View on Incest? Right or Wrong?
View on Incest? Right or Wrong?
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Jews are so inbred that they need to get checked by their rabbis to make sure they dont accidentally marry somebody too close to their genetic line
>says man who can't even count to 4
objectively wrong but the taboo is hot.
It's reproduction kino
there is literally no argument you have against consenting adults engaging in incest when they aren't going to have children
didn't you watch the destiny video about this?
wrong and degenerate
so wrong is right
so, why the fuck does it matter then?
why are you trying to make it normal and mainstream?
who is paying you to do this?
Even incest between immediate family members barely raises the chance for defects, when you look at the number of people having children past 35 the increases in chance are similar.
From a moral perspective however it is unacceptable. Don't mix 2D with 3D.
I LOVE my Sister!!!
who the fuck is trying to make it mainstream? why are you people so fucking retarded? why are you all so fucking crazy and paranoid that EVERYTHING is controlled by someone, and is pushing some narrative?
jesus christ, just fucking kill yourself. are you so fucking stupid you have never heard of just having a healthy hypothetical debate?
nice try making us interbreed ahmed. you'll never take germany.
I personally think its okay, as long as nobody gets pregnant. The taboo is just way too hot. But would I fuck my Mother/Sister? No. I dont want to ruin my relationship with them
He's not trying to make it mainstream you idiot.
It's hot because it's a taboo fantasy (fantasy, AKA not real life). It's not going to be taboo if it's mainstream.
why dont you look up how pakis are FUCKED in so many ways over in britain because they are so inbred. there is no " healthy hypothetical debate"
>He's not trying to make it mainstream
somebody is, considering this thread is shilled daily
if you guys want to go bang your sisters have at it
Unless your trapped in an island with you sister or you were born during the early years of Adam and eve it is wrong and should not be done
Yeah because asking for an opinon is totally trying to make everyone fuck thier sisters and mothers
Only clicked because of the pic. Where's my yellow fever medicine???
Who is this fleshlight geisha?
Very hot but ultimately wrong. Ideally a woman will be a virgin for her husband or at least have as few sexual partners as possible. Giving into the taboo can only be explained by weakness because it's not a logical move. I also thing (((age play))) is hot but immoral. You have to tame your inner degenerate at least enough to keep some stuff as fantasy rather than reality. If it was just whites on the planet perhaps we could get away with such things but this is a competition and degeneracy will hurt our people.
Its fine. Just dont impregnate.
>there is no " healthy hypothetical debate"
>you literally can't argue with someone respectfully without sperging out like an aspie fuck
just kill yourself, i dont give a shit about euro or the middle east. i literally dont care. fuck off and kys
One of my favorite hentai genres
>entire societies and civilizations became literally retarded and defective from fucking their cousins and other family members for generations
i just dont really see any positives
why dont you lay them out for me, buddy
Share your favourites my man
Any cousin fuckers here tonight?
Fine as a fetish, but in the real world it's degenerate.
if that was my sister you're goddamn right i would stir last night's rice but since i'm mexican it's fucking wrong, my sister is hideous.
Over 3 billion women and you choose the half dozen that are your cousins.
It's lazy, beta and degenerate
Yosuga no Sora, enjoy. Skip to the last 3 episode for the incest part.
Pillow or no pillow biting involved?
not ONLY do you get to spend time with a family member you enjoy being around, but you also get the pleasure from sex.
id LOVE to be able to go over to my cousins, hang out with her, watch a movie, then bend her over the table and fuck her brains out before going to be together.
whats not to get?
>destiny shitposters
I don't get why it's illegal.
If two faggots can fuck why not first cousins?
Not wrong.
I live with my sister and I have unironically been trying to fuck her for years. She doesn't know I have feelings for her, but I really do. We moved in with each other after we left our crazy family when I was 18. We've lived with each other since then and I've protected her and provided for her for most my life. Literally no different from having a girlfriend except we were born from the same mother. I've grown a strange connection with her for living with her and being best friends for so long. I want to fuck her now pretty badly, I know it;s not natural and I can't tell this to her, but this is how I feel.
If I didn't have kids, what wrong am I doing? I would just be having sex with someone I feel like I love
>If two faggots can fuck why not first cousins?
Seriously I think about this all the time. A man and man can fuck each other but a man and a woman from the same family can't? What the fuck?
>reading first half of what posted
>trying to argue against it
pick one, bucko
Define "right" and "wrong"
Morally? Legally? Economically? Ethically? Don't get carried away assuming incest wouldn't apply to the ugly, the disabled, the abusive and insecure individuals. Get out of the porn mindset and realize how how much laws would have to be revamped from family courts and more just to deal with incest and let's say you're all for that I doubt this sits well with most religions today. Of course I can be wrong about that.
Male homosexuality is waaaaay worse cause they faggots give each other HIV.
With first cousins or whatever there's an elevated risk of defects if the couple reproduces but that's not guaranteed.
Plus, who says they want kids anyway? Dude could have a vasectomy or something.
If it's legal for AIDS-spreading faggots to fuck then there really is no argument against incest.
Sex with somebody you don't plan on having kids with is degenerate.
If she is hot and it's only for recreational purposes, and always using protection, it's right.
>be me reading this thread
>be reminded of high school
>learn evolution
>single common ancestor
>I raise my hand
"Yes user?"
>if everyone here has the same single cell ancestor does that mean every relationship is incestual?
>Everyone laughs
Fuck them. I am right.
Incest Taboo was started by Judaism. Two cousins/siblings fucking is just as likely to produce a genius as a retard (it depends on their genes, duh)
Would sage if I could
You know in your heart that if she does not have reciprocating feelings it would be terribly destructive to your bond with her.
You need to be in contact with other women in your life, somehow.
But if you're the one in ten thousand for whom the sister has the same incestuous feelings, fuck her into infinity.
Kek bless you.
This user gets it.
The thing about my sister is she is also severely depressed and has what seems to be an inherent fear of men, we think it comes from our father because he wasn't exactly the best guy. She doesn't seem like she wants to move away from me or try to find a guy to marry any time soon. She's beautiful too, I'm sure I could use a surrogate and have kids that way, without impregnating her. Wouldn't love with someone you've grown up with an know more than anyone else be the purest type of love? Considering we already love each other as family
If I lived with my sister and convinced her to somehow enter a formal relationship with me under conventional standards I figured I could just do this, now would there be anything wrong with having sex in this situation? No. It would be sex between two loyal lovers
Now the problem is actually getting her to agree to this, which I doubt she would, like I said I've tried to make sexual advances on her and pretended as if I was kidding, but she still seemed disturbed. Still, regardless of that point, I don't see exactly what is wrong with this type of thing overall .
Love is Love
it lowers IQ you dumb fuck.
thats why the IQ bell curve is so pathetic in the middle east, because like 2/3 muslim arabs marry their first cousins which reduces IQ in offspring.
molymeme did a big video on it and gavin mcginnis talked about it on rogan
Wrong. Very wrong.
Precisely, yeah homosexual relationships and sex between men have the threat of disease
If your woman suffered some form of birth defect or injury to their reproductive system that rendered them barren, you would immediately leave them? I still don't get why a bunch of virgin and/or single anons are LARPing as potential parents as if you're going to make a child anytime soon, it feels really forced.
If incest becomes normalized, then incest porn loses its appeal.
Wrong. Biologically unsound for breeding, psychologically damaging to families and kills what should be healthy relationships.
I have sisters. They're good looking. But I don't look at them in any sexual way, it's revolting. Same for my parents. But I came from a good home, a good, healthy family, and I'm not degenerate. I know, what am I doing on Sup Forums? I ask myself that often.
She knows you're trying to fuck her because you're acting desperate. Only you are imagining that you're some smooth devoted lover who cares about his sister when in reality you're a possessive sex deviant using her insecurities as a gateway to have sex with her. Stop pretending that you really do care about her and admit your concern turned into some form of bitterness that she has to give gratitude to you via sex.
This man gets it!
>You know in your heart that if she does not have reciprocating feelings it would be terribly destructive to your bond with her.
I know this, but as of right now I think I could somehow work on convincing her or try to make her love me the way I love her. I'm not sure if I can but she certainly understand that we have a bond much closer to each other than most siblings do. We've lived together all our lives, we do everything together, most people think we're a couple. Somehow I think I could make her think of me as more than a brother
>You need to be in contact with other women in your life, somehow
I've had 3 girlfriends, each very short relationships. In fact two of them mentioned how they thought it was weird I lived with my sister and that I was as loyal to her as I am. As I've gotten a bit older I've still tried dating and thought of potentially getting into a relationship again, but I don't think I could ever love a woman like my sister, honestly. Not kidding
>But if you're the one in ten thousand for whom the sister has the same incestuous feelings, fuck her into infinity.
Exactly, it's a tough task. Like I've said farthest I've done is try to initiate sex in a joking way. We cuddle sometime on her demand, that has sometimes made me feel like she has similar feelings for me but I'm not sure if that's just for comfort or whatever.
Godspeed my friend, I hope I can get my wish someday
its pretty cool
This. Don't know what your parents did, but you are just another abuser if you try anything.
You're in an extremely dysfunctional relationship, you both need serious therapy, and need to get your own fucking places. You're both enabling each other to hide from the damage from your parents - it's not healthy, it never will be, and if you do succeed in fucking her, you will despise her and yourself the rest of your life. You need to get the fuck out of there, deal with your childhood with a therapist, and learn what "healthy" is.