This is what happens to opposition in Russia
This is what happens to opposition in Russia
I'm blue da be di da be da
Is that polonium?
He needs some milk
Russia is an all white homogenous country. So why do they act like complete niggers? Japan on the other hand does great. Are we whites just no better than niggers?
damn i always wanted to join the blue man group
As a fellow slav, I want to say that's just the way slavs are.
He's not dead so no
And also it's not all-white by any stretch of the immagination. It's quite the conglomeration of different peoples.
At least it matches his eye colour.
Time for a change from that little man complex fuck up putin
Wasted trips, putin let in like right ! million central ssians
> So why do they act like complete niggers?
Because not all whites are well mannered? what are you too retarded to answer your own question?
Is that the zyclon b from the gas chambers?
Your country had to outlaw all cleaning products with alcohol because of people drinking them
This blogger travelling russian cities and writing about cities's cons and pros.
Most commonly-available alcohol-based cleaning products in the US are also doped with poison. Most "alcohol" at the hardware store is doped with enough methanol to keep people from treating it as the poor man's Everclear, for instance.
nice. Guy got hit with dykem
Is that how they make sure each person only votes once?
>Russia is an all white homogenous country.
Well nope
>Russia is an all white homogenous country
American ignorance
Give it up 2ch, he'll never be a meme.
Just imagine that Trump was dyed this way during elections campaign by Hillary supporting left-wingers. Is it ok?
same shit Disney does to their people
Trump had a kid try to jump the stage, a couple other with guns, rent-a-mob from George Soros, etc.
Don't forget that Trump had lots of plublicity stunts, but he also said things people agreed with. Pictures of him painted green are interesting to see, but they don't promote him as a candidate.
Good. Down with kike-controlled Marxist scum.
lol why does he go with his attackers at the end of the video? I want to know what happened next
I thought the green paint thing was popular in Ukraine too
>I'm A Kike trying to start shit
Con. Here's your facial bath.
what did he mean by this?
the russian slav public shaming is much like italian friends congratulating your university graduation... with a public shaming.
>go with his attackers
Not his attackers probably bystanders or people who travelling with him. He was attacked twice during that day.
rare nigger
Lets adopt this method to tag antifa.
What the fuck is this guys problem?
Is he trying to be lenin 2 electric bogloo
Radiation poisoning takes a while
yep. Kike controlled Marxist opposition dos: absolutely gross
10 sad pictures of US and EU funded shill that will make you say fuck russian stability and world influence and vote for the russian meme candidate with a 90% of its supporters being underage that cannot even vote
this desu. How I hate kikes.
>US and EU funded shill
Any proofs proxy-shill?
>russian stability
just lmao
>meme candidate
who got 27% in 2013 semi-authoritarian Moscow mayoral elections.
what makes you think Naval'nij will be any better and not just another thief trying to get on top who could actually make it worse
Look at anti-corruption ideals in your neighbor, Ukraine
That being said, there are def corruption problems in the Russian gov't and the fact that there hasn't been any good acknowledgement from the official gov't side makes it pretty embarrassing.
But hey, D Trump flies down to Florida with his whole entourage almost every weekend on the taxpayer's dime ... so I guess it could be worse in a way
Perhaps however, the Russian nation-people have developed some sort of immunity against Western shills and this green medicine bs is the immune response.
>kike detected
I'm so glad that Solzhenitsyn is required reading now in your former hive. Stay mad, Schlomo.
Based Russia I wish we painted our political enemies blue
>le 56% face
You wouldn't know what white even is amerifat
yeah, what color should we paint jews? Red like the devils they are?
he is literally funded by the CIA and Soros
Russian American here.
Do not trust anyone pro Russia. Russia is a shit hole and I pray and thank burger King every time I drive by it for my family migrating to the land of freedom.
>Stupid niggers acting in their self interest
>Hey white over there acting in your self interest, stop acting like a nigger
>Now let me get back to my rightwing mongolian basket-weaving form and wonder how to get whites to start acting in their self interests
Pink cause it'd be gay haha
>FSB tracking him 24/7/365
>still everything (((they))) could do - compare him to Hitler
this is true, thats why when some one trys to "salt out" the alcohol then end up going blind after drinking it
Russian American here
You're a fucking faggot and probably from chechnia
Pelmeni fuck
false equivalency. trump came into politics as an accomplished businessman who founded real estate empire, and self-funded his campaign. navalny came into politics as a livejournal shitposter who stirred ruckus at the rallies and tried to pull out arab spring in moscow on soros donations.
>soros donations.
>ludicrous meme-tier (((reason))).
only acting in a pack, in public where it wont go to far.
typical coward non-white behavior.
Watch your fucking mouth.
Elaborate? 80% are ethnically Russian
>80% are ethnically Russian
Still all white
This. I never trust Achmed niggerkikes.
nah, there are plenty of gooks and mudslims, although they are pretty russified in general
>pretty russified
dagestan people even not consider themselves as a part of Russia for example.
>Russia is an all white homogenous country
Le cringe.
What is that blue stain shit?
>The compound may lead to serious injuries if it comes to contact with the eye, even result in bilateral blindness due to corneal opacification
Russia is not even remotely all white you fucking tard.
Finally video
Opposition is forced to become Hulk?
2012 was an awful year.
> Russia
> all white homogenous country
You don't know something about this country, pal)
But, in spite of it, many Russians behave themselves like niggers only because of lack of proper upbringing, which was formed in USSR and during the 90-ies
False flag