How do we fix canada, pol?
How do we fix canada, pol?
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You just answered your own question budd.
with rakes
What's this man's name?
nuclear holocaust.
Queen dissolves the government until they get it right?
quit the niggers and shit skins out! and join the s.o.o
With Bernier and the Quebec Albertan vote.
mad max, aka maxime bernier
nukes from orbit, eh
purge lefties in toronto metro area
Give our land to the superior British and let them rule us without us being able to elect cucks like Trudeau
Annexation but they won't get the power to vote for 5 generations
Been pretty blackpilled lately.
I like a lot of the CPC leadership candidates, and they have some really good ideas, but even if they win it won't be much more than a very slight improvement.
There is no going back to what we had, and it's pretty much impossible to really fix this place without becoming literally Hitler.
When I was born Canada had about 10 million less people, nearly 90% white, and we were ranked number 1 for years in development index. I grew up in a 99% white small town... mostly people of British descent.
There is no fixing the demographics and no other anglo nation has avoided this problem.
Kill the cucks, feminists, muslims, and scorch earth Quebec. Then join the Union bud
>wants to suck china's dick
>a Quebecois could actually save Canada
What the fucking lel, this is literally your only golden opportunity for the next decade leafs
Who do you support?
By having all of our mortgage down payments made by the government, interest free for 10 years!
>when $75k is the new poor
By not electing a government that gives away Canada to foreigners, like the cons did with the Chinese and like Trudeau is doing with the mudslimes.
Christian heritage party
You can't its already too late.
His policies are incredible. Canadian conservative leadership is soooo fucking autistic and now we have a nice, smart, charismatic guy. Definitely supporting him.
Armed revolution is the only way if you want the blunt truth
No politician will save Canada
Also, I heard (((O'Leary))) dropped out, is that true or is it fake news?
true, hes endorsing Bernier
a few nukes
Fuckin' finally, hope Trudeau gets shat on
I'll vote for whichever conservative turns out not to be a globalist if thats even a thing.
>54%ers commenting while Trump breaks promises and plans greater Israel.
> Just got out of 8 years of a KANG ruining their dying country from the white house
Stick to getting your cities burned down by dindus while you stand around with your useless guns. Now fuck off, I got work to do.
Every candidate wants to suck China's dick
At least Max will lower total immigration and fix the housing market
not with that tool, for starters
With a few big nukes and lots of gas
I'm actually really worried
People seem to still like Trudeau, and never in history have the libs only served 1 term holding a majority gov
aite familia. pick how to save Canada
1 Bernier
2 Leitch
shit gap = ????
10 Chong/Raitt
He has no viable alternatives at the moment
>NDP drank the sjw cool aid and are now a complete joke.
>Conservatives can't decide if they want Globalism or Protectionism
>Christian thx
>Bloc Quebecois are completely irrelevant outside of Quebec
>Alliance of the North, a libertarian and socially conservative party that has 0 chance of even getting a single seat.
I wish we had a Canadian version of Le Pen desu
>anyone not named Bernier, Leitch, (((O'Leary))), (((Chong)))
literally who
best shot we have
good enough, but MSM is shitting all over her
dropped out, endorsed bernier
liberal who joined the wrong party by accident
It can't be fixed by one guy getting elected. Canadians themselves need to change. We need to stop being children that expect the government to fix every problem, especially considering their track record. We need to make real strides toward economic growth instead of looking south and deciding that the misguided moral high ground is more important because we know we can't compete.
Simply put, we need to pull our heads out of our asses. A great deal of wealth and natural resources combined with a small population has allowed us to limp ever forward with the idea that we are running. A few meaningless and arbitrary surveys that put us high on the best places to live list has made us think it so. The fact is we're overly taxed, highly regulated, enjoy no freedoms, and are constantly footing the bill for feelings. They're literally a focal point of our most recent federal budget. We're children with no desire to move out of mom's basement because there's no need. We'll take safety and security over independence and prosperity.
Considering my generation and the average Canadian's outlook on the world, we just plain can't fix Canada.