These two need to go. Bannon's influence inside the white house needs to be expanded.
These two need to go. Bannon's influence inside the white house needs to be expanded.
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Trump will not get rid of Bannon. He would split Trump's support, they all know this. Either keep Bannon on or have him fuck your base up.
Bannon is safe, for now.
they practically have lol. polacks should realize nobody really cares about them and theyre completely unwanted lmao
Gas these kikes
We need to dig up info on them.
I would like to test this hypothesis.
Kike and Kikette out.
just keep your mind on your money at the moment ethereum is mooning!
I don't mind Bannon but Ivanka and her husband don't have any real business being there and having offices.
Why is a 36 year old real-estate investor doing the job of diplomats and people with experience? Why does he get to go to Afghanistan and play secret agent?
"Because he's fucking the President's daughter" doesn't seem like the kind of hiring policy that would MAGA...
His father went to jail for a case involving sex tapes with prostitutes and blackmail.
Yeah but see the thing is that Ivanka and Jared are New Yorker elite democrats, they're absolute globalists. Jared is using his position to further his business empire and Ivanka keeps vouching for taking in more refugees.
Not saying that Trump isn't part of the elite, but he's the most non-elitist and common-man-centered out of all of them.
Yeah, her globalist "more refugees" comments are not MAGA. Anyone else making public comments against campaign promises would have had to correct themselves.
Don't want love of family crowding agenda decisions since they're "advisors".
That's a very important point about mahattanites, and I say that as somebody from the area. Particularly the younger ones simply do not understand that they live in an entirely alternate version of reality that does not apply to the cause-effect of the rest of the world.
No one on Sup Forums or on Reddit knows the internal politics going on in DC or the White House.
But go ahead and speculate, there's no penalty for being wrong.
Bannon might still be within the team, but it's more about saving face. Trump doesn't let him do anything anymore
No one can know, but you can speculate it pretty well. Maybe not the reasons to certain things, but the outcomes.
For instance, I don't understand why Trump has aligned himself with the globalists rather than his original base. He doesn't earn anything from it, he just loses his fanbase and his popularity goes down.
The only thing I can imagine is some sinister force doing this, and Trump doesn't want to go ahead with this shit but has no choice. Which gives me goosebumps because if I'm correct, we're not talking about the "Jews" or "globalists". This is something much worse
Bannon called Kushner a cuck repeatedly.
Who is Ivanka fucking?
they are his designated handlers. every president gets one or two
She does NOT have an attractive body.
They need to go, but barring divine intervention, they're not going anywhere. So place your curses on those two and the planes they fly on and maybe if your heart is full of true chaos, Kek will reward you.
Because his parents are rich leftist Jew Jersey Democrats.
Trump isnt going to get rid of his own daughter
That's true. Not unless she and/or her husband want to move on to a different venture.
However, if Trump lives up to his CEO pedigree, it could be sufficient to effect a shift in influence. There's no need for it to be an attack on his family (an extension of his ego.)
Agree 100%. Those two are my biggest complaint about Trump.
That's because at heart he's a worthless peasant. A true king would exile his fucking daughter if she was causing problems.
I remember when some of you dumb fucks wanted her as the first female president after the 8 years.
Speaking of which, as someone who voted for the guy, at this rate I'm not looking forward to the remaining four.
Every single one of us. They need removed from the whitehouse. Jared's business ties are gonna get Trump into shit. Fuck Jared owns projects by my house. It's all fucking Arabs and sand niggers.. no wonder ivanka wants more refugees.. so he can get more section 8 Tennant's.
Remove kushner Trump. Wtf are you doing
I want to gas those two, especially Ivanka.
>These two need to go
Truer words have not been written.
If Bannon gets fucked over, I'm off the bus.
Wanting it or not, most of Trump's grandchildren are jewish. He has all reasons in the world to follow the jewish/israeli agenda, even if it means poverty for americans
>no wonder ivanka wants more refugees.. so he can get more section 8 Tennant's.
Wow, double doubles! You speak truth!
That is very interesting information, thank you for sharing.
>Arabs and sand niggers
Is Ivanka fucking any of them?
It used to be predominantly white.. then black.. now it's fucking straight sand niggers.
How is this not conflict of his advisor position?
Get rid of kushner
You want Kushner gone? Look into some of his business holdings involving diamonds. But know this.. Trump would be brought down also.
>tfw you will never lick the bottoms of Ivanka's feet
Why live?
Fuck you know he's black mailing the fuck out of Trump. God I hate him and his whore Jew wife Ivanka
Friendly reminder that Trumps biggest weakness is his daughter. She has already been infiltrated.
Bannon 4 prez
8/10 would fuck the one on the right
islamic terror attack.
that force is the jews, dumbass.
>How is this not conflict of his advisor position?
No kidding. This is unreal. I wonder how many more properties he is still involved in, and that house refugees.
>It used to be predominantly white.. then black.. now it's fucking straight sand niggers.
For what purpose? We know Whites make the best tenants overall. They are usually on-time with payments and are clean. Why gear it toward the more untrustworthy tenants? What is his end game?
I've more than doubled the money i spent on etherium over a year ago
Ivanka really does deserve a promotion, maybe an ambassadorship to China, husband goes with.
Absolutely, those two are the reasons I'm not on the train anymore. I want the man I voted for, hot his fucking kike daughter and her hook nosed husband.
how fucking unprfessional this is when you think about. We voted for DJT and got that blonde cunt and that prettyboy dorky kike prancing around the White House being privy to the highest level meetings and secrets. Feels like some african banana shithole country really. Why dont they fuck off to their million dollar mansions and let DJT run the show. I cant fucking stand them, its so off putting I am at a loss for words
ivanka is a dumb liberal. she needs to go asap. i dont know anything about kushner since hes always quiet but if his wife is a liberal that means hes probably a wimp too.
Cool. Kushner can be the second high profile Jew to go "rook at me i speaka da Chinese" to try and arse lick the premier behind Zuckerburg, but sadly not go "rook at wife of chinese extraction, very many good yes, we much deal"
you already lost the game of thrones my man
>a bitch you want to fuck
>her husband
>a guy whose lost 2 battles already
It's a crazy system, even Bannon shouldn't be in such a key position. Surely only elected representatives should be able to be part of a presidents cabinet.
cmon dont be fucking stupid. are we suppose to vote in every one of those positions? come on new zealand I expected more of you
Can you do a quick rundown of it, sources too if you can? I can look up the sources myself though, provided you give me the story
What motivates a person to be so nasty on the Internet?
I realize this is bait, but wait and see what happens. If he keeps this kike shit up his base will abandon him and a dem will win in 2020. Breaking your campaign promises is a good way to be a one term president, just ask Bush Sr.
Nothing more nauseating than seeing a whore of a traitor with the son of Satan himself
Kushner was a lifelong democrat right up until 2016. Really makes you think.
First you have to realize that Kusher can't directly influence Trump with his globalist agenda. Either Bannon shoots him down or the constant globalist nagging makes Trump reevaluate his worth as the guy who's suppose to counter bad media publicity and keep AIPAC out of his way. To get around these obstacles, he uses Ivanka. This is why msm is so hellbent on getting Bannon out of the way and so oddly silent about Kushner. There's two ways to neutralize him:
1) Attack his businesses and connections as a distraction. There's no way in hell he has divested completely from his real estate and media holdings. Dig up connections and keep posting them. Spread rumors about potentially disastrous decisions with his business assets to scare off investors. Force him to publicly intervene and possibly trip up all sorts of conflict of interest flags. Best case scenario is an orchestrated media attack campaign that forces msm to start reporting it.
2) Bombard Ivanka's personal and media contacts with news of Israeli atrocities against Palestinian children. Point out the hypocrisy of her pleading with daddy to bomb Syria over some kids getting gassed while continuing to send aid to Israel while they shoot and bomb Palestinian children etc etc. Now I ain't no mudslime Palestinian sympathizer but what we need is to drive a political wedge between her and hubby. At best, he'll be more reluctant to try and use her to promote his globalist agenda at the risk of drawing parallels on Israel's actions.
Kushner knows exactly what's up though. Globalists always know how things really are, that's why they're able to manipulate stuff
I don't think so.
Trump might need a place to draw his enemies to
Ivanka could represent the obvious path his enemies take ti influence him, thus letting him know who not to trust
White people aren't very good at deep state politics
Trump has a problem, that problem is he's exactly like me.
He'll put in the effort to beat other people just to deny them, and then, mockingly, he'll do the shit they were going to do, both off color and better.
if this whole thing doesn't end with a massive dump in the proverbial sink then I'll have been wrong.
but if I was him I'd be in the process of leaving the country worse off than I received it, for shits and giggles.
you all give trump too much credit, he is cunning but he's no machiavelli I'm afraid
No but the person appointed should be at least a senator.
>(((IVANKA))) and (((KUSHNER)))
are torching trumps presidency
Kushner and his apocalyptic Zionist cult are a danger to the entire future of humanity.
uhhhh, it's gone up like 5x in the last month though.
Who want's this cunt or his wife listening in on conversations between our PM and Trump, like they fucking know anything.
How fucking dumb are you people at this point? You're seriously at nigger level.
Trump is OWNED by the kikes and he always has been. You got fucking memed into believing he was on your side. That's how gullible you are.
As far as Ivanka and her israeli mafia husband... You're even more pathetic.
Ivanka is a disgusting plastic makeup covered whore who gets railed by this kike.
This kike is laughing at you all getting rich off the country your forefathers died for awhile you do nothing and act like the (((Donald))) is /yourguy/ and Ivanka is hot.
Well, he's not. And she's not.
But you redhats are fucking pathetic and you deserve to be called "goy" and used by the jews if you're this stupid. Pathetic.
yeah, at first I didn't mind Ivanka but the past few weeks it's become clear that she has no business sticking her nose where it doesn't belong
Trump is going to give Jerusalem to the Jews and let Kushner take credit for it.
All part of prepping Kushner to be the first Israeli President.
they look so innocent. Wolves in sheep clothing.
They probably smell and taste amazing.
At the very least, he's still the lesser of 2 evils
We need to find some way to meme Ivanka out of the white house.
"We didn't vote for her"
or something along those lines.
#FireIvanka was the number one Twitter trend in either Canada or Europe yesterday (saw it on the #FireKushner twitter feed), so the word is starting to get out there. Go about it with the nepotism angle, because a lot of Americans are disgusted that he brought his family in. Americans are generally against nepotism so that is great angle. Plus, we don't want that precedent to be set in our White House.
Nothing else semitic happened with regards to Syria, Sup Forums is overreacting.
>#FireIvanka was the number one Twitter trend in either Canada or Europe yesterday
her feet are amazing, fapped to them many times