Why are all of Sup Forums's favorite people Jews?
Why are all of Sup Forums's favorite people Jews?
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Is this for real?
For the same reason our Greatest Ally is Isreal.
Yes , this is the desert of the real.
Have you awoken from your dream yet?
>tfw think both sides of the holocaust debate bring up good points
>don't know what to think
I guess I will just say it probably happened but I don't know.
Because nu/pol/ are r/the_cuckold neocons. Seems like more and more of real Sup Forums and oldfags from the original /new/ (not the current shitshow) left for greener pastures.
I guess I'm still here out of stubbornness, but it's sad to see the state of the board
Prior to the American Civil War the state of Mississippi was among the wealthiest in the nation. That state and many others are still "recovering" from losing "everything."
Jews glom onto any revolutionary movement in an attempt to control it.
Source: E Michael jones' Jewishness revolutionary spirit
Doesn't matter. She's "cute" and wears MAGA paraphernalia... that's all they care about.
How many times do we have to go through this?
She is not saying her grandparents are Jewish, she is giving 2 separate examples of white people being oppressed because she was arguing with someone who was whining about aboriginals in Canada being oppressed.
Her ancestry is 0% Jewish.
Thanks finbro.
Lauren may not be a stout antisemite like most of us, but she's definitely on our side.
Some people will never be happy. That's the natural contrarian Sup Forums response. Fortunately most people seem to be ok with her
>fleeing Denmark
>not joining the Waffen SS
It happened, parts were played up though.
mostly death numbers and the fact that allied bombing probably did starve a lot of them.
What Nazi's in Danmark. What's the bottle blond rambling about?
Fuck this argument, my grandparents freed their asses. Debt repaid.
I think her grandparents business was taken over by the Nazis for the war effort or something like that
>"I've been browsing /pol (sic) for years just like you user."
Everyone loves to hate the Jews. Other people just aren't as much fun to hate I guess like no one really likes gyppos or Muslims or niggers but the memes aren't as crunchy and the propaganda isn't as interesting.
fuck the jews
jews did it to themselves
That would be nu/pol. Fuck off, with your like tactics.
Why did they have to 'escape the Nazis' in denmark. They literally just came in, set up defenses so britian couldn't cut off steel trade and left denmark mostly alone.
Full of shit.
Thats what you get when you listen to 22 year odl college drop outs for political advice.
>pic related
>danish nazi chick hanging out in roskilde
Do you really believe in the Just World Hypothesis?
Most people are cowardly selfish assholes but very few groups of people get that much hate.
Some Muslims literally blow themselves up in public areas killing dozens of innocent bystanders but they're still not hated by Europeans as much as the Jew.
Life is not fair nor has it ever been nor will it ever be.
they only bothered commies in denmark.
So i'm starting to lean more towards the Jew blood again.
Hitler didn't even put the Danish Nazis into power because he didn't want to disrespect danish autonomy more than he already did.
The whole oppression meme is just a meme.
Jews are inherently evil tho. Just world hypothesis might be on to something inline with my views that DNA itself has good and evil encoded in it. Nature is like a play land for satan to distort and pervert truth and justice, but he can't destroy them in the bigger picture.
She is so obviously not Jewish.
Here she is responding to Vox Day trying to warn her about Cathy Young because Cathy is Jewish. Why would Vox day try to warn her about that, and why would she respond like this if she herself were Jewish?
Let's be real, there is one reason Sup Forums puts up with people like this.
Meh, I'm Jewish and I'm certainly not evil by Western standards, hell, I'm not even "bad" by the explicit standards of Western civilization.
I agree that DNA plays a role but nurture is also important.
All of them
Stop white knighting. She isn't going to let you do her. You have no chance.
She's a Jew, it's true!
>$0.02 cents have been deposited into your account
I've come to the conclusion that it happened but Jews will still be milking it 200 years later.
>but nurture is also important
You are evil though. I've already caught you using jewish logic.
>You are evil though.
Pretty confident statement coming from someone who has never met me or interacted with me in person...
I would venture to guess you have no clue what you're talking about and are therefore probably wrong.
You do the devil's work and it's not my problem you can't see that inside yourself. You will just find yourself in a gas chamber one day.
>2 years ago
>she's indepedent now
desu I was on the holohoax train 2 years ago until I found this place. And it's guaranteed she browses here.
I was brought up in a Christian country so have some idea of the difference between right and wrong. Like for example murdering innocent people for their race is wrong...
Would be pretty surprised to wake up in a gas chamber lol I dot think you're much of an oracle, though.
Most of the Danish Jews went to Sweden, most of the Norwegian Jews went to the gas chamber.
Didn't happen
>People pay more attention to her and my incredibly insightful posts slide off the board with 0 replies
>I know
>I'll call her jewish because that's the only insult I can think of
>*faps to (you)s while crying