Fukushima is worse than ever

Did you guys know Fukushima is still a thing?

On February they recorded the highest radiation reading yet, the previous record was 73 sieverts an hour, yet in February 2017 they detected an "unimaginable" 650 sieverts an hour, enough to kill a human in seconds and so high that even the remotely controlled robot got fried.
Yesterday, a robot entered the #1 reactor and it couldn't find the melted fuel at the bottom, meaning that it may have pierced the vessel and melted through the earth already.
And they still haven't entered the worst-hit #3 reactor at all.
Meanwhile, 150 tons of groundwater per day are seeping into the basements and getting contaminated with radioactivity before going back to the environment and the sea. Every day.

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Why don't they start bombing it with lead chaff and dam that part of the coast as best as possible. Then they can build their ground freezing wall to contain the groundwater.

Can they survey anything underground?

but the ocean is dying because of global warming, just ignore fukushima goy

im getting sleepy reading this and its only midday hmm zzzzz

is this their revenge for hiroshima and nagasaki?

i dont care

I eat fish every day, should I stop?

doesn't the radioactive stream of seawater only hit the west coast? Nothing of value was lost.

Nah, being serious, it's serious when it's this serious. Radioactivity of this dimension is a global problem as in it doesn't stop at borders.

You may want to look into the mercury levels of the fish you're ingesting, let alone the radiation levels.

How much radiation does the sun deliver to a cubic mile of earth per day?

farmed fish...back in style!

I have canned tuna once every week or two, other than that just fish that are safe.

Solar radiation has less energy (longer wavelengths) than the radiation that comes from stuff like uranium. That's why that shit is so dangerous to be near but standing in the sun might just give you a sunburn or a tan. The radiation coming off of uranium is punching holes in the DNA in your cells and destroying your body cell by cell.

Like this guy said (), farmed fish is a decent way to know that you're eating something that's not mildy poisonous.

>burger ed
lel sun's not radioactive

>australian education
what is light?

wut? you serious?

you ooze reddit

>enough to kill a human in seconds
Brb going to Japan

I eat a lot of tilapia and people always tell me I shouldn't because they feed them a lot of bad shit, is it that big of a deal?

Kind of related, I've only ever been lectured on my eating by overweight people.

I've never heard anything good about tilapia other than its cheap. It even smells dirty when you cook it. Almost like catfish, but much dirtier tasting and smelling

"Despite the setbacks, Tepco insists it will begin extracting the melted fuel in 2021 – a decade after the disaster – after consulting government officials this summer."
WTF. Thats a long time

Is there a way we can blame the Jews for this?

They didn't want to pay up for preventative safety measures.
>It's just Japan

im going to sleep haha fukusleepa

Yea, on the bright side people won't need a nightlight

That wall failed months ago, they got nothing now


Not a coincidence that the sea current that pass by japan side pass around australia too

Tepco has admitted that the technology doesn't even exist yet that is needed for the cleanup. We cannot fix it or stop it. The melted fuel will be still be around for hundreds of thousands of years after we are gone from Earth. They don't wanna entomb it because the scar it'll leave on the precious island for everyone to see.

>Solar radiation has less energy (longer wavelengths) than the radiation that comes from stuff like uranium. That's why that shit is so dangerous to be near but standing in the sun might just give you a sunburn or a tan. The radiation coming off of uranium is punching holes in the DNA in your cells and destroying your body cell by cell.

No the sun emits all kinds of radiation. If you didn't know, it's literally a fusion reactor sitting out in space. We're partially shielded by the earth's magnetic field, but not toally.

Lmao ur stupid

so stay out of #1 reactor and you'll probably be ok
pic related
news reports and public understanding of radiation are universally terrible

>To date, there have been no reliable links made between radiation in the Pacific and mass die-offs of marine mammals, birds, fish, or invertebrates. Some of these die-offs have been attributed to viruses, warming water, and other changes to the marine environment that need to be addressed. If there were effects from radioactive contamination, we would expect to see the largest effects off Japan, not the West Coast of North America, and this has not been seen.
Fukushima is harmless.

Stupid fucking japs


well 1. made in china and 2. it originated in africa

>Meanwhile, 150 tons of groundwater per day are seeping into the basements and getting contaminated with radioactivity before going back to the environment and the sea. Every day.

why is it that so much water circulation happens here? Doesn't groundwater usually sit put, for the mot part

Time to meme myself into a reality where gamma radiation exposure is a good thing.

They contaminating themselves the most, so it would be Trudeau logic



while you must refer to the "spacing", I'm more interested in how you can write the name of that site without getting catched by the "The system thinks your post is spam, please reformat" thingy.

I've read thousands of these insider threads from the years that i spent on pol and not a single one came proven true.

some unstable elements from radioactive spills deposit inside of your body and elevate your radiation exposure.

Iodine is the most prominent example of this mechanism.

You illegitimate cunt.

I used to be your moms main squeeze

How about a fathers day present.

extend the deadline so it's pretty far away, but still on schedule

Tepco can't be trusted. Throughout the whole disaster they were always covering up and never delivering.


Actually I just looked it up.

Anyway it seems that the (((Sievert))) is a mysterious quantity whose meaning is kept secret by the (((CIPM))), but we're told that somehow it relates to the health risk of radiaton,... So actually it's impossible to make an objective comparison of the relative magnitudes.

the pleasant green-yellow glow is calming

you should care since Japans water flows right past you jailbird

lol no, they are destroying the entire pacific at least, remember the underwater currents that drag water across the waster in roughly a circle?

but humans do have natural defenses for all sorts of radiation.
obviously the shit can kill you. question is, "how much?" if we're wondering how many three headed fish one would have to consume

stock on iodine and get browse diy while you can, this is the future we chose

should we also be concerned about this?

that is almost nothing in comparison to constant pouring of radiation

it's the future you chose, not me. i'm not from here.

you didn't rise against the jew either, you are at fault too

plot twist: they're already dead so you can't rise up against them

you're probably right. a nuclear plant looks like a static building and you don't see the constant waste it produces day in and day out.

that'd be nice, but the point still stands

the ozone and magnetic field filter out the vast majority of *ionizing* radiation

technically all wavelengths of light are radiation, including the visible spectrum

It's because it is full of water to prevent the reactor from meltdown. they keep storing all the toxic water in barrels and it even leaks.

honestly they need to turn it loose and let it burn itself through the crust so that it may be covered. it's either that or you create 50 years worth of bad water

yea but farmed fish
1) tastes like mush
2) sit in place their entire lives eating the shit of all the fish around them

sounds like a plan desu senpai.


>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Japans secret service during WWII was called the black dragon... Would it be a surprise if the alphabet agencies still referred to the land of anime as a dragon?

>1 post by this ID

Every time.

>tfw anime WAS a psyop, but not of the jew, of the samurai

noo the local news have not made any fuzz about the fukushima..so why would i be panicking now?

Is this in DC?

this, it's old news, nobody cares so leave me alone with it

not sure. sourced from dana's fb

They literally have to nuke it


They are letting the animals in the area mutate to begin real life pokemon. All according to keikaku

they aren't panicking, no one is talking about it

fukushima is fucked up and the only reason people don't talk about it is because it happened 6 years ago to the current events interest is gone.

fukushima is still leaking, it hasn't stopped. Also look into how it happened and how it was handled (Sup Forums is always right).

pretty much but without the nuke. build a circular wall around it and get far below the water table and then carpet bomb the building. it will burn through the ground

>burger education

Tilapia is bottom of the barrel fish. trash fish. I don't know if its actually bad for you but its definitely kind of gross.

swedebro was ironically stating what you explained

how did it happen though- quick rundown please?

>not understanding physics


>tfw they just casually mention ayy lmaos without further explanations

Yeah becquerel is raw counts/second, sievert is how much damage a radiation source does to a person which depends on radiation type, energy, exposure route, probability of death etc.

>So, working with that information, we have a worst radiation level of 400millisieverts per hour, measured from between the 3rd and 4th reactors. So at its worst levels, the plant has been measured releasing 4,000,000 BED. (1 banana = 0.0001mSv. Wiki) The rest of the time, the radiation has been sitting around 200 – 10,000 BED. So the general radiation levels of the power plant is perhaps akin to working in a Banana plantation, plus a bit, while the large spike is definitely a significant amount of radiation.
Whenever radiation is mentioned in the news try to find out the banana equivalent dose.

It would be blue, if such effects were real...

1 post by this id
slide thread
not politics
go fuck yourself OP