Another Bike Lock Attack by Antifa in Berkeley Protests, California
I'm ready to get started.
T R U M P F A G S BTFO by college kids
look who I found. Is this from today?q
is that an onahole?
this is old video
The Trump people looked outnumbered 40:1 at least.
So they're dumb too
White gloves
Grey pants
Black Hoodie
White gloves are what stand out the most. Have to look for him in decent quality photos.
Nice mate. Sucks that no one is interested in looking for the guy who stabbed someone.
You still believe that crock of shit?
Fuck off, troll.
Is this from todays protest?
You're the gullible one believing in an obvious lie.
how does anyone have the sanity to wake up in the morning just to beat the shit out people for there views.
Wleric clanton belongs in prison
What lie? It's on YouTube you dipshit. Stickman and Lauren Southern confirmed it as well.
God damn I fucking hate these faggots
Who cares. If you don't have a group that sticks together and catches the people like this you shouldn't even be there. It's all a waste of time to just go argue with liberal losers waiting to fight some antifa poser who assaults someone with deadly force before running away like a bitch and it turns into a mob attack. If they did this shit where I live these fucks would be getting beaten and shot.
>entire body covered up except forearms
surely this is out of weaponized autism's power
You're dumb as fuck and lying too
Although it is a blessing that Antifa is mostly concentrated in one little shithole, I must admit that they make protests more interesting. These fags just don't exist where I am. I'd love to blast off the face of one of these assholes when they charge at me with a bike lock, but that's just not going to happen where I am.
I wonder if the white smudges on the right side of his hood in OP's pic are fresh or are in other pictures. Might be an easy identifier.
The gamesh afoot
yea it is, it's that teacher or whoever.
this is always the case. sadly our side is 'to busy' with working and following laws. what pussys right?
meanwhile the spics and niggers have no regard for anything or anyone so they show up and zerg the shit outa every one
its all a soros op
I also have a second one
Look at all the people who got banned for asking for evidence, you dumb faggot. The OP can't prove shit, everything sounds like a shitty LARP too
they can use this as their new flag
I spoke with Lauren today, she's pretty OK for a cryptojew. The Bay Area Proud Boys are total autism
ay what a manlet
I triggered Gavin today.
rare. or are you vincent?
how are the australian concentration camps going?
Literally 99% European.
That guy in the video wasn't stabbed.
The guy from t_D timeline doesn't fit the video since he said he got stabbed after antifa ran off.
You're still a gullible faggot
You're still retarded
These are two different incidents, newfriend.
The webm of the brawl clearly shows someone stabbing the guy on the ground multiple times.
Still wrong...Did every T R U M P F A G with a camera forget to film the guy needing lifesaving aid and bleeding every where?
You were expecting to beat motherfuckers upside the head with bikelocks and it not escalate?
Are you naïve or just dumber than shit?
Stop calling ANTIFA fascists
The original bike-lock fag didn't give us much to go off of either, but then turbo-autists proved their value.
It's the same bike lock guy as the other attacks. You can see the pen in the back pocket.
Same dude as before. Eric ain't your boy.
I expect evidence, where the corroboration of the stabbing, where is a video that not 30 feet away that looks like nothing. Where's the aftermath on film?
I don't care what happened to your boyfriend, motherfucker, I'm telling you, you keep escalating this shit, it's going to get more and more violent in response to your provocation and threatening ways.
This is basic reality 101.
The only people complaining about the violence are T R U M P F A G S who are bleeding and people that think T R U M P F A G S are worthless because their biggest victories are hitting women
That soldier was stabbed by antifa. It's too late, the narrative is out there and cannot be stopped.
Guys this is old footage
Soros is paying these protesters? Then they must be working as well.
You sound mad as fuck.
Real woman don't throw bottles with m80s in them directly at peoples heads and don't punch people from behind.
I dont see him
Either way. Here he is next too someone we all know and love.
get the model of the bike lock right before you try to create a meme. new fags
Look harder.
Not that Eric Clanton bikelockfaggot. That's Yvette Felarca, the vicious midget cunt who attacked a Trump supporter
I saw that video days ago.
This is old news/non-happening.
m8 it's called a d-lock
Looks just like Eric.
Is that who I think it is, on the left?
damn fag that's specific for /pol
i choose a yellow model to to represent the hammer n sickle of USSR
stupid son of a bitch, it's an upside-down-omega-lock
are you santa?
This chink is a fucking handler or something.
No one got stabbed, you're just dumb.
You can't provide any evidence.
Can't provide a tweet of someone saying they saw a stabbing, can't provide a video of the fake event, and can't see he obvious a lie it is.
Cry morele, faggot
It is Yvette Felarca. She is high up in the communist cult that is BAMN.
She's a violent dangerous communist pedophile. If you see her near you during one of these events, she is a maximum priority target, and, you need to be on your guard, as something is definitely about to happen where you are.
I just got home from the protest/rally. Did you fucks see anything on any of the streams? I've been gone since 1pm pst (7 hours ago), so anything since then would be news to me.
They are fascists though.
Imagine being a shitskin and watching white people fight other white people on your behalf. They must think it's hilarious
Same knife same pocket location
>she is a maximum priority target
She's invariably moving with an honor guard of younger, larger antifa, though. The one thing they coordinate decently is that kernel moving as a group to protect Felarca. She's a high-value target, but a high-risk target as well. You're not going to land a hit on her and walk away from the resulting melee.
Taking her out, with the defense she has in place, would require an escalation of force that would be very, very illegal. I don't recommend we make it a priority.
get fuck'd nigger can't wait to hear you spin this
More Alt-retards getting an ass beating by our comrades, feels good seeing the fascists get whats coming to them.
I spoke with a lot of them today, they were on the "free speech" side across the board. Heartening to see.
what type of fist attack is shown at 17 seconds? looks like high quality down slap-punch
She's a field lieutenant, a big fish in BAMN/ANTIFA but she's not the serpent's head.
Yes. I saw them. In that blue. Dumb way to dress. Very obvious.
Berkeley is likely a lost cause. We should start having more rallies in other areas, just so we can actually have one of them end without violence breaking out.
And we're definitely bringing guns next time.
Defiantly looks like him need a few more images to confirm.
So how long until she convinces a student to do a suicide bombing?
I'm phoneposting right now, what the fuck is that flag?
Where was there violence in Berkeley today? It was relatively tame as fuck from where I was sitting.
Guys, why have we not gotten her fired yet? Come on, we have more than enough evidence against her.
Hell, one of the anons at one of the protests where she's assaulted people could probably sue her.
You mean that deranged whore with the fucked up hair?
That bitch is going down too faggot.
Antifa know they are on nation wide radar. They used violence to shut down conservative voices last weekend, today was put together to show that they cannot silence the Right. It is of the utmost importantance to go back again and again to show them that even in their left-wing stronghold they cannot stop the constitution and the First Amendment.
i guarantee 9/10 libs wont even recognize that's a gun lock, and will think you're just a moron for posting some gay little lock that you think is intimidating.
Where the fuck were you sitting?
It's so fake, everyone that asked a question or for evidence n that thread we're banned.
>i'm a Jewish soldier
>i got stabbed by those guys you hate
>i don't make a big deal out of things like that
>i- i swear
>well no one saw it
>but us pedes don't make a big deal over things like that anyway
>sorry I can't give you evidence
>just believe me
cop tossed that bitch
Seriously, though. Notice how the guy jumps up top and everybody looks at him and then bad things happen. You have to be cool and aware when you go to "protests" like this.
What is either group even trying to accomplish? The "rallies" are open invitations to violence now.
are there any videos of the attack then go from there.
Christmas Island.
The Manlet you all look up to didn't even knock her out with 2 punches