So Trump's cutting my Pell Grant and now I literally can't even afford to go to college and get my degree in...

So Trump's cutting my Pell Grant and now I literally can't even afford to go to college and get my degree in Comparative Literature.

Thanks, guys. Thanks for voting for this retard Sup Forums, now I can't even finish my education and attain my dream job.

Other urls found in this thread:

get a job like everybody else

How can I get a job without my degree?

You're a fucking idiot for getting a degree in Comparative Literature

Take out student loans like everybody else

It's not the taxpayer's responsibility to pay for your college

Get fucked

>Fuck off

I thought you were going for Psychology?
>Pasta much?

this thread is now about non-college employment options such as trades, sales, and the military. Discuss.

That's why loans exist you LARPing faggot

How many pell grants do they give to you coons Jesus tired of seeing this thread. Go sell crack like the rest of your people.

Good. College is a scam.

Go to trade school and if you find that basket weaving class is still your dream job, then take night classes and pay for it yourself.
It's a lot of work and time, but if you aren't willing to do that then maybe it's not your dream.

What kind of job?

i couldn't afford college either. try getting a job and stop crying like a bitch ass nigger

This is clearly bait. Try harder.

I don't think we want people using that kind of language in college.

comparative literature? what kind of bullshit degree is that? go get a trade. you'll make more money. fuck college. it's all nonsense anyway.

Comp lit? Liberal cunt. Go suck that niggers dick when your girls done.

How could you get a job with a degree in comparative literature?

Trump's not cutting pell grants. Dafuq are you talking about?


I will be employed as a fiction writer.

What do you all think of a NG Infantryman who deployed and recieves 50% GI bill? Do I deserve grants being taken away to go for a STEM degree? I already spent 2 years of my life doing Army shit and get called up constantly for brush fires and hurricanes.


Blame Trump for that, he's cutting the GI Bill stuff too.

By who?

You realize you don't need a degree to write fiction right?

You can just do it and have people hire you if they like your work.

Something tells me you're too retarded to have done it on your own and need to pay mr shekelstein 10 grand a semester to hold your hand and tell you you're not a retard.

>degree in Comparative Literature

Oh, no!

Your OP post is a good start to your fiction writing career

If I have a degree then I'll be more qualified and my writing will be better.

Stop with the "it's trumps fault" shit. Believe me I was once a vehement brainded supporter of him, I also thought Hillary was the devil. The government will do what it will, regardless of what face they want to apply to themselves, be it Bush, Obama or Trump or Clinton.

Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about.

>If I have a degree then I'll be more qualified and my writing will be better.
you're so fucking stupid.

as if a stupid piece of paper that they can print out for 10 cents means jack shit.

your portfolio will be worth a lot more but you probably don't have one do you?

>I want to be a writer
>I want a career based around my work which is entirely subjective if it is good or not
>I need a degree to have someone tell me my fantasy writing is quality.

Nigga you know fucking J.R.R. Tolkin fucking came up with the entire middle earth concept while stuck in a fucking trench being shot at? And you think you need a degree to come up with ideas?! Holy fuck nigga you people are the reason why actual real degrees have to pay so much money to off set the cost of your shit degrees.

You should go with Competitive Literature instead.

Of course I have a portfolio.. I write every day. I've had a couple short stories published here and there.

Tell me about it. I'm half way through my masters of interpretative dance with a minor in African art history. If I don't get more government money I'll never afford the $40,000 per year tuition to get my degree. How will I ever get a job? Thanks Drumpf!

You got a source?

you dont need a degree to get a job

So why not focus on that instead of a piece of paper that means nothing?

If you really enjoy it then who cares if you go to college for it or not.

Ok so thats how you start, you keep writing, and you keep publishing.

Bitch that wrote harry potter did not have a fucking degree.

Seriously wtf is with people getting art degrees, no one can say you are good at art because you have piece of paper. Your good at art if you have the talent.

>Comparative Literature.
Sounds like a fag degree

Easy you apply for a no skill wageslave job, then look for another one with better wages. Or work in a warehouse over night.

Yes, my intuition. Trump wants to screw us students over so we can't get our educations.

you dumb potato nigger. paying for his college is an investment! he will pay back more in taxes with the degree over his life then with out it. Your saying no to free money.

Guess you shoulda been born sooner but you didn't think about that didja faggot?

People are so retarded.
The US Government isn't made of unlimited free money, it's going trillions of dollars into debt.
"Me, me me me"
Stop crying when shit gets cut. Get a job, work and pay tax and maybe shit won't get cut for the next generation.

I cant' wait til the boomers run out of retirement savings, after the US Gov blows it all bailing out student debt. What a shit show this is leading into.

>us students

You're not a student if you never enrolled into college in the first place.

you either are a boomer or were indoctrinated by one
>The US Government isn't made of unlimited free money, it's going trillions of dollars into debt.
Couldn't be more wrong

>Trump wants to screw us students over so we can't get our educations.
You have the internet you retard.

That shit is fucking free and infinitely better than some kike university.

What would you know about the US government, you are from Canada. Why can't the US government fund me... I've been a good citizen my whole life and did well in school and have never engaged in illegal activity... Why can't i get money instead of it going to wasteful projects and Trump protection?

>Screw over liberal arts degrees.

Fixed that for you.
Thats actually a false reality.
By going into college you take an individual out of the work force for 4+ years meaning 4 years of no taxes, and they can write off student loans they get during that time as taxes. On top of that, you can also write off the interest on your student loans meaning they are paying less in taxes.

Vs if you go right into the work force you are going to be giving right back into the tax system.

It's not easy for creatives to get jobs.
Do you know how many people have the same fairy tale dream as you? You're avoiding actually being a fiction writer by blaming the government. They aren't literally holding you back from typing on a keyboard every day (if this is your true, fulfilling passion); the content of your work and the effort you put behind it determines your success. You don't need college. You need to get off your ass and start writing baller fiction stories. If you truly attempt this and your grammar is even remotely practiced, You will make a great story and feel so fulfilled you won't even have a single worry ever again about economic struggles.

>tfw my dad is paying for my college

>sister likes post

Fuck you for majoring in shit that has no job prospect. Skippy!

Comparative literature? You're going to be making Dragon Frapuccinos at Starbucks.

>Why can't the US government fund me
probably because for every 1 good student, there are 20 other bad ones that will fail out and never pay their loans.

not only that, the universities are free to raise tuition and basically take our money for free if we were to do free college.


>Get Out

David Mitchell got his degree in comparative literature and he's one of the most popular and accomplished writers in the world right now.

Your degree in comp lit won't open up any doors that dropping out wouldn't also open.

>You're a fucking idiot for getting a degree in Comparative Literature

is dis nigga serious?

>> degree in Comparative Literature.

literally not worth the paper your degree would be printed on

>1 person did it
>that means everyone can
did they make you take at least 1 economics class?

you're as dumb as rocks.

You think he can get a job straight out of high school that earns enough to pay taxes? please enlighten us to these job.

Just tell them you already have it. Starbucks won't check.

>taking out student loans to force feed the bankjews

>implying having a comparative literature degree changes where you were going to work

Plumbing via a trade school/on job training
Electition, same as above
Basically any fucking job that is physical.

Miners make fucking bank, like more then most college degrees.

Yeah, well he went to Cambridge. You can get away with doing a shitty major when you're in the oxbridge system instead of some poorfag on a pell grant

I have taken microeconomics, I don't see what you are aiming at with your comment.

McDonald's, Walmart greeter, mom's money, drugs, Target, whatever is around him really.

Trump is doing you a favor. You might not like it now, but you need to quit wasting your time and get a career.

I would not want to work any of those jobs because I am a scrawny 5'7" guy. People will just laugh at me.

no macro?

come back when you take that one.

you should realize that just because one person can do well, doesnt mean everyone can.

so you want him to be a pack animal? Actually im ok with this. the world does need ditch diggers.

Dude, are your grades that shitty that you lost the pellgrant? You are a fucking mongrel and an nigger


>You think he can get a job straight out of high school that earns enough to pay taxes?
No, but he can start something like an electrician apprenticeship and be paying taxes in a few years, while if he gets his degree in comp lit he'll just become a barista defaulting on student loans.

But I've tried to get a job and no one will hire me. I got fired after one week in retail because they told me my interactions with customers were "hopeless."

Well considering there is actually a massive shortage of people to do jobs like electrical work, and plumbing, its hard not to get one of those jobs. They pay well, they work you hard, and its an honest living.

The problem with the US now is we have sold this lie that everyone needs to go to college to live a full life which is not the case. You can absolutely still be a writer and work a 8-5 job as a plumber. Having a trade skill like that is really useful.

>But I've tried to get a job and no one will hire me.
what makes you think mr shekelsteins piece of paper will help?

just keep writing and keep looking.

Comparative literature? Are you literally fucking retarded, or perhaps something worse? user is suspicious, pic relevant.

while i agree that a degree in comp lit is unlikely to get him gainfully employed, unless he wants to be a lawyer, i heard the best lawyers are lit majors cause they can read and understand legalnees. Lets say he went into accounting that would be usefull and worth the investment

Then don't work retail.
Also, if you can't interact with people well enough to hold a job in retail do you realize that there is no chance for you to hold a job that uses comparative literature. The only thing you can do with that is teach, and you'd need to interact far more intensively with students and colleagues.

That's your problem, you don't want to work. Even if it's not the rest of your life. You don't want to raise the capital to maintain economic stability in your life, therefore allowing you to successfully spend the rest of your time practicing your art, getting better at it, and hopefully doing so adamantly enough that you'll be an incredible writer. Money isn't free for us people. You have to work.

No woman will ever be attracted to a plumber.

>and get my degree in Comparative Literature.

You retard trump is preserving and expanding pell grant. What is the point of this? Who are you shilling for?

>degree in Comparative Literature
this is exactly why i voted for him desu

>comparative literature
Write him a thank you note, and give him your vote in 2020

this is a decent troll thread gj op


So the US government is responsible for paying for your education because you are a lazy faggot?
You have options, you're just to stupid to realize them.
Ever hear the phrase "get a fucking job"?
Oh and lazy nigger detected.

I want to work, just in an environment where I'm comfortable.

>dream job

more like, what job

>attain my dream job.
As what? McDonald's cashier? Because that's what your useless non-STEM degree will get you.

isn't that what a language degree with a certificate in translation is for?

But I bet you're monolingual.

This is simply untrue, and incredibly presumptuous.
You won't BE a plumber forever if you are aiming at a career as a writer.
You'll make money the same way honest people do.
And maybe you'll stop being such an ignorant waste of all our time and quit getting your shit shoved in.
Maybe you'll even have enough wisdom then to understand how fucking ignorant you sound right now.
And maybe you'll be a writer.

But STEM degrees are memes. I know a person who got a race mixing studies degree and she makes 140k starting writing as a "social engineer" or some stuff

Trust me, you're not missing out. College is a scam.

>I know a person who got a race mixing studies degree and she makes 140k starting writing as a "social engineer" or some stuff
thats called advertisement.

the jews are paying her good money to push their bullshit.

if you want to be part of the problem then go ahead.

Go to bed, Dorian.