Weed hate thread

weed hate thread

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Smoke weed everyday.

Weed is for losers and self loathing cucks

Only brainlet cucks say that cannabis is degenerate. Truly the thinking man's drug.

I'm only a loser because of the Jews, you jerk. Fuck you.

I derive much wisdom from the herb

>brain dead anti-weeders
>don't realize that banning weed is useless
>people will get weed if they want it, whether it's legal or not
>don't realize they are directly funding criminals by banning it
>don't realize the millions of dollars to be had through legal weed
>all they can do is say "DUDE WEED"

are anti-weeds the peak of retardation?

Or your threshold for what is "wisdom" is lowered, so it only seems like you're perceiving wise shit.

I said it last thread, and I'll say it again:

> chronic pot smokers who spend all day smoking and being a fucking lazy bum while spreading inconsistent scientific fallacies like "it's good for you" or "it's harmless" while living on government assistance

Literally kill yourself you fucking degenerate

>I smoke a joint every other week when I get off work to relax and take a break from my hectic family responsibilities

You're cool bro, no worries



Weed is not good for you desu doesn't mean i want to ban it , just stop using it .


>rolls 4th blunt of the day
>fails algebra
>*panic attack*
>gets fired from Target
>lowers IQ
>gets disowned by family


I want to judge, but I use energy drinks from time to time. I don't want to look like a hypocrite.

That being said, what's wrong with legalizing and taxing it?

you said you'd stop posting, liar
you'll never hold hands with our cute teenaged lass

>>brain dead anti-weeders
>brain dead
this projection oh my lord

If only you knew how wrong you were.

I can either smoke weed or take Vicodin.

there's always going to be stoners and drug users


unless we plan some sort of TRULY fascist genocide on all drug users, something that makes Hitler look like a little bitch. there's always going to be people that want their drugs and or alcohol

might as well make a profit off of them

>fails algebra
I'm inclined to believe you stated this because its the highest math class you ever took. Given the country you come from, this might actually be the case, so I apologize in advance for your loss.

>lowers IQ

when will this meme die ?

Weed is truly bottom of the barrel degeneracy


I know you're a fucking liar, who broke down in a thread last week and claimed you were gonna stop being an avatar posting shithead who continually promotes and brings more freaks into awareness of Ciara. Now you're implying you held hands with her, okay, good for you, you fucking weirdo creep. Even if you manage to hold hands with her, it's only an elaborate ruse to get something out of you.
Hope Kim deals with you.

ITT: lonely faggots who never smoked because they had no friends to offer it to them. Kill yourselves you fucking loners

>Implying a drug is necessary
Fucking addict.

>ITT: lonely faggots who never smoked because they had no friends to offer it to them.
Alright, you got me there.

Wrong, chad brother gives me weed continually! This means I'm very cool and hip.

Also, psilocybin shrooms can be acquired via legal spores and grown easily, so even shut-ins can become shamans.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a marijuana.

Dude weed.

Also, it's possible to be responsible and smoke weed.

I do it.

>hateing a plant makes me better than other people

Its not always fun. Sucks to do alone, especially when you build a tolerance and get bored easily when high.

Pretty much this, i know people that smoke responsibly and still go to their jobs, have social lives, and are normal people. I've never witnessed this whole "DUDE WEED CULTURE LMAO" spouted by the lonely autists here clinging to anything to make them feel superior to other people to give themselves self-worth.

So working for pennies and buying land that we dont actually own keeping the jewish system runing dont do drugs the jew tell you you cant have yea your a real white man arnt you

I think that weed should be legal but those who abuse it are on the same level as non-functioning degenerate alcoholics.

people who do pot are more likely to support bernie sanders

Says the gook who saves weird anime porn or whatever the fuck that is.

currently cruising on a nice kratom buzz about to rip my bong a bit before bedtime

It stays in ur system for months you cant pass drug test canabis is a medicine and people use it for a very larg spectrum of reasons but its hard to treat yourself and get a shit job at the same time because everyone thinks weed makes you dumb when anti depressents are much worse

Because they treating there severe mental illness




wow what a criminal
>straight to the firing squad, whole family