Civilization happened when men chose to trade instead of steal- to specialize instead of being jacks-of-all-trades.
"Making" is a waste of time and effort, just do your fucking job.
The Maker Movement- a sign of de-civilization
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Making" is a waste of time and effort
>telling other people how they should spend their own time and money.
even captcha knows what to do with you
It's decentralization, not decivilisation. You still have to sell the products to one another, which is trade.
Remember, centralization is socialism is bureaucracy and waste. The "maker" movement just mean more efficiency and competition.
Saged, and kys.
Never seen helis on captcha, calling fake. And gay.
>You still have to sell the products to one another, which is trade.
No one wants anything that a 'maker' produces. Centralization is increasing quality of output, and lowering of cost/price.
Keep telling yourself that a $2000 3d printer has the same quality capabilities of a $4,000,000 plant.
>Never seen helis on captcha, calling fake. And gay.
You caught me. I created that image in the 45 seconds between my first and second posts, while also screencapping what I wrote and the filename of the first image. That was my master plan all along.
Dumbass commie.
Enjoy working as a wagecuck, people that can only specialize in one or two things are fucked if society or the economy changes, being a jack of all trades allows you to constantly adapt to a changing environment, you will never be out of a job.
>Centralization is increasing quality of output, and lowering of cost/price.
>you don't need pepsi AND coke, just have the federal government take over all soda making operations and do one flavor for maximum efficiency
huh? what is this argument? that art and artistry is useless?
>Why don't all cars have all the same parts
Holy fuck s Ag e
>You caught me. I created that image in the 45 seconds between my first and second posts, while also screencapping what I wrote and the filename of the first image. That was my master plan all along.
implying lack of forethought, which you cannot prove.
I've seen choppers before leaf
>that art and artistry is useless?
Depends if it's one's primary work.
Try selling your art, if no one buys it, burn it, and never create art again.
123 12(6)3 12
You can gag down as much marketing as you like, trying to convince yourself corporate garbage is desirable.
Their job as to sell you as little as possible for as much as possible.
>Their job as to sell you as little as possible for as much as possible
Making, and giving more than being paid for, is charity.
Making, and setting a price less than the market rate, is cuckery.
We are two separate economies. We invent things using modern technology, outsourcing to $4,000,000 3D printers (Op knows nothing of making). We relax, as good capitalists should.
5 years later the product is being made by a subsidiary of a subsidiary of Alphabet. Op loses his job sweeping up at the factory to a robot or Mexican. Buys our product from Wallmart with his welfare bucks.
Do your job Op. Go sweep.
> muh luddidism
Is there no work for such a person to do- no robots to be maintained/programmed, no intellectual work to be done...luddite confirmed
>Try selling your art, if no one buys it, burn it, and never create art again.
tfw i burn the modern equivalent of the last supper i made because nobody bought it and therefore it's useless
>tfw i burn the modern equivalent of the last supper i made because nobody bought it and therefore it's useless
Man is the measure of all things.
Usefullness = Subjective
then why are you trying to define what is useful and what isn't?
tfw you contradict yourself 20 posts into your thread
>dont make things goy, buy them from (((us)))
Your a retard, which is why you lost your job sweeping up. No one would let someone who thinks inventing products is the whole manufacturing process maintain a robot or programme anything. Of course, you are a Candian, none of the above happens in Canada so you could be forgiven for being confused.
>tfw you contradict yourself 20 posts into your thread
Nopes. What I do say that usefullness = subjective. What I don't say is that "what one should do is subjective."
What one SHOULD DO, for work, is whatever pays the most. Which relies on subjective valuations. But the subjective valuations which are actually applied to your job (wage) is NOT subjective.
I think you need to go check your hut for gas leaks.
Listen here slant-eyes. Any day of the week I can fuck your women for $20USD. Women being a reflection of men, it's obvious that you are low value yourself, learn from the best.
almost every time i try to build something myself the materials cost more than if I bought the completed item i built, thanks to china
>almost every time i try to build something myself the materials cost more than if I bought the completed item i built, thanks to china
Which proves that makers are economically illiterate. They should not have the right to vote.
Listen here leaf. How do you get off implying you are the best? you are a fucking leaf. Day of the rake coming soon.
hmm i am having a hard time following these mental gymnastics but i will try
>What one SHOULD DO, for work, is whatever pays the most.
why? what if the economy is bad? what if you can't express yourself in fields that pay the most? you're asking people to voluntarily enslave themselves, and for them to be voluntarily dependent on others. it sounds very dystopic to me
>But the subjective valuations which are actually applied to your job (wage) is NOT subjective.
yes they are. the whole thing is subjective since i can argue that all things the wages deem essential are not all things that i consider to be essential
>Which proves that makers are economically illiterate.
perhaps, but not for the reason you think. what stops them from getting their own resources themselves, for free? resources are natural after all
Nothing. No one else is getting them. Mining corporations are sub-economic.
Makers don't make products for themselves they make a prototype to crowd fund. Then they sell it through an online website via an outsourced distribution company. This is economic.
Meanwhile, large-scale centralised manufacturers are surviving on central bank gibs.
I don't know a whole lot about this maker movement but if people want to make their own shit I have no problem with that. It feels good to make something yourself and gives you a sense of pride. It is also a very good learning experience and I think schools should have wood shop and home ec classes again too. It is part of what made america what it was. Now you would be hard pressed to find a new driver that could change a flat or even a kid that cook a meal for themselves.
>>What one SHOULD DO, for work, is whatever pays the most.
Yes. And because doing so gives one the maximum power to provide the best upbringing for one's Christian children.
>why? what if the economy is bad?
Not sure what this you mean "if the ecomomy pays the most to those who kill kids?"
> what if you can't express yourself in fields that pay the most?
Work is not about expression, it's about raking in money to become powerful.
> you're asking people to voluntarily enslave themselves, and for them to be voluntarily dependent on others.
The former is untrue- I am not saying that it must be done, only that it is the best way to be most powerful.
Regarding the latter, yes, interdependency is civilization. The market createed civilization, and decreasing market transactions decreases civilization.
> it sounds very dystopic to me
Only if, as society says, one believes that money is not noble, and the only importance is how work makes one feel.
>>But the subjective valuations which are actually applied to your job (wage) is NOT subjective.
>yes they are. the whole thing is subjective since i can argue that all things the wages deem essential are not all things that i consider to be essential
The only thing that matters is how much you are paid- which is not subjective- simply the factors that cause it are.
>self-sufficiency is bad
Is that what you're saying? You've made this thread a lot but I don't what you're talking about.
oh i see, that's a better argument than what i was making
tfw a leaf gets owned
>hat stops them from getting their own resources themselves, for free?
lack of industrialization.
Anyone can build a house with his bare hands...but it's going to take you a full year to make a shit house.
>Work is not about expression, it's about raking in money to become powerful.
tfw youre stupid
>lack of industrialization.
how did people do it before industrialization? duhhhhhhh
im leaving this thread. hmm i think im going to make some stuff that doesnt pay me much of anything. hmm yes ... *smokes a pipe*
>Is that what you're saying?
Perhaps indirectly.
What I'm saying is that civilization is strengthened as trade grows. And the opposite is true. And that civilization is the goal.
>Meanwhile, large-scale centralised manufacturers are surviving on central bank gibs.
Large-scale centralized manufacturers recieve gov't gibs, but would still offer lower prices *(than makers) without them.
Leafs going to build a house in a year with his bare hands. Leaf tries to turn log into planks with his hands.
This thread is really about Canada. This thread explains why Canada is a civilised developed country with near unlimited natural resources. Their resource sector is their only industry and its famous for being almost as retarded as it is corrupt.
I now understand why Canada has managed to do so little with so much.
> Canadians = retard
Coming from a Kiwi, who are nearly as dumb as their cows.
Never in my life heard "breakthough from NZ." Never will.
>he has to pay to have sex
Lower prices on a product that will fall apart, to keep the resource consumption economy spinning. Designed obsolescence is the other thing keeping large central govt funded corporations going. Meaning they sell useless shit on purpose.
There is good money being made by makers, just selling a quality product that lasts.
No, I imagine that will be one of many things you never pick up on.
when globalists destroy quality items there's no other option but to make your own quality items
not that makers are doing artisanal quality peices, but i appreciate the avenue they've created to do so.
wait, so is this like diy/handyman shit or is it exclusively 3d printing
i don't see the problem with either
> never pick up on
Logically inconsistent.
Use "not ever pick up on."
This thread again eh? kys leaf / proxy leaf
also saged
archive 4plebs org/pol/search/filename/theMakerMovement.jpg/
>wait, so is this like diy/handyman shit or is it exclusively 3d printing
>i don't see the problem with either
Both are anti-civilization, thus degenerate.
Work an extra hour a day, and pay someone to do a job that would take you 2 hours. Be 1 hour ahead, which you use to read your children the Bible.
If you are not familiar, making is a movement that involves pooling resources to make shit, for any reason you want, but mostly for start ups. As opposed to being a wage slave.
>he has to pay to have sex
Every man has to pay for sex- only whether or not the payment is explicit.
Ta. He seemed to retarded to be real, but it is a good topic in a political context.
>As opposed to being a wage slave.
If not forced to, then 'slave' is untrue.
No reason to be less efficient, and thus earn less.
Better to work for a large company, earn a largue cheque, and be able to fund a large Christian family.
You are a joke, but you are not a very funny joke. Go sweep Op.
self-sufficiency and christianity go hand in hand though
am i being rused by the eternal leaf
you're the reason leafs get a bad name. kys
Things like the makers movements are where the new jobs will be created after you useless fucks have been replaced by machines.
>Things like the makers movements are where the new jobs will be created after you useless fucks have been replaced by machines.
Implies that Makers (amateurs) do work that machines can not.
>you're the reason leafs get a bad name.
The price we pay for educating burgers.
This Leaf will LARP on a topic he barely knows and get off on our abuse till Jamal arrives to fuck his wife.
> I blindly walk into the jew trap (making) while fighting against traps I lay myself (wasteful gov't), and automatically hate those whom my sub90iq can't understand.
No one hates you cuck Leaf. Some people might pity you, but nothing to fap to here.
> I'm obsessed with Canadians, yet going to say I am obsessed with pitying them.
Keep being irrelevant.
You must go back
muh dick is white
Just like a corpse. Which the white race will be, circa 2060. Beige power!
>service economies
>sustainable and not cucked by globalism
When automatization starts becoming a thing, it will happen the opposite, specialized things will be left to machines but humans have the advantage of having a general intelligence, which will reborn the jack-of-all-trades once again.
>but humans have the advantage of having a general intelligence, which will reborn the jack-of-all-trades once again.
Why would machines do specialized things, but not common things?
that's not going to happen since robots will be smart enough to take those jobs too. not all of them but most of them definitely, humans will be in culture, sport, politics, science. all the things that computer can't emulate
>humans will be in culture, sport, politics, science
What people miss is that humans will do less work WHILE living better- Westerners may soon only NEED to work 30 hours a week to live much better than they do today.
How could an AI do common stuff we do that requires understand a mix of different things? Its the ultimate goal of AI, general intelligence, but we are still very far from that.
Yes, and those things require more soft skills, and less specialization.
>How could an AI do common stuff we do that requires understand a mix of different things?
What common routine do you suppose is beyond the ability of AI?