Integration was a mistake

>"A principal sent an email to teachers asking them to keep white students in the same classes at a predominantly black elementary school to ensure they felt 'comfortable'."


Well, not so fast. Not even 2 days later this story drops.. now as we all know, the Jewish run media would never refer to these feral apes as what they are, but even normies know how to read between the lines. The Metro PCS screenshots also help.

>"The shocking moment a 12-year-old girl was beaten by a bully and left with severe head injuries in a school bathroom has been captured on camera.
Cell phone footage shows the brutal attack on the youngster taking place at Crosby Middle School in Louisville, Kentucky.
Hollie King, the girl's mother, told Wave3 her daughter was bashed and left bloodied on the floor on April 14 at around 11am.
King's daughter, who has not been named, is seen being slapped across the face by another student at the start of the short video."

So what's going to be the final straw for whites? Mandatory privilege checking of your children by Tyrone and Shaniqua every day at school? A privilege tax? Or maybe extinction?

Probably extinction tbqhwyf. At the conceptual and theoretical level, libs have completely dismantled any kind of traditionalism, while at the practical, pragmatic level, the redpill is the truth.
> eg: Yes, IN THEORY, blacks can be just as intelligent as whites, but IN PRACTICE, etc. etc.
Problem is that our laws and legislation is written with an eye towards the theoretical, so it is very difficult to fight against these fags.

Good, another white liberal getting culturally enriched. Maybe she'll be a trump supporter now, if not, then she deserved it.

Shes 12

And? You think the left doesn't use and brainwash 12 year olds?

Do you think the average 12 year old knows anything about politics you dumb fuck?

I went to an all black school and they put all us whites in the same class to protect us too. Before that we were getting punched literally minimum one time per day each. We had our own designated white lunch table too.

It's been this way throughout history. I was lucky to grow up in a majority white area, but my dad told me horror stories of growing up in majority black areas in the 60s.

There is hope this shit will redpill people. I went from a solid liberal to far enough right that I believe only fathers should vote in less than 2 years.

If they would then they can prevent future generations from the same troubles.

you're a nigger

>At the conceptual and theoretical level, libs have completely dismantled any kind of traditionalism
no they haven't. The philosophical defense of conservatism and traditionalism is defended by everyone from Darwin in the Sciences to Nietzsche and Marx in the anthropological department and then to Plato and Aristotle in the roots of philosophy. The Left simply cuts things up and restructures them (wildly different from their original form) to fit their agenda.
It's a circus act, a fucking joke. Every intelligent philosophy teacher I've ever had has been right wing. I have not had a single teacher above 150 IQ who has been left leaning.

But not if they out reproduce us. There will always be a number of white guilt and radicalized leftist white types will what's going on in our schools if the black population reaches like 20% we'll never win another election again.

Blacks can't stop killing themselves and their babies. Mexicans are a bigger demographic threat.

I was a solid, far-left white guilt borderline antifa for 10 years and all it took was the realization that other races will not compromise and do not care if we die for me to say "fuck it" and flip totally.

Fifth columnists will definitely be a problem but thankfully planned parenthood keeps a lid on the latter issue. At least in term of homegrown ones, importing them is another issue.

>So what's going to be the final straw for whites?

As long as the monsterous narcissist without morals, just an ordinary woman, has political power, nothing will change.
Nothing changed after Rotherham, nothing will change after this, because woman is a narcissist without morals.

You're a fucking moron if you think kids these days don't parrot/emulate their parents and/or teachers on the topic of politics. The majority of western kids are enveloped in technology and the internet, have Facebook and Twitter accounts, and watch their favourite bullshit espousing YouTube e-celeb.

My 11yo niece goes on about Trump and how he's racist, sexist, blah blah blah. And the thing is, kids are dumb and you can't use logic on them (very similar to leftists and women in general), so you can't just be like "listen here, you little shit, let me tell you about the Jews...".

So just because a kid is a kid, doesn't mean that they are completely incapable of mimicking the msm, their parents, their teachers, or their friends.

And liberals still believe the world is all rainbows and unicorn farts. To fix what they see:
>more taxes
>fuck white people
>more taxes
>more immigration

Worst part is I wouldn't have had to go to that horrible black school if the government didn't mandate what school you can go to by what area you live in here.

is this b8

parents with violent dipshit kids need to be punished like shitty dog owners

We need an ethnostate. They are going overboard with this shit.