
Does swallowing redpills make any of you sad?
Why fight a losing battle?
Is suicide the ultimate redpill? is there any argument against it?

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it's always bitter

(((they))) want me, a white male, to kill myself. i wont let them win over me

I want to create an anti-suicide advocacy group.

I want to help other young white guys, and this is the only way they will let me.

>hang in there man, see it through all the way to the end, there is value in that.


Redpills make you feel shit for a while bro. Just chill out, watch some sports, cnn, and read entertainment weekly for a bit. You need a break. Log off Sup Forums,etc

Used to be dangerously depressed. Took meds that made me 10x worse. Since I graduated hs I've been fine. Been through some tough shit but I am much stronger now. Just can't for the life of me feel depressed anymore. Definitely think I will end my life at some point in the distant future - not out of sadness but just disgust for the evil in this world.

Stick around though. See how the world plays out. See what happens.

na redpills have pushed me far from suicide, (((they))) wanna kill you so bad in so many ways, living is free is still the challenge.

Don't be taken by nihilism user, there's still hope, you just have to keep fighting. Depression is for faggots drinking estrogen.

We have not lost. We will fight until the last man, if it comes to that. "Only he who gives up on himself is lost."(Rudel)

Rudel NEVER gave up even after losing the war.

Same history. Antidepressants made me feel worse than ever.
I know eventually I will be an hero, but not today.

Does it get better after college?

Don't be a weak pussy. If you can't help it, then yes, suicide is your answer

Just live to spite your enemies. You are given a little life, enjoy what you can from it and take every opportunity you can to fuck with your enemies.

Don't kill yourself. You will find that life is cruel and bitter, but it's MEANINGFUL and that hardship is ultimately good for us. Take the redpills. Every. Last. One.


It's not a losing battle. Whites will wake up at some point. It may not be as early as we hope'd, but they will. If nothing else, it will be out of necessity.

>being coerced into living when you want to die so da joos dont win


Cuck salivating on anons.

My issue is I cant tell if depression is real or just a side effect of living that has been overblown. Facebook especially makes me depressed almost out of nowhere. I will see how well others have done and compare myself and instantly my whole world feels like shit and I want to crawl in a hole. Is this normal or is this (((depression)))? I dont want to kill myself at all but I find I feel this shame or inadequate feeling that causes the thought to float through my head.

>guys i'm feeling sad lately, am I depressed?

it makes you sad at first, but that's because you seek others approval. you're used to getting good boy points your whole life for towing the line and when you stop getting GBP you go into withdrawal. eventually (if you havent killed yourself) you start living life based on virtue and courage. you piss people off, but you don't care. telling the truth starts to feel good. now you're living.

Why kill yourself?
>Go to the gym.
>Get big.
>Get ready for race war
>Hulksmash latte lover faggots, goat fuckers and KANGZ

No I just want to know if there is actual (((depression)))/chemical imbalance or if that is all bullshit and its just modern society making people feel like shit all of the time. What is the harm in trying to identify and fix the problem without paying some kike a bunch of money to put shit in a file?

I was suicidal every day for 18 months.

When it came down to it, I guess I didn't want to die enough. I figured if I was going to die anyway, may as well do something else instead - I can always kill myself later.

The momentum from change built up and I'm much happier now. For me at least, the attraction of suicide was as a release from pain.

it gets better user. have faith, patience, courage

Lol, that's right! If you were gonna die anyway, may as well have a good time on the way out.

I'm 18 and suicidal everyday. I'm setting a date because I've had enough of this awful planet. Natural selection I guess.

Yes it's real that some people feel dead inside all the time from a chemical imbalance. No, you don't have a depression because you feel melancholic on facebook, you big baby

user you have so many more people to red pill before you off yourself and or die. Keep your head up and focus on what you have to look forward to

Nah, take the other user's advice about getting ready for the race war. May find you start enjoying stuff - if not you can get bigger and get some pussy before you die, or crack some skulls and have some lulz.

You can always kill yourself another day.

No thanks, I'll take the suicide option. Not interested in living "a little longer".

>kill self with gun
>Feinstein and Brady campaign use me as another number
>used to push anti-gun agenda on my fellow Americans

>kill self another way
>either become another number voiced by a muted sect of the agony of the modern man
>or I'm used by leftists think-tanks and anthropologists that "masculinity" makes men angry and confused, so they respond by removing grades and failing from grade schools to remove any notion of competition or hard-work (you watch, that'll come in the next 10 years)

No thanks you fucking degenerate. I'd rather talk to an empty room than be just another arguing point for communists.

Overdosing on redpills = black pilled.

There is really no point in trying anymore. The Jews win. We will all be enslaved or vaporized.

We fight because we must user.
If we don't do it, no one else will.

When it comes to the red pill you are not a small fish in an infinitely big pond, you are one of us. And every number we have matters.

The longer you sit around, reading Sup Forums and doing bugger all, the more down you will feel. Trust me, I felt like you do now only weeks ago.

But I started to get my fucking shit together, I've been getting fitter, stronger, got a temp job for a while to get that work experience, might get a GF soon.

All hope isn't lost, it's never lost until you give up.

But ultimately it's up to you, are you gonna be some coward and pussy out now, or are you going to do something worthwhile with your life? Because if you don't, who will?

suicide is for faggots. grow a pair.

It's your life, you'll do what you want with it.

For me, when it came down to it, death was just as meaningless as life so I decided I may as well be doing something rather than nothing. The world is still a dark, degenerate place in my eyes but I guess I'm still curious. Started finding enjoyment in stuff. 18 months of near-suicide pushing me to that point sort of took the stakes off of life in a way. Can always decide to kms in the future, but don't think I'll end up choosing that now. Feel like I had tunnel vision during that time.

We fight? haha ok. how do you fight? posting on anime forums? we're not fighting, at least I'm not. I'm not sure what went wrong where or if it ever was a good idea to keep living, but man life is a grind and I think I'm just about done with it.
I'm supposed to sit here and fuckin suck everyone's dick because people will suffer if I die?
I'm surprised the suicide rate isn't higher am I crazy or something? We're all forced into wage slavery and lied to from birth. people sit here and say "oh theres so much to live for". When can I finally live?
Give me liberty or give me death.

There's really no point in living and the world is hardly enjoyable. But at the same time you're not obligated to care about society or the world, so maybe that will make you cope with life better. If not, suicide isn't a bad option.

If you have no sense of duty to others then all I can say are 2 things, you're a piece of shit and you wouldn't be of much help anyway and as I said entirely up to you if you really think you don't want to live anymore, go for it.

It'll achieve nothing, but hey, can't have regrets when you're dead.

>If you have no sense of duty
Why fight for those that dont fight for you

There are no red pills, just defensive ideas against the madness that it is to live in an overpopulated society where people lead purposeless lives and everyone is trying to impose their own version of reality upon everyone else. Disconnect from all this trash. I just come to Sup Forums to check for major happenings that will correct the excess of people. All this one side vs another side arguments ultimately culminate in people ending in another caste/hierarchy system. Simplify your life. Disconnect from this crap.

The ultimate red pill is the end is coming. Not this year. Or the next. Or even a decade from now. But the end comes. Bread and circuses can only carry the Empire for so long until the army falls. Barbarians pick the corpse of Rome.

Eventually it will be almost impossible for a citizen to get a well-paid non-automated job. It will be impossible for them to build wealth and raise a family. As your descendants live on Government distributed food cubes, living in a closet space now marked as an apartment. They will jack themselves in the Sup Forums virtual reality matrix to live a life long gone never to return. As it is the only thing close to happiness they will achieve in their generation. Many will succumb to addict and literally die rather than face bleak reality.

That feel when you can only slow the collapse. Not stop it.

Because they are the future.
It's hard to explain, but it's what has got me through each day, out of bed each morning. If I'm not going to do anything it won't get better and others don't deserve to go through some of the shit I do.

How old are you? I'm 20 and I'm sick of it too. I'm sick of life-cultists continuing to reproduce so we can struggle and suffer with little pay-off. Fuck nationalists for wanting to continue this just so they can feel good about themselves for "not giving up".

I'm so depressed but screw it, I'll "try" to keep living. Maybe I'm just being a bit edgy tonight.
True, the world is a depressing place. I've got to try something I suppose. Suicide is permanent and probably not the best answer right now.

Subsequent redpills push you toward utter liberation

>Give me liberty or give me death

You might find that when you truly come face to face with that choice in that moment, be it a rope, razor, pills, or a gun in your mouth, death is still the shittiest option.

Read the protocols of the elders of zion and do the opposite. Have kids, build yourself up, build your community. There are far more of us in the wild than there are on this malaysian skydiving porn forum.

People will continue to fuck and reproduce.
The Human race won't stop because you give up.

But their lives won't get better.
They will be born into a hellscape worse than what you experience.

And it's your fault for giving up.

>Does swallowing redpills make any of you sad?
When does it make anybody happy?
>Why fight a losing battle?
To spite the enemy. The same reason that dying warriors spit in the face of their enemies before they are finished off. It's a matter of honor to say you tried.
>Is suicide the ultimate redpill?
It's pretty bluepilled desu senpai
>Is there any argument against it?
You can no longer contribute to the fight, resources spent in developing you as a person are lost, anyone close to you who gives a fuck about you is given depression by your tragic loss -- causing a genetic fuckup that will ruin children for generations long after your passing, and suicide is also what the enemy wants. It's why the Jews push nihilism so hard.

Hang in there, space cowboy.

Nah, it's everyone elses fault because they're selfish animals who can't resists their sexual urges that tell them to reproduce, and these urges and backed by their own delusion that life is worth struggling for.

You should engage in constructive activities like collecting rare pepes and meditate on how to be a better normie.

pic related

You've reached rock bottom. Good. Now you can finally do something.

1) Get your T levels checked. Take TRT if you have to, to only see what baseline feels like.
2) Stop drinking/smoking, fapping and playing vidya. You will get bored initially but you will fill this time with more productive hobbies like lifting and eating right, getting good sleep, reading, meditating and learning new shit daily. None of this costs much money. Definitely less than your other degenerate habits.

Why only kill yourself when you could plan a suicide assassination on a high ranking government official? At least have fun with it user

>Does swallowing redpills make any of you sad?
>Why fight a losing battle?
>Is suicide the ultimate redpill? is there any argument against it?

The Ultimate redpill is studying islam, and realizing you've been on the wrong side this whole time and the jews tricked your entire civilization to destroy their ancient enemy, the people of Nebuchadnezzar

watch this whole series (its not long, and its actually really interesting).

ISIS = False (created by salafist saudis + CIA to topple assad for a gas pipeline)

Salafi/Wahabbi = False (created by britain during WWI to destroy ottomans with an arab revolt)

Sufism = Natural Evolution of islam, its final reformed state.

Shiaism = 2nd sect of Islam, Known as the Partisans of Ali, Defenders of the truth and justice.

Khwariji = The first terrorists, Reasons all explained as to how and why they formed in that playlist i linked.

The khawariji => Arab Bedouins => during WWI with Brit Influence + Lawrence of Arbia => Wahabbism

this desu ne

Because unlike you you depressed fuck they go out and do shit.
They enjoy life, they don't consider it a struggle, they have their ups and downs but overall they enjoy their life and they bring children into the world to try and give more people the wonders that they've seen.

But they're bluepilled faggots that haven't seen past the curtains, once you glance behind the scenes you cannot unsee.

It is their fault more people are around, but it's your fault the world is so fucked for not doing anything about it.
They're too retarded to even know there are problems.
You're not.
You know.

So either kill yourself and stop wasting everyone's time here because there are many things I could be doing other than trying to help someone that doesn't seem to want it, or actually fucking do something with your life.
You'll enjoy it once you start, you've just got to take those first steps.

Find your vices if you really need to, anime helped me at times, even now.

It's like this:

You're born and raised in a small room where your only contact to the outside world is a voice on an intercom inside the room giving you instructions and informing you on the way of the world. All amenities are afforded to you. You're taught that the room is all there is, and that the purpose of life and the only source of happiness is to wake up each day and do whatever the intercom tells you to do. You continue to do what the intercom says and feel fulfilled and content with your life, knowing well that this is as good as it gets and you're happy.

Then one day in the middle of the night when the intercom is inactive you hear a knocking sound outside the room and a voice whispering to you. You move closer to the wall, astonished that something is speaking to you. Once you responded back, confirming your existence, the voice tells you that he's been chained up and is being tortured on the other side of the wall. He says that, just like you, he was instructed to do whatever the intercom said, and was perfectly content. This was until he noticed a crack in the wall and viewed the outside world for the first time. He began to find inconsistencies in the intercom's claims, and stopped doing what the intercom told him to do. This made the intercom very angry, and although the truth was revealed to him about his place in the world, his life was infinitely worse off for knowing such. He tells you that, even though you now know that the room is not all that there is, you must continue to do what the intercom tells you to do, because if you don't you'll end up just like him.

So what do you do? Sure, you halfway understand the position you're in, but what path out do you have? You realize that you're surrounded on all sides by concrete walls with nothing to break your way out. The only thing you can talk to is the intercom, and you know that will only end in your demise. You continue to live on, in both truth and misery.

Ignorance is bliss.

>Have kids, build yourself up, build your community
like that could ever happen
I'm 20, young and bitter
just curious, how are you "fighting"? paying taxes your whole life to the jews? creating more taxpayers?
and then what?
sounds like a hassle

Anyone that thinks they're doing the world a favor by trying to improve life, rather than trying to end it, is the problem. You're part of the problem. The whole "struggle to make the world a better place" is why we still exist to this day, and since we exist we suffer. People who don't reproduce and promote the end are the true heroes.

Lift, bitch.

>like that could ever happen
holy shit dude

this is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It will never happen because you think it will never happen and never work towards it.

I agree partially with you OP. We're still on the timeline but wouldn't it be glorious to fight the fight knowing you gave it your all and that you fought for the Truth? I think fighting for the Truth is worth it. It has to be. Someday, in this life or the next, they will all know, you'll see.

>and then what?
You're procrastinating. Like I said first, you have to reach baseline before you even think about asking 'then what'. Get to baseline, then if you still think life isn't worth living, I give you permission to die.

No you didn't pay attention to what I said, are you too blinded by you're weird "KILLING OURSELVES MAKES US HEROES" ideology that you can't read?

It's the bluepilled faggots that haven't looked behind the curtains that cause life to go on.
It is not the redpilled fanatics that try to make life better for them.

The blue pilled cucks will go on for eternity. Killing yourself doesn't cause the Human race to disappear, it just dooms it to a shittier existence.

I'm not so much of a narcissistic faggot that I'm going to just off myself because times are tough, other people will have to go through worse, I know what it's like, so I want to do all I can so they don't have to go through worse than I did.

Stop thinking it's hopeless and there's no endgame, just start taking the first few steps and see how it goes.
If you don't like it then kill yourself.

>how are you "fighting"?
>muh taxes
Well for starters, I'm sorting myself out, like you ought to be doing. I'm trying to get money to throw around, while also physically training and getting into shape. I've got NatSoc and Libertarian friends, and I'm working toward getting a militia going for when shit hits the fan, and I'm taking advice from anti-government survivalists like pic related to figure out how to coordinate a commune of well-armed, well-trained, anti-government survivalists that will financially contribute as little to the system as possible once proper footing is gained. You gotta stop thinking inside the box, my man. It'll eat you alive if you do that.

I'm saying that unless you're working towards ending the human race, then you're doing the wrong thing.

If we were face to face I would do your the favor of beating your ass. At least then you could feel some adrenaline.

I actually mean that. Striking people used to be a treatment for depression in ancient Greece. You need a shock to your system to snap out of this faggotry.

What does Sup Forums think of Noam Chomsky?

Wew, Sup Forums isn't ready for this level of wokeness. But brave attempt and pretty accurate. Fits the definition of redpill well, being true but hard to swallow. I'm not there yet.

Were you born Muslim or are you a convert?

Hey fuckwit, don't kill yourself. Live. Change your whole life. Just do whatever it takes to feel some sense of accomplishment. Don't be a pussy and take the easy way out.

I love you user, whoever you are. I don't care if every faggot on this board gives me shit for saying that, but I mean it. Make something out of your life.

You assume that everything is horrible, that ending the human race is a good thing.

Those bluepilled cucks that enjoy life will fight you because they like living.

I'll fight you because after sorting out my shit, after getting a purpose, I've started to enjoy living.

Ending the race will be far harder than sorting it's shit out, especially if you think just killing yourself will help with that?

How the fuck do you plan on working towards ending the race if you just kill yourself?
That doesn't help you bloody mong, you're a disappointment to even fighters of your own ideology.

I have thought this too. But after practical consideration I realised than the human race is extremely difficult to kill completely. Any ideas?

Cherrypicked quote. Guy's a cuck.

Every white death is a tragedy. Don't weaken the white race by killing yourself.

I'm not even sure if it's possible.
If you damage it too much people will fall back to that primal instinct of wanting to live and will just revive the race.

You'd have to do something on the level of nuking the entire planet, then wiping out any bunkers of people and hoping nobody survived after that.

wow u sound like the fattest rat in the race. congrats
There is not always valor in suffering and pain. but a christcuck like you would think the opposite.
I'm not sitting here asking how to get my life sorted out. My life is fine.

Do I hear the smell of an antifa cuck trying to spread fatalism on this board?

i love seeing scientology at work

I don't impose myself on others--unlike the people who bring life into this world--so I don't bother to change it. I just know that nonexistence is ideal and is what people should strive for. I already know everyone is a dumb selfish animal who won't listen anyway.

I have no clue. Everyone wants to continue the world and have it be in their image, and they'll bring in more life to achieve it, if they suffer immensely in life. Just look at this board for an example. They think "saving the white race" by imposing life in a pointless and cruel world is a good thing.

>You'd have to do something on the level of nuking the entire planet, then wiping out any bunkers of people and hoping nobody survived after that.
Exactly my conclusion. Impossible to orchestrate from an individual perspective, especially starting from an average person.

If you're thinking of killing yourself your life is obviously not fine.

People with fine lives go out with other people and have fun, they find GFs, they work towards whatever they think their purpose is, from raising a family to defeating the eternal anglo.

They don't sit on an image board trying to argue that the Human race should collectively give up because you have a hard time. The rest of us like living, so fuck off you selfish cunt.

Nice argument, cunt.
>My life is fine.
He says, whining about his depression on Sup Forums, asking if suicide is the ultimate redpill. Look in the mirror, faggot. Somethings wrong, and clearly it's bothering the shit out of you.

>Everyone else is selfish
>Waaa I'm sad so everyone who's not sad should kill themselves

Trying to convince you to not kill yourself is probably an evil act at this point.

Instead of killing yourself why don't you just dedicate yourself to redpilling others? You have nothing to lose clearly if you're at the point of considering suicide. Make a difference. Maybe you will help restore our world to what it once was and defeat (((them))).

It's just not feasible in my opinion, too many people enjoy life compared with those that want it all to end, and those that want the race to stop have a tendency to just off themselves.

yes, I have been thinking more and more about moving somewhere and becoming a hermit.

existentialism is your answer... if you can bare that responsibility...

Yes please kill yourself and be done with it, natural selection.

>Bringing people into this world without their consent is justified because my animal urges and self made delusions about how the world should be says so

What a wonderful person you and everyone else is. And then society doesn't even have the decency for euthanasia for everyone.

t. emo faggot

Get better until you don't feel that. Currently working on that myself.

>If you're thinking of killing yourself your life is obviously not fine.
Nope, it's a completely rational decision.
>Somethings wrong, and clearly it's bothering the shit out of you.
True, something is wrong. Is it me? Am I supposed to be content with sitting in buildings most of my life wasting away at a desk? I don't think we're meant to live this way

Have you considered Jihad?

It's all O K my dude, once you go down to the depths you'll find the golden ball and take the transcendence pill. On your way sort yourself out.

t. not an argument


Not suicidal at all. Stick around, I want to see parts of the world burn before I go. Europe is almost there. Then Africa, then Asia.

>Nope, it's a completely rational decision

It's literally an emotional decision, sadness is an emotion

>True, something is wrong. Is it me?
Wait for it...
>Am I supposed to be content with sitting in buildings most of my life wasting away at a desk? I don't think we're meant to live this way
DING DING DING DING DING! We have a winner. We aren't meant to live this way, and that's why it falls to you to change it.