There was a thread earlier where other flags were making fun of Americans for not believing in global warming...

There was a thread earlier where other flags were making fun of Americans for not believing in global warming. Are we really the only ones that didn't fall for the global warming meme?

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>Are we really the only ones that didn't fall for the global warming meme?
I would say it has something to do with the US having to fund most of the research going into it and spends the most on reducing emissions while the rest of the world pollutes much more than we do.
It's just reeks of bullshit. Also, having TV host (((scientists))) talk shit on anyone that doesnt agree while shutting down any discussion they dont like as well as stating that "97%" of (government funded) climate scientists agree is fishy, too.

Maggie Thatcher funded the original research for it, in order to help break the coal miners unions. That's why you never put a woman in charge.

renewable energy will fix the problem in time. Why not let the market and technology sort it out instead of sending the world back to 1895.

what I've heard about the "97%" thing is that the way the poll was asked was very leading so that they could get the responses they wanted. Something like "Has the climate warmed in the last 100 years" and "Does human activity contribute to that change". Answering yes to both of those questions doesnt at all suggest that the climate alarmist's conclusions are right. Those two questions are pretty meaningless without any real context. But they got their results just so they can push the whole SEE EVERY SCIENTIST THINKS WE NEED A GLOBAL CARBON TAX TO SAVE THE PLANET ASAP. OMG WHY DO YOU HATE SCIENCE.

Actual scientists that have spoken out about how that poll is represented end up getting their funding cut, death threats, ridiculed, etc

I know that Australia recently pulled out of some climate deal

The fact that you even refer to it as "global warming" shows what side your on. It's climate change, and memes aside, the shit is real.
>polar vortexes
>"Super storms"
>breaking temp. records left and right.

Yes, it's partially man made. It is proven and accepted that carbon is a greenhouse gas. You know what green house gasses do correct?

To the extent that Exxon found out about it back in the late 70's early 80's and started a propaganda campaign trying to delude/elude the issue. I heard come from a declared spokesman of Exxon that it was real and man made.

I've posted the sources a few times, don't feel like looking for them now, they get buried farther and farther every time this shit comes up. Here's the leads, Brown journalism students found out exposed the aforementioned discoveries and actions of Exxon. Exxon then stopped donating to the school, went on a massive P.R. campaign for about a month till the mouth breathing public was overly concerned about Kim Kardashian's shit color or w/e. Go look it up.

It's real, Exxon said it was real, stop being a fucking idiot.

I've been shovelling snow all week, please tell me more...

Nice digits friendo

in the last 70s and early 80s the world was literally having "Global Cooling" shoved down its throat. In fact, Earth Day was invented in order to raise awareness for global cooling.

As far as Exxon, you need to look deeper into the organized campaign against Exxon. The Rockefeller family divested and subsequently went on a full on assault against the company. Media campaigns, law suits, opposition research funding, etc. If you really think the Rockefellers are just working in the best interests of the planet, you're mistaken. They are dismantling the energy industry for their own ends. Too many people only see the "Big ebil oil campanies" without even bothering to research the people and organizations that are pushing the climate change meme

>b-but muh 97%

good link

big oil rules america, it fracks the soil and pays politicians to spread disinformation

Russia and China don't believe in it. Only the (((globalist))) countries support the lie.

Retardation goes in all fields apparently.

I just hate the hypocrisy of it all, All these big wigs telling you STOP EMITTING CARBON GOY then just taking their private jets and huge yachts everywhere. Not holding shitholes like india and china accountable. The green alternatives are extremely expensive and aren't even that "green" It's all so tiresome

It's just the yuropoors that buy into that bullshit really. Yuropoors are and have always been cancer.

Most Europeans are absolute cowards these days.

>copped out of the global warming UN treaties
Specific European countries and Japan are the ones pulling most of the work. The US is only slightly behind China in emissions and China has four times the people.

>Somehow Florida would be underwater
>Somehow California will be underwater
>The ice caps will melt and countries will be flooded
>We will be fighting for food and shelter like in Mad Max
>Annoy every single person you know that taking 30 second showers or paying carbon taxes would stop this but won't give up something like driving their car or using electricity because that would be too inconvenient
>2017 and the world isn't on fire or stuck in nuclear winter
>"No no no, it's not global warming it's CLIMATE change so if the weather gets too hot OR cold, we can be right either way!"

Convenient for China to deny man-made climate change as they dump billions of pounds of carbon into the atmosphere with no regulation

Al Gore said sea levels would rise up to 20 feet in the near future due to Greenland & antarctic ice melts. Antarctica is gaining ice.
Problem with the EPA
Thinking they can set an example to the rest of the world at cost of own economy
dopey cunts