ok guys get ready for this:
>be me living in my basement
>stub my toe really hard on a palette that my washing machine sits on
>look down to see my pinky toe is broken and inverted
I can handle pain pretty well and I’m good with tending to wounds such as cuts/burns/abrasions but fuck i cringed even looking at this crime scene.. yeah w.e I’ve got a damn pussy accept the next steps i took.
>go to urgent care
>down payment of 100 to even see a doctor not including an X-ray. (dads insurance sucks)
>wait an hour and a half in a waiting room full of niggers just to see a damn doctor so he can break it back into place and bind it up
>FINALLY. I’m in…. wait oh god no.. their all literally jews”
>women nurse laughs at how it is inverted, jewoctor asks me if this is even a toe.
>takes a good look at it “mmm yeah we’ll need to do X-rays
>Jewoctor comes up to me after(doesn’t let me see the X-rays)
“yeah your toe is broken” “how bad?” “mmm not sure”
>tells me they will put a splint (low quality drug store binding tape) on it, take pain relievers and give me an open toed shoe and to see them in couple weeks if it doesn’t heal correctly
>they taped me up like putting a band aid on a spider bite AKA not effective what so ever.
d-did i just get jew’d? when i got home i had to rebind it so the toe at least was starting to look like it was in somewhat of a normal position.
should i break it back into place and then continue to bind (I’ve already tried and seriously can not do it sober)? should i tightly bind for awhile and see how it heals? should i cave into the medical jews recommendations? Is it not as bad as i think it is?
Please help me
hardmode: no bully my feet
Ok guys get ready for this:
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Breaking it back into place is gonna be a shot in the dark if you don't know what the break looks like from the x ray.
There's an ancient Chinese method called buddy tape, where you put a splint in between and tape the far right two toes together snugly and clip your fucking toenails.
You went to a doctor for a broken pinky toe? You're the retard. You should have known all they do for broken toes is tape them to a neighbor toe.
If you dont like how it is, get drunk, reset your mangled toe and tape it back up. Will be a lot cheaper than going back.
You definitely got ripped off. They were probably laughing at you after you left for being such a fucking pussy. Unless you're an athlete with a million dollar contract going to the doctor for a pinky toe is pure faggotry.
I break my little toes every few months because I have big feet, I'm drunk a lot of the time and my house is cramped and dark. I've considered removing them myself.
Next time just pull the toe out straight, put your shoes back on and wait for it to heal.
should have gone the NHS lad, get a plaster cast on it
>going to the doctor
Sucks to suck, I go to the vet and pay cash, or I do it myself after getting drunk enough.
>paying insurance
LMAOing at ur life
finger tips don't heal well on their own
your toes done for, just cut it off
Go to a unlicensed Doctor.
Most of them are good, they don't get jobs because of Jews control the medical jobs.
thanks for the help i'm looking into it and i might try it out
yeah well we all shouldve done better at life
: - )
Dude there isn't dick they can do about a pinky toe, I've broken both of mine more than I can count stubbing them because I'm a clumsy fuck..you could have saved yourself the money and just duct taped your broken toe to the good one and let it heal.
yeah i'm considering going to someone my dad knows in a couple days once he gets home from florida
post more pics of feet please
Just walk it off pussy
Breaking toes is like breaking fingers. Splint and bind if it's bad. Stay off them as much as possible. Avoid tight shoes like plague.
Source: broken all my toes.
your toe nails are disgusting
are you an incel?
There's not much they can do for smashed pinky toe. It's a common injury, more people than you think have broken a pinky toe, saw no Dr about it, and let it heal itself w/ basically no treatment. Not really a big deal cause pinky toes look fucked anyway.
This used to be basic knowledge. You tape a broken toe to another and bite the bullet.
Sorry you broke your toe and wasted a doc visit.
wtf is with the goblin feet
Our NHS would have given him a sex change and a forced conversion to Islam.
fucking ouch. can i have your bottle of norco?
Yeah cant do much for your pinky toe really except a splint.
Do not under any circumstance let it heal like this.
Move it back into its original position and then apply a bandage to it.
It will hurt like hell but it's the only way to get its original form back and let it heal correctly.
Do NOT wait two weeks and do NOT let it heal by itself (how the fuck is it even supposed to automatically move back into position? Your jew doctor is full of shit)
Buddy-Tape it. Video below DIY shows you how.
Broke my toe twice. THIS WORKS.
>not immediatly taking a pair of dykes to the toe.
You fucked up, user.
>Considered removing his toes
Like that episode of T&E's Bedtime Stories?
My little toe had been broken for about 6 years, just does whatever it wants. Sometimes it gets caught when putting on socks and bends to the side or up which is a nuisance. Fuck it, man up pussy
If the NHS is giving out plaster casts for broken toes then doctors are jewing your tax pounds.
>best healthcare in the world
LMAO at this thread
>muh American healthcare its the best!
>doctors cant do shit for a broken toe might as well just chop it off or duct tape it user!
desu, get drunk on brown liquor (will not impair bone repair on short term).
put on 3 layers of socks, take a belt and tighten around toes until fagtoe is straight toe. It will snap, this is desired. Duct tape new toe in position after removing socks.
Don't be a botch