We /mom/ now

Go to this Tweet:

Scroll down, look at all the comments.

Sup Forums is literally filled with based moms, always lurking, always ready to cook us tendies.

Other urls found in this thread:




My wife reads Sup Forums more than I do and she was unironically a communist (voted communist party candidates in her country) when we met, power of the red pill gentlemen. now she's encouraging me to lose weight and get ripped to defend our people and our family. feels good man.



Honestly these street protests are the most cringeworthy shit I've seen in a while. Yeah, freedom of speech is important, but it's clear that the overwhelming majority of pro-Trump protesters are pathetic degenerates who have attached themselves to the cause to give meaning to their lives.

Antifa, despite being faggots, are aesthetic as fuck - they have matching uniforms in an intimidating color scheme. They can easily convey their political message and appear united.

The "alt-right" protesters are a bunch of people barely keeping their blubber concealed beneath their bright-colored spandex, or pasty lanklets in motorcycle padding. Of course, mixed in is a bunch of stolen valor Boomers in camo so they can roleplay as the soldiers that they were too chickenshit to be back in the day. These right wing protesters are dressed like they're extras in a gay porn parody of Mad Max. It looks pathetic because it is pathetic. I'm glad that antifa bitched out today, because seeing /ourguys/ without an actual opponent (other than some pissed off high schoolers) makes it even more clear that they're fucking losers.

> inb4 Laura Southern

She's basically a camwhore. Pretty much all right wing women there are ham beasts. I especially like the "moms" that showed up. The heart of every right-wing movement is obviously shrill fat old women.

holy shit is this real? both my parents are rd pilled af. they got me started but i never met any other parents like them

anyone save the pics of that one mom that posted in her bra?

turn your vpn off leaf

Daily reminder that fat old women drag down every political movement - they will demand leadership and contribute nothing

> Freedom of speech is important
> People who protest against censorship are cringe worth

Which is it? How else do you expect people do defend your free speech?

Lurking since inception and the worst possible thing to happen to this place was to have the light of day shown into the basements

>anons MILF

nice crappypasta faggot

if Sup Forums was my kid i'd sleep with one eye open with a butcher knife

how many are single moms though?

I wanna fuck your moms


Women ruin everything.

Roasties get out REEEEEEEEE

probably 500k people who occasionally stop by here. nearly all of them lurking and never posting. i mean shit, reporters are reading this post right now.

with that many people interested, of course you're going to get a diverse audience.


Any single moms on here?

My mom was the one who started showing me the truth. She read the Protocols when she was young.
Don't underestimate moms.

My mom is literally insane and both my parents are good goyim

So does this mean sweetie talk was unironic this whole time?

If they know about the Jewish question and lurk that's fine by me.

> Freedom of speech is important
> People who protest against censorship are cringe worth

Both can be true.

Sup Forums shouldn't compromise its integrity by pretending that an obese 35-year-old man who dresses up in bright spandex and yells at teenagers is anything other than a fucking degenerate.


Fuck a redpilled single mom in your area right now!

>a woman wants to see men fight to determine who is stronger anda better mate

colour me surprised

>Parents saying they are proud of Sup Forums

This one should those hysterical commies real hard, having only been raised by a single parent

Absolute cancer.

This board desperately needs to be nuked.

Kys shillfaggot.

muh dick, i want to fuck all these moms

Are you the same guy with a vpn just to show us not all leafs are bad? Seriously, stop.

i sure hope so

>commie pasta

One of my shit posts made a headline on vice


mommy can I have milky

>when antifa protests
somebodyes gotta stop the fascists! bash the fash amirite??

>when patriots protest

i want to cummy on mommy please

Hey Sup Forums how is the invasion of social justice going? Daily reminder all quality users left from Sup Forums to Sup Forums Y E A R S ago. Your circle jerk is literally a bunch of 12 year olds calling each other newfags.


When oldfags grow up

Sup antifa.

>unironically linking vice

Seeking 30-40 year old redpilled woman in Oakland County, MI.

I am thin, work out regularly and have been told by a few of my exes that I have a "magnificent" cock.

Get the fuck out of my room mom!

What grade are you in?

>tfw 10 years in 4chins

Real question: what do these women think Sup Forums is? Do they think it's that Twitter account or what?

She just wishes you resembled her bull more.

> when lanklets show up to protest wearing all black

"What faggots"

> when fatties in ill-fitting spandex show up to protest

"What faggots"

This is the only reaction oldfags should have. The exodus from r/the_Donald has really been a drain on this community's intellectual integrity.

I'm 78 and check Sup Forums at least once a day.

This place is amazing though bit a crude. One of my grandsons showed my husband and I this place about a year ago after I saw something on the Facebook about it.


requesting oh sweetie version of navy seal copypasta

Does this mean MOMMY threads are now Sup Forums related?


>ready to cook us tendies

Am I the only one who doesn't know whats wrong here?

Can confirm. His cock is fantastic.

She's pointing both of her guns at herself.

Mom, sorry I didn't call you last week. The plant had a few people quit and I had to stay at work. It tired me out. If you are reading this you know who this is.

Nah, I'm from Ottawa and I really hate Islam and communists.

What the dang-diddly did you just chirp about me, you little silly willy? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in home economics, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret huggie-wuggies on the baby snickerdoodles, and I have over 300 confirmed snuggles. I am trained in cupcake warfare and I’m the top mommy in the entire PTA. You are nothing to me but just another cuddle. I will squeeze the love out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words cutie pie. You think you can get away with saying that boo-boo doo-doo to me over the Internet? Think again, sugar plum. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mommies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the hugging, sweetie. The hugs that wipes out the dinky little thing you call your angrybutts. You’re super loved, pumpkin. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can squeeze you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed cuddles, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Paula Deen Cookbook and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your grumble-tummies off the face of the continent, you little monkeybutt. If only you could have known what warm cuddlies your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your cold prickley. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you munchkin. I will pour kisses all over you and you will drown in it. You’re super loved, kiddo.

I am not en expert on names for gun parts, but she's holding the barrel of the pistol pointed towards herself.

I bet you make a mean casserole.

Thank you, Christine.

i wanna make faith goldy a mom

if only they knew what Sup Forums actually was

>posting normieweb """"""Sup Forums"""""""" accounts

Aside from their looks, which is irrelevant, you're saying them shouting at people trying to deny them their rights is a bad thing?

These moms need to suck my dick

>This board desperately needs to be nuked.

she's holding her sidearm by the end of the barrel, with said barrel pointing towards herself

>The "alt-right" protesters are a bunch of people barely keeping their blubber concealed beneath their bright-colored spandex, or pasty lanklets in motorcycle padding. Of course, mixed in is a bunch of stolen valor Boomers in camo so they can roleplay as the soldiers that they were too chickenshit to be back in the day. These right wing protesters are dressed like they're extras in a gay porn parody of Mad Max. It looks pathetic because it is pathetic. I'm glad that antifa bitched out today, because seeing /ourguys/ without an actual opponent (other than some pissed off high schoolers) makes it even more clear that they're fucking losers.

wow, lol

Fucking retard.

For all my time on this site, I would never, NEVER have guessed.

On occasion but I do make a mean gumbo.

I'm one hundred and five years old and I farted

>mommy can I have milky
not now honey
mam's paps are dry

Wow, I guess Sup Forums is full of loser basement dwellers after all.

What a surprise~!

Go take a bath, Antifa

Dont make such a shitty post with lelouch you nigger

sorry mom for being such a shitty son

I want to make out with some user's based mom

All moms post tits now

These moms need to post their tits right now.

I just discovered a fetish I didn't know I had.

> Aside from their looks, which is irrelevant

No they are not. How you present yourself to the world is important. Not only does it convey to others that you (and the ideas you're espousing) are serious, but it also sets the tone for other supporters' behavior.

All the spandex, american flag boxers, and other cringe-worthy shit is just another facet of the Rick and Morty-style Redditification of politics. It trivialize our movement and the issues it represents - it sends the clear message that we're not serious and that we're too busy roleplaying for imaginary internet points to actually do anything substantive. And, what do you know, street violence is not actually productive or substantive.

> lel BASED STICKMAN XD, buy my book/nutritional supplement/ tshirt - don't let the SJWs win!

You're allowing Reddit to hijack our movement and letting sycophants and media personalities set our agenda. Sup Forums is full of degenerates these days.

bet these same moms follow incest threads

>Sup Forums News Netwowk

Who thought making this was a good idea? This is as bad as making a Sup Forums Facebook page.

Cheers grandma!

Lelouch is literally antifa who rebelled against his fascist daddy.

>Muh united states of Japan, fuck monarchy


>tfw no Sup Forums milf to make me tendies and cum in.

>Am I the only one who doesn't know whats wrong here?
M4 Carbine barrel is pointed right into her belly, which is bad enough, but at the same time she is holding her service pistol in her left hand with the barrel pointing towards her. The two star (MG Buchanan) is a 10th Mountain Division combat veteran (right shoulder patch). I would love to have heard what happened next!
