Black guy here will you guys ever accept me? AMA

Black guy here will you guys ever accept me? AMA


welcome to the club.

You're a weak-minded person if you have a psychological need for approval and/or acceptance from white people.

Not really, that's fairly typical amongst the other races. We did conquer them and act as parents/authority figures for years.

Nope, fuck off nigger. Not even kidding.



inb4 "le reddit"


I'm not a nigger just a black man that't all.

White bois sit inside and play video games, watch anime, and never exercise. I stopped dating white guys when my ex boyfriend was beat up after talking shit to a black guy to come off as alpha or something. When he was beaten and started crying, i just lost respect for him. How can i respect a white man if he can't even protect me? Black guys have swag, they can dance, they can rap, and they know how to have fun. I got tired of my ex bf trying to get me to watch anime. Grow up you white boi-children.

No, it's weak

I am a fucking indian and born muslim but i dont give a fuck what you fags think of me

It's a psychological disorder.

OP, practice not giving a fuck what white people think. Whether or not they "accept" us should be completely irrelevant.

Shit with the rest of us, we need more blacks on /pol.

>>Shit with the rest of us

*shit POST with the rest of us

Depends, can i touch your hair?

Welcome to /pol, my friend, the friendliest little spot on the Internet.


Do you know any phat assed bitches?

I'm 6'4 and the way whites look at me is in disgust I just don't want to be preceded as a babbling baboon.

only if you wear a maga hat

You are right we need more blacks on pol, pol is not diverse enough, (((I))) will be the driving force to make that happen.

This is an anonymous image board, you can be anyone you want but in the end you still chose to be black. This is why you will not be accepted.

Fuck you and your quads nigger. "White boi" here. Dad of two, work out, and disregard the tv and vidja Jew erryday. Unlike your degenerate-by-nature kind, I am a loyal husband with a faithful wife. I am in STEM, unlike the majority of NEETs here, niggers included.

Its basically dried up cotton. No seriously it weird.

Try reddit, we're full

>not choosing the BBC


cool. im an abbo who hates asains.
no that we've got that out of the way

Giving a fuck what white people think is not healthy. Let them be disgusted.

No. Stay in Murica! We oughta be sending some of you back, maybe the Jamaicans.

Sure. But only if the content of your character is more than "black guy"

Witnessed. The black male is superior.

No. Not because you're black, but because you're a faggot looking for acceptance here. Now, fuck off and find your father.

well half abbo or maybe less. not too sure.
i hear my people did some fucked up stuff to whites and black alike.

It would only make jacking off take more time.

>I just don't want to be preceded as a babbling baboon.

That's never going to change, people are always going to judge you without knowing you.

Not like it's any different for white people, or mexicans, or asians, or jews, etc.

I'm not much against blacks, I mean you guys are somewhat infeior/diferent to whites, with some exceptions, the same way some whites are worse than the average nigger.. I personally don't think I would be confortable with a diversity level like in the USA, in Spain when I was a kid you could barely see any foreigners besides tourists in summer. Now we have ghettos of sand nigger, they are the worst scum on earth, specally the ones from Morocco, worst people on earth by far, they are provably the cause I don't think so badly of niggers, at least you are not that fucking sectarious.

Sure. Just trash all your mix tapes first

pics or gtfo

Do you praise Kek and check digits?

No niggers.

>pics or gtfo
haha that sounds gay man XD

stfu you schnitzels

OP is always a faggot

BTW, nobody asked a question, that should show how much we care about niggers opinions even if you're just trolling.

Even if a black person is calm cool and collective?


Little Mexico didn't read the thread. Typical. Lazy like his kids.

prove you're an abbo. I promise I won't call you a nigger.
The most important thing you can do for the black race is marry a Jewess and pump out little kosher kangz.

Yes as long as you stay away from whites and go back to your mother continent of Africa

>Asking to be accepted
>on Sup Forums

Stop these AMA threads leddit faggots

Welp can't deny those quads

But my ancestors are from there I was born here and accepted my western values.

i have no quarrel with you friend

€what did kek mean by this

It's "calm and collected" you fatherless, illiterate monkey.

Just as soon as blacks come up with an identity for themselves that's not based around consumer capitalism you will be alright. Until then the niggers are your problem go fix them.


check out me bong nose.

No one here is white. I've been here for years.

Quads of fours

Yup I've found the more blacks I meet in person the more I like them. Guy at McDonald's is funny, calls me baby faced black coffee man because I didn't want any sugar or cream a few weeks ago.

Honestly, no. Why do you need me to accept you though? Go and live your own damn life, just do it away from me.

You are not white so no.

>>No one here is white. I've been here for years.

That would be interesting if it were true, but there's no way to prove the demographics of /pol.

>his last thought as the noose slipped around his fragile brown neck

Accepted, welcome to the deep end of the pool... Hope you can swim.

Sub saharan trash, go back to Africa and live an authentic life.

Nope, you're living on borrowed time

Do you plan on race mixing?




Lost pics with id to prove ur actually black, if not ur a white Sup Forumsster LARPing


Brow ridge checks out. You pass as white though.



Realise this Mr. Black Man. Your race informs your culture far more than you can realise. It has been hundreds of years and you have not integrated into American society like the Irish, Italians, Greeks, Germans ect. ect. Even Asians don't integrate well despite being far less of a calamity.

You need to go back to Africa. I don't mean that in a hateful way, your people need you. Your race needs to forge its own destiny free of whites, even if that means purging every last white off the African continent. Then the races can peacufully co-exist, free of interference from each other. It's the only way.

Do you mean westernize the east that is far beyond power.

hey, welcome to the most shitty place on the internet. I would ask what in the hell would make you want to come here, but, I think that's a question we all should ask ourselves.

Look, on the bright side, at least you ain't an Abo or something like that.

>ain't abbo
cunt. you did that on purpose. kek

End of the day, everyone's better than an abo.

kekd n checkd

yeah the parkies and city fags really give us a bad name.
wish they'd pull their head out of their asses and stop bitching.
most of us half castes have actually pull our shit together.

>Black guy here will you guys ever accept me? AMA
I had a black roommate for about 5 years back in the late 90s. He swore to god that black people cannot swim. I know they can. I have personally seen it with my own eyes.

However, I have had other black people tell me the exact same thing. What gives? Is this why whites like me fear momma bear? Is there a repressed fear of the crocks?

I am being 100%. I hope this isn't some bullshit troll thread.

obummer fucked it up for all Black people

Yes, there are Black people that can swim. There's a few Black guys in the Navy SEALS.

OP get out of that herd mentality, that shit is mostly characteristic of liberals.