Finding a based QT?

How do I meet White girls? I'm a NEET who lives at home and has social anxiety. Please help.

I want a based Republican White nationalist girl to breed with. I'm pure Latvian American btw, willing to have any girl who will respect my white nationalist worldview.

jus b urself :)


>jus b urself :)
Didn't you read?
He say
>I'm a NEET who lives at home and has social anxiety.

No White based qt will even want to be close to a neet with social anxiety. Based white girl are looking for based white qt men.

Kidnap her

get a job for starters.


get /fit/ and take xanax when you go out

>I want a based Republican White nationalist girl to breed with.
Don't we all? The problem is that the overwhelming majority of women don't start out like that. Unless you're into hicks or the ultra-religious types, you'll likely have to settle for "normal" girl. I'm not talking about the feminist, social justice type. I'm not talking about the type that's into politics or "activism." It takes some filtering, it takes some dates with different girls to find a good match. When you get a girlfriend, you drop some red pills and bring her closer to the right-wing. The sad truth is though, you're unlikely to "convert" a girl to white nationalism, but at the very least you'll make her vote Republican.

>How do I meet White girls?
Libraries, coffee shops, the street.

>I'm a NEET who lives at home and has social anxiety.
You will have to fix that before you consider getting a girlfriend.

>NEET >getting a girlfriend For starters, get a job

it could happen thugh

>I'm a NEET
sort yourself out faggot

it wont though and you know it

>start lifting
>be confident (higher T from lifting will help with this)
>get a well-paying job

>Libraries, coffee shops, the street.
I hear this kind of advice frequently, but I feel like most of the time it would be socially inappropriate to start a conversation with a girl you don't even know in these settings. Am I just being too uptight, or does anyone else feel the same way?


the worst she can do is not like you, as long as you're polite about it, I don't see what could go wrong.

I'm not an expert but it seems true

>has social anxiety

Fix dis. Go get an outside hobby. Grab a camera and doing photography outside is an easy way to start.


Networking like you would for work. The first step is self improvement to improve your sexual marker value like you would a resume. Appearance can be improved. Dress nice, get a generically good haircut, bathe and wear deodorant so you smell and look attractive. A career is necessary if you want to have a woman who wants a family because you will need to support her while supporting your children. If you still don't find one in the process of working and improving yourself ask contacts if they are aware of suitable females. If you are a decent person friends and acquaintances will try to set you up with someone they know.

>eyes far apart
>flat nose bridge
>smooth upper lip
Fetal alcohol syndrome. Gross

You'll never find a woman who respects you because you have a slave mentality.

I mean just look at yourself.

You're willing to limit your opportunities out of loyalty to some abstract cause/philosophy that provides you no benefit other than some fake "feel good" points.

Don't just latch onto any old cause because you're feeling left out. Be independent nigga!

Look at yourself and ask if you would date you if you were a qt3.14. The answer is no because NEET is a fancy word for extreme loser. Sort yourself faggot.

Rape her with your mighty chorizo

check'd and kek'd

see flags

You could've just went to a trump rally and talk to someone. I guess you can go to some right winged events, that'd be the easiest place, though not even I would go to them. It's your best shot. As for your social issues, you're going to have to get over them. Some guys say to try talking to any cute girl you like, random bullshit to get comfortable approaching. Then when you feel cool, start asking girls out or for their numbers. Easier said than done, but you have a goal so shoot for it

Who is this fluid druid

>elbows too pointy, 2/10 wouldnt bang

>ou're willing to limit your opportunities out of loyalty to some abstract cause/philosophy that provides you no benefit other than some fake "feel good" points.
false I'm not limiting my opportunities, I don't go publicize my views, either.

Don't make shit up m8

Find company online. Many girls visit Sup Forums

local nazi meetup

I am creating a site call white meetup dot com soon

notice how white peolpe meeting without jewsa allowed freaks everyone out

>I'm a neet

Yeah, you aren't going to find anyone until you fix that.

Women don't need to be based. They need to have ovaries.

Give up your white nationalist phase and stick to "everyone is shitty, but also did good shit, no matter how nigger or sour cream they are"


This Xanax + alcohol will help you talk to any hot QT


Women were never based and its not their job to be based nor do they even know how to be so. their job is to obey,clean,cook and get fucked. This whole "i want a based qt" is such a thirsty virgin mindset. Even the most "interesting" woman is a replaceable fuckhole and babymaker

Pajeets trips. Confirm

You have to do it now OP

Get a job

the girl looks like a dinosaur

Read The Tao of Badass. Get whatever girl you want. Oh and get a job not for her but for you. Also realize that you can make a girl white nationalist by making her love you then rewarding the agreement with your ideas

>Tfw no qt3.14159265359 ginger gf
I want to curl up and cry

its okay as long as you aren't an ugly weirdo

You are though. Specifically there are billions of people who you will to empathize and connect with, which will severely limit your personal/professional networks. Keep in mind that in this world you have to compete against many smart, resourceful people who place no such limitations on themselves. Good luck.

lol true bro, but we invented a word for all that.... its called honey

That's actually how I felt before. But you have to realize that no one actually cares if you approach girls. Or if they do care, why would you let anyone's potential judgement of you stand between you and a beautiful girl? When you do approach a girl, you're showing the girl and the people around you that you got balls.

>If you still don't find one in the process of working and improving yourself ask contacts if they are aware of suitable females. If you are a decent person friends and acquaintances will try to set you up with someone they know.
This makes definitely it easier, but I find this method limiting. As in, you're limiting your dating pool and you're more prone to settling for less, since you're going to be stuck with the scarcity mentality: "How many more girls can my buddies set me up with? Maybe this girl will do..." Learn to approach girls, and your options will be limitless.


that girl looks retarded

>Wanting to perpetrate ginger genocide

tfw chatting up a nationalistic tall polish qt thats studying to be a doctor

feels good man

>I offer nothing, but I want a 10/10 qt
Hahahaha just give up bro, at the very least you're going to need to have a job first. Serious question for you, why would ANY girl want a NEET for a boyfriend?

>How do I meet White girls? I'm a NEET who lives at home and has social anxiety. Please help.
First you have to stop being a NEET.
You might even have to leave home, but you definitely cannot continue with this NEETdom.

I mean you can try but these are the irish we are talking about.....god knows the English have tried for centuries but who knows maybe you'll get lucky lol

Havnt you all noticed that the hottest girls are with ugly ass dudes cus everyone is fucking these days they all have confidence everything is (((backwards))) these days our girls want us but we all have (((mental issues))) while other non white races are naturally men of the savage type

You gotta look good (fit), dress good, and genuinely believe that your worthwhile for these girls

>talking to other people

I go to college, but I don't make eye contact with anyone in my classes. That's fucking retarded. I only talk to the professor when I need my grade changed or I have an important question.

You are literally weighing yourself down by trying to form friendships and relationships. It'll just require you to do more work to not let other people down.

>Read The Tao of Badass
seePush your ass out of the nest. Make a list every morning of things you have to do. Do them. This will make you a leader, at least in the personal sense. Take literal control of your life, then women will gravitate towards you.

Bro anyone can get a woman white or not. All you have to do is learn some basic phycology and you are good. Do me and your race a favor, read the Tao of Badass. Then have a lot of white kids, you're welcome

Did you just assume my hair color?

>Serious question for you, why would ANY girl want a NEET for a boyfriend?
If she's 600 lb and bedridden she'd be willing to take in a NEET so that someone can bring her food and clean the piss and shit off of her. You can even get disability to pay you a check for being her "caretaker"

Go harpoon yourself a BBW, OP.

ok and what if his list says watch porn then smoke weed? The book helps a lot bro, it did for me at least

i know women are the same everywhere in the world while men are drastically different from every man its not hard to learn how a women works

When you're /fit/ girls are more likely to give you a chance and get to know you

I'm a 30yo NEET, lives with parents, 7/10 looks, and 7.5in cock. Only time I've ever gone with out pussy is when I wasn't interested in getting any. Literally just go out side and talk to women. It's really that simple.

its funny because no woman would ever want a man who degrades her to merely a sex machine and people like you will never reproduce

i read some of it and it seems more of a thot enabler, how to get sum easy fucc rather than finding a girl to live the rest of your life with

Explain to me how being good at the reproductive act decreases the likelihood of someone reproducing.

Find a girl that doesn't jump or think you are something you are not.

I work in a nut house, and it still makes me laugh that some of the staff expected me to be nice to a staff girl who clearly liked me and I did too. But it is a fucking joke.

I never had some of the best acting skills ever.

>no woman would ever want a man who degrades her to merely a sex machine

Found the virgin

Start jelqing

r-respect w-w-woman

Be like me.. live in slavic country move for 3years to england and make some money .. than return and buy small house in student of medicine (you dont pay for studying here)and now you can fuck few nice slav girls every month because of your status.

The fine line of respect is actually pretty funny to watch.

Now, if you clearly are a gentleman and women see it, and you don't ask a girl out who liked you. You are an asshole.

But, the guys who are disgusting pigs who play the hero. Women see that too.

ONLY be a nice guy one on one with women when it only matters.

I learned this the hard way. I got caught up in bullshit.

Follow the supreme gentleman. Honestly, he was on the right path, but he gave up too early. He could have definitely guilt tripped a few white women into race mixing.

Have a shit ton of money

go to /fit/ they'll help you out

What I did was went to a friends college dance.
From what I have experienced girls that want to go into business or economics tend to lean more right.
My fiancé is they way and I've planted a few questions in her head for topics that she does lean left on to slowly redpill her.

Oldfag here OP. I was like you once and then I joined a rock band. Problem solved. Become a bass player, it's a pretty easy job, you will get your pick of the babes.

ALSO, never be afraid to not care what other people think of you as a man. You will have no choice sometimes but to suck it up if you are caught in the middle.

I work in a place like that. It wouldn't matter if I say hello good bye or even have small talk. It is a nut house. People who work with the mentally ill. I hate to say. Do not matter what they think of you. And mentally ill people only 50%.

I was never popular in school, and I don't think of myself anything special which is probably why I pissed off a lot of the female staff. I am down to earth.

Just remember, a girl who changes her fashion with time will forget about you.

The funniest part is some of the female staff who was her friend before she left tried to be nice to me, but I do not forget the days they gave me dirty looks and I sarcastically took my job more serious than human emotion.

It is not the real world.

into the trash you go. how dare you try mixing with white republicans

Bro, start doing PT. Get the Under Armour Run tracker & calorie counter on your smartphone. Make sure to input every meal & snack. Stick to your calorie limits & PT schedule. Doing PT will increase your testosterone (more confidence) while getting you /fit/, which will make chicks want to slob on your knob

This is what it is like to be around mentally ill people. They think something is wrong with you, but the people who work with the mentally ill don't. The headaches I get.

Just today, one of the male staff members who saw me piss on women who worked there yucked it up with 2 girls who are studying to work the mentally ill said good bye to me in a normal way. But the male staff member didn't want to say it and he didn't mean it. lol.

I literally worked so hard to be away from these people.

Why the fuck are you pissing on women? Are you R. Kelly?

Fucking normie, dont you piss on girls?

It hurts so much, anons

Go to various church services for a few months. hit 'em all... Protestant, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal, even fringes like Seventh Day Adventist or LDS. Generic "Christian" type churches are too liberal. There may be others, but these and Roman Catholic I'm somewhat familiar with (no endorsement of RC).

With the short list of what you hope for in a woman, this may be the best path. If you see a nice gathering of potential mates, then ask the preacher/priest/minister etc... for his card and write your notes on the back. After 2 or 3 months of exploring your area, you should be able to reduce the list to 2 or 3.

You're on your own from there.

Pissing off women. You know how in a normal work environment you chat it up with coworkers and get to know them? You might even exchange phone numbers etc?

Well, just imagine working in a place you know it won't happen because you are in a nuthouse. So interaction is just baseless and stupid.

.>Be 2nd gen Immigrant who speaks 2 languages.
>Go back to the motherland and pick a BASED waifu several league above me.

>Reading the bible

Do you just show up or have you actually read that fucking thing?

It's because you're probably a self destructing cuckold who failed in the cult of extroversion that is our society.
>what if his list is shit
Then at least he is doing shit. The whole point is to do something, he will develop will power and if he isn't retarded he will become wise enough to use it responsibly.

Somewhat related but USE ALARMS

Set timers for everything in your life. Going to sleep, waking up, eating, working, breaks, etc, etc.

Your productivity will increase massively.

>not reading about based Jesus and knowing where the Jews get their Jew wisdom
Alright, Tarl, I know you aren't in Mensa but come the fuck on.

That's an awfully degenerate fetish m8
Shit man I thought you meant golden showers

How do I do that on a first date?

One of the greatest abilities a man has is to separate themselves from who they are as a person. Women can not do that so easily. I don't have an ego. But, if you don't interact with women on the job like a normal person which I do not work in. You are look at as an asshole. But, I work with a nut job who stalks my every move when it comes to women. So, you fuck it up and let women give you dirty looks.

It isn't like we were going to date.

This one girl I liked would strut around. She changed her hair a million times and was very robotic. After awhile, any clues I think she liked me was just her doing her job. But, I already knew. She is long gone. Now I have to wait out people.

She made a move, and I sometimes think she told some of the other girls there at work. Nuthouse games.

NEETs aren't going to get Republican or Nationalist girls. If they're going to 'breed' with you, you need to be able to support her both financially and emotionally. She won't want to be with somebody who is essentially just another child for her to care for when there are men out there that will just give her another baby, not an adult one.

You need to make something of yourself user if you want to make white babies.

Speaking from personal experience.

make a dookie pie and smear it on her paw

I went from wearing clean clothes everyday for 2 years to cleaning garbage and toilets and I am an asshole? This is why people who work with the mentally ill do not matter.

where do i find based alpha men who aren't neets and want to make 10+ aryan bbs and live off the grid with me? i'm an autistic 5/10 neet grill but my hypergamy won't let me settle for anything less than chad please help