Reminder that no white man in world history has ever received more votes than Hillary Clinton

Reminder that no white man in world history has ever received more votes than Hillary Clinton.

still not president lol

And she still managed to lose. Inspiring stuff.

Im sure if a white man ran for the democrats he would have gotten as much.

Maybe because she had more illegals voting for her?

Reminder that she still lost.

It's almost like the national population increases over time and she was a candidate in the latest election to date.

god it is that smug ass shit that made her lose too.

if only the left were less fucking smug.

God must really hate Hillary.



Most votes and still lost. So impressive.

No black man got more votes either. Point?


Say it with me, Madame almost president

Obama received more votes (69,498,516) in 2008 and 2012 (65,915,795).


seeing this now is like thinking of a really good come back to that argument you had 10 minutes ago but you are already going home.

Total? Sure. Percentagewise? Fuck off.

Obama had less votes in the primary.

>population not increasing
yeah ok stay mad

the people wanted Hilary

>the people

>illegal aliens and dead people

Sorry sweetie, legally cast ballots only!

That's just pretense to the lie. She didn't crack 5 mil total votes.

Reminder that no woman in world history has ever been POTUS.