Brit/pol/ - Fuck Argentina Edition

>Thread theme

>Armed British police arrest man with knives near May's office

>PM May says Merkel talk of UK illusions shows how tough Brexit talks will be

>UKIP leader Nuttall to stand in election

>'Marine A' Alexander Blackman to be freed from jail within hours

>FT: EU agency faces €400m London rent bill after post-Brexit move

>Nicola Sturgeon admits she will use SNP votes in general election to press for indy ref 2

>Labour most popular party among voters under 40, general election poll reveals

>FT: Scottish nationalists clam up on independence

>FT: UK Election Countdown: beware of tactical errors

Other urls found in this thread:

Weeaboos and micks fuck off.

why'd the thread archive

it was comfy

we are leejun. anglo-senpai and potato-kun are invincible

Weaboos and Micks no better than spics

Two threads now.
Seems the janny did his nut finally and just archived the old one.

Because of cunts like you. Not fuck off before the same happens again.

triggered redditfags

Don't forget to install 4chanx, and Filter > Unique ID if they return

>not wanting avatarfagging is reddit.


Weeaboos derailed it as usual and blame others, this was your doing.

What the fuck just happened to the last thread? Did they just delete the whole thread for no reason?

S-sorry mods, pls don't ban

forgot to quote

Fucking weebs ruin everything.

NK (((national socialist))) if you appear in here again let me know please I have many more insults to share in return for your substandard erudition.

newfag electionposters hate anime. it's late night brit/pol/ ffs

It's literally two avatarfagging mongs and one yank posting porn.

Archived because they'd have had to deleted half the posts I guess? I hope the cunts were banned

They archived it because of all the fucking weeaboos avatarfagging.

>no reason
Weebs. Ruin. Everything.



dindu nuffin


I love anime. Karenposting is fine even. But not this potato avatarfagging cancer.

>tfw not banned
If potato-kun is banned then RIP brit/pol/

Kill yourself faggot.


I only have so many reports to give!


Everyone hates it. Everyone hates you.

Lord, just delete and ban rulebreakers. Overkill. I won't tell people how to do their jobs but that was unfair to the majority who weren't rulebreaking.

I was having actual discussions on-topic and enjoying it but now it is gone.


>he thinks Sup Forums bans mean anything
wow going into the cookies on chrome, typing 'chan', deleting all entries then resetting your router is so hard.

They do this shit all the time. They deleted an Sup Forums homothread when everyone reported a sperging tumblrina shitting it up the other day. These new mods and jannies are awful.

I know, useless janny. The buggers will only do the same again.

Can anyone think of anyone better than Milo and Gavin (8 and 9) to put on the picture?

Can nip moot just rangeban the micks?



Let's try some politics.

A hypothetical.

For some reason the entire cabinet is sucked into a black hole along with all MPs but one.

Who would you choose to be that MP?

He or she will take dictatorial extraordinary powers for already a year.

>tfw potato-kun never did that
true to the end. too pure for this world. he didn't deserve this

Alright, well posting my other post again in hopes the people who I was talking to are still here:

>Dream of living a Célinesque livestyle of seclusion off of publishing money

>No particular talent or agency to write properly

Life is suffering.

Things ended as a natural consequence of where they were headed with Suez. The special relationship doesn't have much baring on whether or not the British imperial age would end.

I wish with all my heart the UK had most of its old holdings and colonialism was alive and well but soviets/communists ended it for good. Chinese might well revive it.

Range-ban all non-whites pls.

Mogg, his filibusters are epic.



How many of you lads know 'the Sash my Father Wore'?

David Davis. He's probably the most right wing tory in the cabinet

Shit! Good call.

He better not have been banned lads I fucking swear

From this planet

He was and you should be too.



British Flag - FOREIGNERS
>another paki
>Indian-"Scottish" Mongrel
>Iberian kike
>Racemixer (Chink Wife)
>Racemixer (Korean Pig Wife)
>Racemixer (Pregnant quadroon Wife)
>Japanese-"English" Mongrel
>1/8 kike "Brit"
>Pro-Anglosphere gook/chink/jap
>kike randposter
>Russian Gopnik
>Demented Tranny
>"Macedonian" degenerate gypsy
>south asian-"Persian" Inbred Mongrel (Tonybeen bevanposter)

British Flag - Degenerates
>Bomber Rimmer - Foot Fetishist Warmonger
>Meme Merchant - Autistic Underage Warmonger
>Rap Listening Russian Cuck
>Identified (Racemixer)

Foreign Flag - Subhumans
>Ukrainian kike (Russian Flag)
>JIDF kike (South African Flag)
>Civic (((Nationalist))) Half-Breed/Mongrel (Netherlands)
>chink (Australian Flag)

What ended the British Imperial age was two world wars which our
Came out of extremely well.

Anyway, let's not start another 1812 over this.

I greatly enjoyed visiting the deep South of the states for eight months last year.

I will avenge him MARK MY FUCKING WORDS

bit rude desu


For anyone who doesn't.

How do I marry into wealth?

Go to Eíre/pol/. All the mick bastards you could want there.

What's your argument?

How's that expansion into Syria going Israel? Extremely smart to depopulate the country into Germany and Sweden first.

look at me, I am the british now

>tfw potato-kun is so based he kills an entire thread
I know you're reading this. Stay based and pls return.

Sashes are for girls chief.

>implying the rapefugees are actually Syrian

Get rid of the bottom left faggot too.

Add David Icke and Andrew Brons

how do we summon potato-kun

And Northern Ireland isn't yours paddy.

>mods ban the mick sperglord and the yank posting porn but not the other sperglord

>if it's not pube
>some other trip and their sycophants ruins yet another britpol

Fucks sake. I just like talking politics a bit before bed.

He took out an entire thread with himself.

Two birds one stone eh Chaim?

wait 3 days sadly ;_;

The Karen poster is a little more crafty than the others.

Ah, a Fenian. I should have known.

Ah, where did you go in the South? What did you like about it?

The last thread was sooooooooo comfy, Karen.

>he doesn't like karenposters


Here we go again.

>An Irish person pining after a potato

>and so the beautiful and deadly circle of life continues.

I blame the electionposter newfags personally.

And he'll fall off like humpty Dumpty!


Aye, will he now?

Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas.

Liked: guns, driving, food, countryside, space.

Disliked: bumping into an ex girlfriend and her disgustingly nice American husband in texas.

Did you get a warning?

>1 post by this ID

t-they didn't ban you did they?


kek my white friend

Is there a good chance the Khan Paki will lose his seat, lads?

what did you get a warning for desu


N-no I got a warning though

Oh no.

I've run out of reports.


What country is that in? Can't remember

New Red Pill fro property

Was that your first time shooting? I imagine people with extended magazine ARs and AKs without licenses might be a bit surprising to a brit.

Did you try hush puppies, some good BBQ, and grits?