Hi, I'm in Somalia
Hi, I'm in Somalia
Hi, In Somalia
Good stay there, stop coming to Minnesota.
Very sorry to hear.
No Mr Soros wants Minnesota blue..
I'm white, I have slaves here
how can you relax?
Post proof nigger
It's easy to live here if you're not a bitch
It's really easy when there is no government to regulate shit
how easy is it to get laid in middle eastern countries
who builds the roads?
how big of a culture shock was it when you first came here?
Minnesota here
please tell your friends to come back home.
I can deal with
>some blacks
But the moment a somalian guy walks by, my nose is penetrated by the pungent odor of death and decay. They are loud, arrogant, rude, and are generally unlikable. They have no value for other peoples' property or belongings. The only reason they're not more of a threat is because they're too stupid to fathom doing something besides collecting welfare checks and making more children.
Dumb Nigger
Can i be your Cartman?
whats daily life like?
this is your opportunity to convince me to move there
what ? thats bad ass
looks like Saudi Arabia's jealous someone else has slaves
He might be one of my runaway slaves.
there is a somali who posts here from time to time but i dont think its the same one
wasn't there a somalian who used to post here who successfully moved to sweden and posted with pics to prove it
How's your security?
why dont you just micro chip them?
Haha i too like using hma as a proxy
i remember the thread where the dude was going around taking time stamped pictures of his neighbor hood and he was talking about going to europe dont know if he ever made it and i think like a week ago there was another somali who wanted help trying to sell a rare breed of cat to westerns.
>somalian who used to post here who successfully moved to sweden
Was there any Somali unsuccessful in doing that?
Kek Saudi with the bantz
Doesn't help if they're already out of the country and in a lawless land.
I feel the same way Minnebrotan, I live in an apartment complex with some and the smell is enough to make me want to vomit the moment I enter the hallways
How did they escape is their some kind underground railroad run by liberal muslims or something ? also whats the going rate for a slave ?
It's the same one, it's not hard to recognize him.
He also he got bored easily, cause he's damn smart.
Is the country just like as it was in black hawk down?
Yes I have 1 African woman whos in here 40s who I let live in a shed on the other end of my property, she takes care of the animals. I've been increasingly aggressive with her to let her know she's property, no one is going to stop me
why did you choose that specific picture to upload? okay, let's say you wanted to post a lighthouse, but why THAT lighthouse, specifically?
I'll take what is a proxy for 500
How much can you buy an AK for?
>26915ReportHideApply This post Hide replies Make stubDeletePostArchivePostNameFlagI'll take what is a proxy for 500
lel tru
wtf i love sand nigs now
If you are white, what country are you from and how the hell can you get internet?
If you think I'm joking, I'm going to go take a video of my slave, she is here, I'll light a firecracker and throw it at here, should I make her say something ?
Make her say "Ongo bongo steal some shit nigga"
They end up in fucking Sweden all the time, how hard can it be to cross the Mandeb Strait?
Going rate varies by strength, age, gender, castrated or breeder, and seasonal demand.
Make her say "ooga booga bix nood" and throw the firecracker at her
This please. St Cloud used to just be white trash, now it's black and white trash. Make St Cloud great again.
make her say 'I is da niggest'
wtf I love somalia now
I am monitoring this thread
post battlestation
These Saudi fuckers might just have the best bantz out of anyone on Sup Forums. Not even kidding whenever I see you fuckers in threads you guys have some good ones
Saudi's IRL are the same way. Dudes just don't give a fuck and know how to joke around
Did your cat exportation take off yet?
Pics or you're larping
Please be real
Hi, I'm a LARPing proxyfag
Truly the ugliest race on the planet next to abbos.
Don't treat your slaves like crap, come on man. Can't believe I'm typing this.
No way this is fucking real dude
Topeka if it is
I want an African slave girl as well.
Nice proxy bro
Abbos are probably less ugly desu
this is how rebellions start matey
be gentle but tender, use thommy jefferson as an idol for slave owning
Who gives a fuck? They're slaves dude. They're fucking slaves for a reason. Grow a pair
keep this thread bumped I filled a squirt gun with my piss
This is how I know you're full of shit. Sage goes in the Options field
hurry up, bitch nigger
Larpers should be banned immediately.
He's a fragile little leaf, understand how absolutely willingly cucked most leafs are.
It's a question of what chances you want to take. A lot of weird people come here, so even if I'm 90% sure OP is a faggot with a proxy, I don't want to give him any ideas in the off chance he isn't.
>He's a fragile little leaf, understand how absolutely willingly cucked most leafs are
Yeah seems like the case with many Canadians. Glad to see not all are cucked
Talk is cheap, especially behind a keyboard
Said every LARPer to ever walk the meadows of Midgard
"Slaves for a reason duuude"
*Goes on to cry about how he's a loser because jews has enslaved him*
So you care about some dumb fucking Somali slave that you will never meet? Who cares dude, if he torments his fucking slave (like all Somali slaves) we aren't going to get in trouble for it and it could be funny
Relax and stop being a faggot
>*Goes on to cry about how he's a loser because jews has enslaved him*
I'm not an actual fucking slave like a real enslaved person dude. I'm just stuck in a shitty society, much different than being actually owned as property.
>defending a Somali
The jokes just write themselves
What happened to the nigger with the somalia flag that would post pictures of his mudhut schoolhouse? He posted a few times months ago, I haven't seen anything new. Way better than this OP.
>I'm just stuck in a shitty society, much different than being actually owned as property.
Haha, no. You're nothing but the Rothschilds property. The elite is even using you idiots as useful idiots to escalate tensions that gonna lead to civil war in the US. And as a result, WW3 and global enslavement.
If you didn't catch that your thoughts are already enslaved.
And it was quite predictable you'd see my flag and have a "thought" (not your own actual thought) attached to the image, saying "how ironic that this Swede defend a Somali".
Yeah, how terrible that someone actually thinks people anywhere shouldn't be enslaved. Doesn't mean I want migration from said places to my own country.
But go on with your simple view of reality designed by the elite, you retard.
He can't do anything about it and he doesn't like it.
The US on the other hand unironically fights for and defends the jews.
Also, you are ruled by a zionist and come 2nd place after israel in number of jews.
>so you care about some somali you've never met.
What's funny is that I'm only asking OP not to torment someone, and you're acting like I'm demanding he give her a plane ticket to Germany or some shit. Why don't you throw a firecracker at a homeless person or something, instead of waiting for someone to do it for you?
As a big advocate of small government and a staunch opponent of regulation, I look to Somalia and have always wanted to visit. So tell me, how is our libertarian paradise?
Without having a dastardly socialist government meddling in the affairs of the private sector the economy must be booming!
>Somali posts picture of himself in Somalia
>It shows fucking Pine Trees.
>Somalia is an arid shithole and there are no pine trees.
>This guy is a fucking shill and using a VPN.
Whatever cuck, blah blah blah, you're still a pussy
Dude I hate this country I know that
>What's funny is that I'm only asking OP not to torment someone, and you're acting like I'm demanding he give her a plane ticket to Germany or some shit. Why don't you throw a firecracker at a homeless person or something, instead of waiting for someone to do it for you?
A homeless person isn't my slave. If you had a slave you wouldn't do whatever the fuck you wanted to it?
Is Somalia a libertarian paradise?
>dune coon bringing the bantz on boon coons and rune coons
Keep telling yourself what you need to stay afloat, slaveboy.
surely OP will deliver