab and most likely was picked up by the police and sent to court etc etc. Cops ruin significantly LESS lives than the tv shows you. Most people WANT police in their neighborhood....stop watching the news.

People who are retarded enough to start on a well-known addictive drug like heroin probably weren't going to contribute much t b h

heroin is only appealing to the lowest form of life.

They're not doing anything about it because we want them to die or get killed over drugs. The human race becomes a tiny bit stronger every time an opiate addict dies. That statement also applies to niggers and mudslimes, kek

>drug war
pick one

Addicts and denial go together like peas in a pod. The amount of mental gymnastics they can perform is both absurd and pathetic. My favorites are "I'm not addicted I can stop whenever I want *cue them selling their and their family's worldly possssions for their next hit", "At least I'm not addicted to X like Y people", and "I only steal sometimes but that doesn't make me an addict".

Americans aren't somehow physiologically different in respect to pain tolerance. Doctors shouldn't have to prescribe this shit for everything (not heroin obviously, other opiates) or they'll get sued for improper pain management.

Probably because she was a degenerate. She was doing coke prior to heroin

>He doesn't know that successful businessmen along with other highly esteemed participanting members of society can and do get hooked on dope as much as trailer trash from flyover states

Spoken like a true sheltered kiddo.

Woah there why are you calling me a nigger? I'm not the one stealing from my grandmother.

The quota system is non-existent. I guarantee killing the druggies is more effective deterrent to potential users than rehab

>2 half brothers
fucking chav

They don't come from nowhere dipshit. You get a virus, ingest some bad bacteria, drink enough alcohol to break down your liver etc etc... these "develop" into medical conditions. You don't have kidney stones magically appear in your urethra.


Many such cases!

Just shoot it up you pussy


Sure some can. Some can't. And some die before that. I tried to but I couldn't go into work during withdraws. I had to quit my job and move back in with my Mom. I'm very fortune to have a loving family who was able to help me while I was down. Quitting was hard but it made me a stronger person.

To answer OP. It sucks people are dying but it's not the role of government to fix this. We should keep the family unit strong. Family, community, religion, good morals and work ethic are the only thing that really good people through this, not some government force coming in.