Is anyone else here just tired of political debate...

Is anyone else here just tired of political debate? Honestly feels like regardless of what I say people are immediatly up in arms about it.

A couple of years ago I still had it in me to debate people but now I just don't even bother anymore.

Debating people is dead. We mastered it years ago and peoples ears are closed to it.

Trolling is now the only true way to fool people into educating themselves.

Hans, that's called social unrest. Get used to it since it'll only worsen.
Who knows, maybe the globalists end pushing you toward another Fuhrer.

I lost all will to debate anymore. People are so fucking hard headed that it's useless.
There used to be a point to debate, but people are so retarded nowadays they ignore your argument and still believe in the bullshit they spew.

The time for debate is over. Fire up the ovens!

Dude, Germany is fucked beyond believe. No nazi stuff ever again. Just getting ready for Merkel round 4.

It is because the rest of the world is tired of your hate. We welcome Islam before your white pride rhetoric because they are capable of peace. None of you are. There are a very very small number of radical Muslims, but most Alt-Right are murderous of any culture that is not Nazi. This is why so many Germans were eager to kill Jews while Muslims simply want to live. White culture is pure hate and the educated masses are tired of it.

Atleast bait somewhat realistically please.

Give it a decade or two. It took an unbelievable amount of shit a.k.a the Weimar Republic to bring about a man like Hitler.

I feel the same way most of the time. Not many people can debate intelligently without getting triggered and going full ape. It's simpler to just keep my opinions to myself most days

This faggot ain't one of us.

Exactly. I takes another major financial crisis to happen. Thing is in twenty years or so Germans will probably be so race mixed and outbreed that we're basically a minority. I feel like it's hard for non-Germans to grasp the culture here but most Germans would rather blame capitalism than minorities.

Blaming minorities will only get you called a racist or a nazi. I feel bad for you Germans. Merkel needs to go away. If the Swede's weren't such cucks i would feel bad for them too

Not even doing that though. The only things I'm even vocal about in public is Islam, since that's so plainly shitty that it's hard for most people to defend it without looking like assholes.

It is a pretty big contributing factor to all of the shit countries that so many of them are fleeing from. Islam was created by a warlord. Why wouldn't they be a threat? It should be obvious, but everyone is stuck on being PC and being nice to everyone. That never works. People need to read moar.

You people don't know what it's like to be white and a minority. My hope is that when you do, you'll look back and realize that men like Hitler were right all along.

They're headed there along with a lot of western europe. Makes me sad that people here are too blind to acknowledge all of the negatives that "refugees" are bringing to those trying to help them

I can't talk for other Germans but I've certainly gone through the stages of grief. I'm slowly arriving at acceptance and planning around it by now.

trying to debate with you neonazi fuckbeards is just as futile as it is with liberals

not even a nazi

Doubt it, leftism is a mental illness at least on here we provide facts while 90% of you provide insane theories about how the jews were behind hitler or that christians hate jews or some other satan shit OR you could be a libertarian retard

Welcome to planet earth. People believe whatever they have to believe to avoid admitting they're complete wastes of air who need to kill themselves.

This is why you have to buy a gun and learn how to use it. The only thing that persuades them is the sight of a fellow thug getting his brains blown out. Yl

You can't make them listen to reason. All you can do is teach them to fear you.

none of the above

you're alright in my book then, even if we may not agree on everything. i'm just so fucking sick of browsing the catalog on this board and seeing 90% of the threads being about how niggers and jews are the reason your toilet got clogged this morning

It's a sign you are getting older. Experience and wisdom cause people to become jaded. The change that we all want to see regardless of which side you are on is an intergenerational one. You'll have died having seen changes towards the fulfillment of your ideals, but utopia is unreachable. People are assholes and they are never satisfied.

>You'll have died having seen changes towards the fulfillment of your ideals

I'm seeing the exact opposite and I'm not even in my mid-twenties. I have zero hope.

Why are we neonazis? nobody said any racist shit.

Capitalism IS part of the reason for mass immigration though.

Banks especially love it because they get tons of new "customers" with zero debt and the financial literacy of a week old ham sandwich.

Not in this thread, no. I recognize right wing extremists have always had a presence here, but you can't deny that they've turned this board into a reddit-tier echo chamber over the past couple years. Good luck trying to have a reasoned argument with anyone on this board

Debate is definitely done, everybody's minds are already made up.

No point in even discussing it anymore. I don't even talk to leftists about politics IRL

Either side will have seen a change to their benefit. Like I said, it's an intergenerational matter. You're too young. If you give it time, you'll see it, but like I said, you'll never see utopia since your counterpart or adversary is permanently trying to bring it down to replace it with their own version.

hahahahaha good one

Words are worthless unless they have your power as a man and as a member of your group identity behind it. The politics of the state isn't afraid of you unless you're capable of using force.
If you have force potential then they'll consider you more seriously.
If you're politically active and shitting up their media shots and shitting up their narrative then they'll consider you.
Some people have an agenda and they'll drive a truck through you if you get in the way. If you show strength you'll stop the truck and push it back until you grow weak.