Why do you hate Muslims?
99.9999999% of them are decent people.
Why do you hate Muslims?
99.9999999% of them are decent people.
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not decent by Western Values
I do not accept the premise of the question.
I reject the spread of Islamic doctrine.
Good day sir!!
%30 would be more accurate pakibro
*tips trilby*
islam and western civilization isn't compatible, muslims are fine in their own countries. but ((they)) keep destroying their countries because of resources
because theyre not christians and not white
my entire family is muslim
They are not normal people
Islam breeds mental illness and delusions
I have met more muslim druggies and losers than any other race
Islam is not possible to integrate into western culture, they either stay separate or they stop being muslim
>99.9999999% of them are decent people.
No, 99% of them are literally evil subhumans.
t.non-muslim living near muslims
islam and the west is not compatible, muslims are fine in their own countries. but ((they)) keep tearing apart their homelands
Exactly, OP. Even your boy Sturmbannführer Johann von Leers converted to Islam after the war.
Decent by what standards?
Even if so, they aren't our culture. If we continue to act like a girl in an abusive relationship with them when some (statistically higher than any other grouping of people,) percentage of them wantonly murders us we would be cucks. Like you.
9.99999999% of them are decent people.
>99.9999999% of them are decent people.
No. I would say about 50% is.
The good ones are good people because they are good people, and DESPITE Islam. These people tend to not really follow Islam.
The other, the bad part, is bad people BECAUSE OF islam.
So, always important to think of the distinction between muslim and islam. Because "muslims" exist on a spectrum, but there's only one Islam.
So you like a degenerate criminal just because he's white and Christian?
more like the opposite. 0.0000001% are decent human being.
i dont like him but he's my problem. theyre not
>percentage of them wantonly murders us we would be cucks
Do you legitimately believe this? Have you ever met any Muslims? And if so, did they ever show this violence?
Some will kill you
Some are Islamists (hardcore beliefs)
Both of these are bad
Then you have Muslims that are no threat
But remember all of the above read from the same books and worship Mohammed and think he is the perfect person.
We all know Mohammed isn't a person one should look up to
cause 99.999999% of them are filthy rats
My Japanese bros across the pond know why we hate Muslims. Fucking degenerates are like a cancer that attempt to swallow up whatever they manage to gain a foothold in. Furthermore...Why do you think they reject 99.998% of them? Why do you think none of them ever attack Japan when there has been a major terror attack in almost every westernized country?
Fuck the just the Jews, the Muslims fear the samurai also.
nah, gas them all
Only rural and suburban retards with low IQs hate diversity and culture
shut the fuck up and kill yourself like your japan ''bros'' do as a recreational hobby fucking weeb
If the right fails and the kikes win I'd rather have Islam than whatever horror neo-religion they can dream up.
None of them are decent. Not a single one. Burn them in their cradles.
Jew here, I don't hate them, I just know that most of them hate me and are generally violent dumb subhumans so I don't want them near me.
It's like I don't hate dog shit but I don't want to roll around in it either.
Yeah. Pew used to do statistics on such things not long ago. They statistically put class any other people's in committing terror attacks in the west. I mean, even if I hadn't already seen the numbers, outside of niggers I couldn't off the top of my head think of anyone more prone to violence.
Wouldn't you agree the overwhelming vast majority of Muslims who have already settled are no threat?
I'm a Muslim and I kinda understand where you guys are coming from, since taking in so many refugees at a time where Islamist groups are trying to commit terror attacks is a really bad idea, but why do so many of you believe that most of us are bad people in the West?
>I dont like blue
>Oh, so you like green?
kek yourself
I mean, I'm Japanese myself. Furthermore, I don't see the need for you to go full retard especially when I agree that we need to remove kebabs. And it really isn't so much of a hobby, so much as a guilty pleasure.
Offtopic, but you seem like the type of guy who really likes incestuous porn. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
more like
>I like blue
>but I don't like this shade of blue
neck yourself
Islam is authoritarian and anti-degeneracy. This scares the poop out of the NEETS because if it takes over they will have to get jobs and stop masturbating.
Cause you are. You're a literal blight on our system. You fail to acclimate to even our most basic of mannerisms, yet fight us when we try to correct you. You moved to our country, that obligates you follow our rules, that obligates you learn our customs, that obligates you to conform to us or get out. I see very little attempts from the Muslim community to do such.
>but why do so many of you believe that most of us are bad people in the West?
Taqiya - Wikipedia
Taqiyya has also been politically legitimised, particularly among Twelver Shias, in order to maintain unity among Muslims and fraternity among the Shia clerics. Yarden Mariuma writes: "Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.
Boy, how's life away from the desert, Akmed? You enjoying that Australian weather?
Because they are not my people.
They enslaved my family for over 500 years. I want reparations.
Most are decent people but 5% of my countries population yet a tiny minority of them always pledge allegiance to the latest terrorist group.
I have been raised being told that Muslims cause terror wherever they go and every few months they prove their commitment in my country
That's their only redeeming quality desu. Western civilization as a whole has trended towards anti authoritarian and degenerate values. Too far imo. But that doesn't mean I want to suck muzzies off and let them in to the Midwest which is something my ancestors fought really fucking hard for and deserve far more.
Extremely inaccurate. Islam is more backwards than fucking Imperial Russia. Only a small minority of Muslims- i.e., those who live in the west- have any kind of classical liberal values.
I like Muslims. They are the last great hope against the gay agenda.
Why aren't you in the East, shitskin?
Seriously, why the fuck are you here? Why can't you fix the toilet of a country you are from?
Why?....Because your people are fucked up, always have been and now you are fucking up someone else's country
Because they're fucking ugly
Please Mohammed, I would be the first to say that Sup Forums is hypocritical and full of shit when it comes to Islam but you can't seriously suggest that the ONLY people who have a problem with Islam are NEETs.
You're shooting yourself in the foot by making such a weak-sauce argument.
I don't hate muslims I hate the power hungry maniacs and the bearded goat fuckers shoting at people in the desert, blowing statues.
Putting your shitty false stat aside: because they believe in some false shitty sand cult that seeks to kill me, and rape and kill my closest family members. Fuck them all.
Oh yeah. That's another thing that pisses me off to absolutely no end with them. Blowing up ancient fucking heritage sites. A gas chamber is literally too good for that kind of fucking behavior.
I don't hate them. I just think they should stay in their home countries if they want to maintain their own traditions, just as Americans wouldn't go to Iraq and demand that they start eating pork and stop wearing scarves.
dont 70% support killing people who leave islam? That alone puts the number to 30% at best
Muhammad was a pedo
By your math, there are 10 bad Muslims in the world.
There are 10 bad Muslims in your neighborhood, Nigel
Sure there are others who have a problem with them. The most influential being the neocons and Christian Zionists. But there is also "right wing" homosexuals and various other degenerates. 99% of the time anti-Islam messages are coming from Jews or goys who work for Jews.
>Wouldn't you agree the overwhelming vast majority of Muslims who have already settled are no threat?
you're not a life threat per say but youre a nuisance in general. A worthless blight on our society especially toward women. And no im not talking about only rape specifically even though thats enough for me to despise you but just the way you shits behave and talk to women including my gf disgust me.
She has easily 40IQ pts more than your average turban nigger you should be kissing her feet and thanking every minute she graces you with her presence
>Wouldn't you agree the overwhelming vast majority of Muslims who have already settled are no threat?
Yeah, no. Do you think all of the terrorist attacks and fanatical jihad organizations are a result of some 0.0000001% ultra-minority of Muslims? That shit happens because a substantial amount of adherents to the Islamic religion support it, either directly or indirectly.
When I was in Iraq, fighting in Mosul, the rule of thumb for an IED strike was "you would fucking know if someone was setting a bomb on the street you live on" when we were talking to the locals playing fucking dumb as to why the curb across the street just 'happened' to explode when we drove by. It's not just the radical jihadis user, it's the 'moderates' that agree with them enough to let that shit slide.
Sure there are decent Muslims out there, but definitely not fucking 99.9999999%. Get that shit out of your head if you actually believe it and are not just bait.
Convert or you die
circle jerks
Interestingly, most Muslim countries don't have full Shari'a law. They usually have a watered-down version in place.
I am very proud of my islamophobia I even have Novislav on my shirt bitch. It will look even better when get swole.
Why do these idiots keep popping up? Holy wars are coming, dude.
Any number of people have a problem with Muslims:
>Right wing nationalists
>Traditional conservatives
>Feminists (in theory)
>Militant atheists
>Satirical cartoonists
>Artists in general
>Religious minorities persecuted by Muslims
>War veterans
>Victims of terrorist attacks
Etc. etc.
In fact you'd be hard-pressed to find a single group in society who don't have good reasons to dislike Muslims.
I mean Jews, fuck yeah, we don't like you guys at all but at least some Jews are blue-pilled leftists who will say "never again" to Trump's immigration policies or someshit.
Shariah is really flexible
Isis shariah is levels above Saudi shariah and that's levels above Qatar shariah.
Even Israel has shariah courts for their muzzies
>99.9999999% of them are decent people.
Statistically false
see Only 14% are decent people.
I don't hate them, I just don't want them here. Honestly I like a lot of aspects of middle eastern / muslim culture, it's pretty hardline, great food and traditional values. I just know that they're hell bent on conquering the world and I don't want it happening here.
You forgot Myanmar Buddhists and Indian Hindus
>implying most Muslims work
>We all know Mohammed isn't a person one should look up to
Slippery slope.
They're inbred subhumans. I hate looking at their ugly, fecal colored skin and sandnigger faces. All of their countries are shitpiles because they're stupid animals with nigger level IQ, and they'll just make our countries shitty by coming here. Fuck off, Ahmed.
Read. Ask yourself - is there a Christian analog to this event? This isn't history, it's happening now.
Any religion that isn't Islam has a problem with Islam
Kek has spoken
Not quite
Progressive "Muslims": BAD
Terrorists, intermitting the ones that shoot up gay bars: BAD
Refugees: even radical Islam agrees that they're fucking BAD
Iran: Good
Conservative Muslims: Generally good
MEMRI TV: Can't live without it, post screencaps because this is a MEMRI thread now
Don't hate em! I didn't say that. Just would LOVE for them and their decent ways to stay in their lovely peaceful wonderful countries.
Death may sound harsh but it is a good way of enforcing your traditional values. Of course those are not my values, although I would accept the implementation of a death penalty for adultery here in the West. Also, what is wrong with having your wife obey you?
Most of you also have no clue about Sharia Law and how hard it is to punish someone under Sharia. Do you think that the U.S prison system does a better job? Do your research.
It's like they want the world to hate them.
That fucks with me more than I expected.
Iran is nowhere near good.
Of the gulf countries only Saudi has more extreme shariah.
>I don't hate muslims I hate the power hungry maniacs and the bearded goat fuckers shoting at people in the desert, blowing statues.
So fucking muslims then...
in my experiences they are fine. I worked with a muslim in a research group for years during my undergrad and she was great. I also had a couple of middle eastern professors who were bro tier. That being said im from an area without a significant minority population so any that do live here are generaly very well integrated. Ive visited the south west before and have seen areas where mexicans are numerous if not an outright majority and it changed my opinion on them entirely so I would assume it would be the same in an area with a significant muslim population.
They want to nuke Israel, dafuq are you on about
No they aren't.
0.50 shekels have been deposited in your account
Tfw when Muslims themselves tell the truth
coming from a turk as well
Because Islamists look just like you. Maybe you should wear name tags.
Iran was great.
It was the islamic revolution.
If you could judge people for every mistake of their goverments...
The holy commands of Allah through his messenger Muhammad (PBUH) are not flexible, infidel.
I will have your head.
not that bad desu.
You're liars and your religion tells you to be. You're disruptive to every country to dominate. You hate free speech. You cry for safe spaces. Do you not realize how straight up annoying/threatening you are?
Actually, it's 75%.
That leaves 25%, or about 300 million of the bad ones.
>If you could judge people for every mistake of their goverments...
It's not governments who carry out Muslim attacks, it is Muslims hopped up by Islamic leaders like Ayman al Zawahiri
Your disruption goes well beyond terrorist attacks. You are bitchy cry babies that need safe spaces or you raise hell.
"Moderate" Muslims protect and hide extremists far too often to be acceptable. Yes, some do turn terrorists in, but when you compare the extremists-per-capita versus virtually every other organized religion or political system, Islam sticks out like a sore thumb. That's what happens when the head figure of the religion is inextricably tied to violence and warfare, no matter how many good things he also did...Mo did a TON of oppressive shit compared to all the others. Sorry, it's the truth.
Clearly you are an infidel. No one here would brag about college. Fuck off.