Trump: "I'm a nationalist and a globalist"

>Mr. Trump dismissed talk about a split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or globalist orientation. “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist,” he said. “I’m both. And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me.”

What did he mean by this?

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a shekel for a good goy

>I’m a nationalist and a globalist
Can't make this shit up. Why did I even support this retard?

he's just being a good goy.
either they showed him how they run the world and it would be silly to oppose because it would cause economic collapse, or they have his family threatened.

He wants to become president of earth

What the fuck is his problem?

>what does he mean by this
He's in it for himself and is whatever who's in front of his face needs him to be


This headline actually made me kek out loud.

Trump is one funny dude.

Trumpcucks will be the first on the trains.

That's a fucking oxymoron, holy christ!

Because he helped start a movement he's not even a part of

Literally every day now he fucks up or does a complete 180
I hate him, I hope he dies in office

without any recording of of an explanation, wsj is simply baiting for clicks through selective editing


Trump is compromised but he's going to negotiate globalism being less of a loss for America. I can get behind that.

(((Wall Street Journal)))

His bimbo daughter and her (((husband))) need to go, now.


It's time we get back to the days when the world was an Americans playground .

I cant wait to see the faggots on /ptg/ defend this while every good general like /brit/pol and aus/pol/ is gonna shitpost to the fucking stars about this shit


He is a nationalist in a globalized playing field is what I think he's trying to say. America first doesn't mean that global problema like terorism go away. You just stop selling out and do the best for your country.

imagine doing this much of a 180 on the platform you ran on

Does he even know what a globalist Is?

Back to r/The_cuckold? Well, you can stay.

this, the dudes 70 years old. he doesn't understand. non the less it was still a big step forward

Stop making excuses, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment

he is the nephilim, the chosen one prophesied to bridge the light and the dark and thus bring about the end of this world and the beginning of the next

Wtf I unironically hate trump now



He's fucking with them.

It's called taking one for the team. He's defending both the Kushner and Brannon wings.

You stupid fucks this is a brilliant 4d chess move, this way he keeps both his supporters and his enemies happy. The Art of The Deal baby! Praise KEK!


You nailed it.

Literally all the spencer tards thought america first meant that america was going to disappear from the geopolitical stage.

To defeat the globalists you must become the globalists

>Americanism not globalism
>Whoops sorry, I meant Americanism and Globalism goy
There it is, in plain view. He's working with them.


Cuba provided aid to other countries, North Korea hasn't done shit.

All countries belong to america.

as long as we get the oil. otherwise it's back to fuck blumpf for me


>we will no longer dance to the false song of globalism
>btw I'm a glubbalist
When did Trump turn into Trudeau?


Umm...No sweetie, Hillary was a white nationalist posing as a globalist. You drumpfkins really thought he was on your side. Hillary would've genocided all the shitskins and make america white majority again.


Trump is so fucking stupid that he believes the last thing he heard.

He used to go on Infowars, now he talks to policy wonks.

one up side to a pence presidency is that the kushners would be gone

>either they showed him how they run the world and it would be silly to oppose because it would cause economic collapse, or they have his family threatened.
Both of these can be conquered if you have the balls. You can't assassinate someone rich unless they're willing to let themselves be assassinated.


Is North Korea secretly based?

We global string pullers now

Nothing to worry about!
It's just 48d stratego amirite ?

He thinks pragmatically. people are accusing Kushner of being a globalist. He likes Kushner. He defends him.

I'm Jewish AND a Nazi.

assad begs to differ

You're delusional.

>im an atheist and a christian

Drumpf tears are the best, Drumpf keeps fucking up like all hell. Hillary would've ditched her promises to turn this country into a white ethno state.

I hate Blumpkins as much as the next Sup Forumsyp, but buddy plz, that's just going too far

That's like saying "I'm a nigger and a white", holy shit mang

Yeah okay keep telling yourself that

He likes to fuck us coming and going.

You mean a Zionist?

>He fell for the "Hillary is Globalist" meme

She had ties with severe white nationalists, she would've made America fully white.

Did the jews lobotomize him or something? What the hell have we done

He's looking fat and possibly got mkultraed. They got to him.

>He's working with them.
That's why we voted for him.

Did you believe the left when they called him hitler? The whole point was to work with them.

I think I just heard Steve Bannon REEEEEing all the way from the white house.

How can people still be shilling for him???

Ok this has to be antifa. You would really have preferred Hilary. It wasn't a choice between apples and oranges but between apples and turds.

Hillary supports open fucking borders. We got the better shit sandwich.

Or "nagli" for short.

>How can you be a nationalist AND a socialist?!

nope, it was a choice between apples and apples

>what did he mean by this?
I want everyone to know I have adopted the globalist agenda so don't act surprise when I act like a kike shill but I'm still pretending to be a nationalist so as not to alienate my core supporters.

>People think he wasn't crazy before being sworn in
He was preferable to Hillary but holy shit he's never been all "there".

Explain her ties with the KKK and servere white nationalist groups, Drumpfkin.

one thing you can know for certain from the leaks out of the clinton campaign is that the democrats have given up on white voters
it fucked them because it was too soon for that, but that's where the world was at

There's a concerted raid started. You're either a raider or weak minded neck beard that's now regretting to not having voted for Hillary.

Tenuous at best. We all know she shills for cash. Don't be more retarded than you seem already.

Granny smith vs Golden Delicious

In today's economy, it's impossible to ignore the world economy.

Plus he's a billionaire. What else did you expect?

I think Trump might actually be dumb.

Can I get a source that doesn't require me to sign in to a fucking WSJ account?

Because this really activates my almonds.

wtf i love kim jong il now

Because your other option was a globalist and a globalist


Ok. You're funny.

And the Sup Forums pivots again

Trump is conservative soros and you love him for it

Wait, why are we believing them all of a sudden?

>"what did he mean by this?" will stop being ironic

We'll I'm glad he needs an interpreter.

This. He's only the beginning. We'll being the next generation inspired by him (like Reagan Republicans) that will further this message of nationalism.

>What did he mean by this?
He means he intends for the USA to make its conquest of the world official.

I have a feeling that there are people in the government who threaten to do much worse things than just kill the president's family if they don't comply. In a world where something like 9/11 can happen I'm sure that other things like the nuking of a major American city can be used as leverage to make a president do what you want.

Because we're being raided... And DJ Seahorse and Bill Nye are now trying to convince us Hillary and Trump are the same because both are "bipeds".

North Korea is where the global elites are hiding all their nuclear war bunkers. We pay them top dollar to build us bases in their mountains while they pretend to fail at missile tests.

They serve the multinational elite as the ultimate communist boogeyman while simultaneously assuring the elite has a place to hide when it all goes to shit;

Why do you think we haven't gotten rid of them yet?

Holy kek that's stupid.

obama vs mccain
obama vs romney
^------- apples and apples

hillary vs trump
^------- shit vs gold

Green apples are superiors anyway

No that's what Switzerland is for.

Washington Post: Trump abandons Alt-Right, embraces globalism and corporatism

Recent policy changes by the new globalist Trump:
1. The president pledged his full support for NATO.
2. He told the Wall Street Journal he will not label China a “currency manipulator.”
3. He expressed openness to reappointing Barack Obama’s Federal Reserve Board chair.
4. He disavowed his position on interest rates.
5. He recanted his call for closing the Export-Import Bank.
6. OMB director Mick Mulvaney said Trump’s promise to get rid of the national debt was never meant to be taken literally.
7. The administration is already watering down its lobbyist ban.
8. Trump no longer believes the military is a disaster.

Also, the Trump administration just rehired one of Obama's top TPP negotiators.

Thats asinine. The southern hemisphere would be the only viable spot for this because of the winds and fallout. There are tons of islands at the tip of South America that are privately owned and manned for this purpose.