No border wall, wars, no healthcare reform except cuckservative Obamacare lite, Kushner.
>Muh 4D Chess
What if Trump is doing 4D Chess, but he's a Democrat and his voters are the suckers?
No border wall, wars, no healthcare reform except cuckservative Obamacare lite, Kushner.
>Muh 4D Chess
What if Trump is doing 4D Chess, but he's a Democrat and his voters are the suckers?
i hope north korea succeeds where we failed in nuking you to kingdom come
I wonder about this sometimes. But part of it doesn't quite add up. Why go through all that trouble, being totally trashed by the media and I'm sure losing friends, losing hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in brand value on the campaign trail, and spending his 70's doing a highly stressful job.... only do what Jeb would have done. Why not just not run at all? It's not like Trump was stealing this opportunity from another Trump-like person (Rand Paul was already out).
I don't have too much pride to admit I was conned if that's the case. But I do expect that there should be some rational reason for the conning if that is the case.
>no border wall
el chapo is funding our wall
Isnt that why we are supporting him ?
A bill introduced by Ted Cruz that only might get passed and even then only might be implemented if el Chapo's funds are in fact seized which only might then pay for the wall. I like the idea, but it's a pipe dream at this moment in time.
Maybe Trump shouldn't have requested an additional $55 billion in funding for Defense. Maybe he could have requested an additional $50 billion and then used that $5b each year to pay for the wall (i.e., $20b after 4 years = cost of wall).
>no border wall
>no healthcare reform
>"oops healthcare is way more complicated than I thought sorry"
>woah guys I just spoke with Xi. Did you know China can't actually make North Korea do whatever it wants? Its complicated. Surprising! btw no sanctions
>wow Justin I didn't realize NAFTA was so great. My bad guys!
>omg CIA Assad really does have to go sorry I didn't trust you
Have you considered he might actually just be totally naive on policy and listening to whoever impresses him most? Before the election that was people like Flynn and Bannon, but now he has direct access to heads of state and CIA agents other people far more impressive than an ex-general and the Breitbart guy.
Your problem is you've allowed yourself to be gaslit by the media. All those months of the campaign and transition we laughed and mocked them. They kept trying though and kept refining their message and finally they found the one lie that you would believe. That you'd been betrayed and Trump is an actual Jew collaborator.
If you want to get some perspective and get back to reality you should watch what he is doing. The changes that are being made, the groundwork that is being laid. The man is the hero we don't deserve, as he fights against impossible odds in a city where everyone is trying to destroy him.
It is. And this is why he has my support.
I count on him legalizing all drugs before his term is over.