Are we losing the meme war Sup Forums?
Leftist memes are getting better because they are fighting against the mainstream like we were in 2016.
I just saw this posted on my wall, filename was the caption.
Are we losing the meme war Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's just a repurposed Manly Tears meme from Sup Forums.
WHat about this though?
haha wow DrUMBf BTFO
...Who the hell owns a Gamecube?
Man, the Lefties are really going to kill us when they start making Phillips CD-I references!
I've been seeing this crap all day man.
Wow killer meme reddit
Memes could only get him so far. Trump has proven himself to be a rambling, incoherent idiot.
Pic related. The OG.
>>they are fighting against the mainstream
they're still the mainstream you dumb shit.
Color from a upside down CD there like a solar flare
You seem lost, queer. I have a camp in chechnya for you.
It's all in how you view it. Leftists think they are underground now despite controlling nearly every form of media except radio.
left aren't creating new jokes they're just taking the "Bush is dumb" meme and putting in Drumpf
maybe it's cause leftist politics is still stuck in 2003 mentally?
Is this what you have to do since you can't fight?
>Leftist memes are getting better
Better than their 2015 memes
reversing the narrative and even failing to appropriate.
thank god i can hide posts like that.
So that's two memes where they don't make a point, they just portray the Right as whiny babies. Dare they go for a third?
thanks for the bumps, shareblue.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
This one was made by a Sup Forumsack I'm sure, but I saw someone share it.
Laserdiscs were shit m8, all you had to do was look sideways at one and it would skip, jitter and fuckup.
leftist memes are fueled by pure butthurt because they just lost the most important election of this millennium and know Trump will be the president of the free world for the next 8 years.
Holy fuck.
I heard molyneux turned into a meme on /leftypol/ can anyone confirm?
They were REALLY bad. Still are.
This was shared by my anti trump sister, taken from a monitor. The fuck does this mean???
>leftists stealing nemes for years
>user finds half decent meme one time
>obviously a newfag
This is how it works. Now that the right-wing is the establishment, expect it to grow complacent until the left-wing becomes poised to take over. It's a big reason why King Nigger got into office to begin with.
>Leftist memes are getting better
No they're not. They're still as shit as they've ever been.
I'm not a newfag.
I was a centipede when The_Donald only had 300 subs.
You know those memes you found pretty funny but that you knew your parents would never understand because they were so far removed from cutting-edge internet pop culture that they would be completely alien to them? That's you right now.
pretty sure that's just "XD so randum" shit
you're a newfag
B-but I have a folder with over 1000 momiji's
If not for the context, I'd have assumed it was a "hello fellow kids" image making fun of Sanders.
Yeah no
Well pepe is reddit tier now, so what do we have compared to them?
What meme war.. Trump was a means to an end, he is advancing national socialism and leading a lot of people towards right wing policies.
As of late it's become clear he supports a Zionist agenda, but he's still advanced our agenda.
No, that's just a recycled Manly Tears joke, and isn't even funny because it doesn't make sense for Trump to even know about Gamecube games.
Leftist memes are just critically unfunny and when I see them, they make me a little less happy because of how weak they are, take or for example, the jokes they are trying to tell aren't being told in a funny way and just come off as butthurt, the second one looks like it's meant to be in the same vein as smuggies, but there's just no humorous edge to it, it's just "UH, LE DRUMPF SUPPORTERS ARE BABIES!", it's weak, there's no punchline or skewering anyone with their own words, it has 0 impact on anyone other than people who already wanted it to be funny so will pretend it is.
How is repurposing Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes beating us in the memewar? Oh... you're one of those antifa faggots. You should probably kill yourself.
if the frog annoys you, i'll just post it more
It never wasn't. Pepe is one of those memes like lolcats that fucking stormed the entire interwebs. Fucking Katy Perry was posting Pepe before the 2016 election. That one got away from the chan LONG ago.
>you're one of those antifa faggots.
No see
the left still control the media and education. focus memeing there. tbqh I just want to fast-forward to the part where we give these degenerate faggots helicopter rides.
Oh, my bad. It's hard to tell r/anarchy and r/The_Donald apart
>le meme war
Sage. Literally normiespeak.
>Announcing your sage