Do North Koreans really worship him as a God?

Do North Koreans really worship him as a God?

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if they don't they get the death camp.

Holy shit, why are north koreans so ugly?


Do they not have tailor's in North Korea?

what gold medals did they win

they haven't had a good meal in like 3 generations


Its mass social conditioning.

Its really interesting really. All they hear and see is propaganda so they believe because its all they have known.

They are all innocent really except for the elites in control.

Look how fat he is. He obviously eats 90 percent of the countries food.

Don't listen to the memelords. They are ugly because they don't have plastic surgery or much makeup.
This is what real Koreans look like and this is half of what any children from WM/KF pairings will inherit.

Dumbass cant even get a suit
That fits right.

Why do these men wear skirts anyway?

Wait I get it. 1 pair of pants = 2 skirts
Kim really knows how to cut down costs

No. North Koreans find him unimpressive. They worship his grandpa.

It's oversized on purpose. If he had a tailored suit it would be obvious that he is the same weight as your average American.

It's an in-bred trait. All Koreans look like somebody
smashed their face into a 15" cast iron skillet.
Just like in the old Tom and Jerry Cartoons.

Holy shit they all rook arike

Because they're gooks?

His suits are awesome and the baggy pants reflect his millennial leadership style.

Does anyone really care what they worship? Soon they will be vaporized and will no longer exiust.


Could trump beat kim in an eating contest? Kim looks like a big guy. How tall is kim?

Soon to be the God of Glass.

hes about 5'7

some are pretty cute

Married women are required to have short hair.

>a big guy
for you

>me in the middle

Holy shit, Did North Korea just figured out the technology of cloning humans?


When comparing these two photos I suddenly realized that his facial symmetry is pretty much god tier. If he lost weight he'd probably be handsome for a gook.

She's (he's?) not buying any of this shit

It is said that on his birth, a thousand birds came flying from the mountain to sing a melody for this great event

No, not as a literal God. They do believe he is a great man capable of fighting the US and who looks out for his people though.

> Gooks
> handsome
What are you, some kind of faggot?

>Do North Koreans really worship him as a God?
They fucking better unless they want to be vaporized with a missle.


>For a gook.
Even dogs can be handsome Leaf.

That's for me to decide

They are actually pretty beautiful for asians

What are you some kind of faggot king?

You're used to women with make-up and shit.

Chicks in pic have no make-up, man hair and are crying.

>Do North Koreans really worship him as a God?

North Korea has coal mines dedicated to punishing children. They better worship him.

No, I just love my dog. What's it to you?

The low tier peasants and workers that are constantly bombared with propaganda and brainwashing legit worship the Kim leaders.

Bottom of the barrel of society is too busy starving and doing slave-like labor to really care about anything else than survival.

The "middle-class" that emerged in Pyongyang has a negative opinion on both nu-Kim and the regime.

Higher ups straight out hate his guts and think he's unfit for ruling. But they know too well what happens to even slight dissidents so everyone is doing what the system expects them to.

They get shot if they don't and they all know it.
So yes but it's insincere worship.

Good that you legalized such love recently then. If Trudeau's rake patrols caught wind of such a post you'd be compost.

What happen to his wife?

nigga what? In pictures I always thought he was a big guy cause he was always the tallest or so. Are they all uber manlets? Literally the women in that pic are same height as him hahahha

I have my dog, you have your Pakis. True love is true love mate


average North Korean male is 5'3" if I recall correctly. Bunch of hobbits

I would not trust that fucking riser to hold all that weight lol

fucking thing looks like its about to fall backwards into oblivion

They're fucking hobbits thanks to generations of malnutrition.

>watched a documentary about doctors going to NK to perform cataracts surgery
>After surgery
>One by one the NK patients stood up >walked up to a portrait of Kim Jong Il and thanked him out loud for giving them sight
>Those who the surgery didn't help still thanked him
>One of the doctors comments to the camera
>Looks like a lot of them really believe that he helped them, while others are doing it because they're scared if they don't.

So some might believe it, while others are just doing it to survive.

>cant even get a properly tailored suit
what happened, did he just use dads hand-me-downs because (((they))) wont let him use anything else?

Their weight combined is probably less than 2,000lbs. They'll be fine.

Smug NK is smug