Why Sup Forums is afraid of us

>It is because there are far more of the educated than the ignorant. Our numbers grow with each child that decides to go to school rather than live a useless lie. Of course your last beacon of hate is falling.


om guessing one post by this user

downloading twice op is better safe than sorry but meh.

Sup Forums can't refute anything I just said, only larping as white nationalist to cover up their insecurities towards brown people.

> Our numbers grow with each child that decides to go to school rather than live a useless lie.
wrong. i went to school and ended up hating niggers. your point is invalid

Bwahahahaha. The only ignorant ones are you hypocritical leftists. When will you learn that the ideas you strive for are unobtainable, you are like naive children.


I smile with joy when I see you liberal idiots get butchered by a crazy Muslim.

>far more of the educated than the ignorant

Nigger just because you visited the same classes, that whites have visited, doesn't mean that you are educated. All you did was reduce the education level of whites.
Do you ever wonder, why Silicon valley depends on immigrants from 90% white/Asian countries?

The US didn't become less racist, because of "integration", whites just became less educated, more nigger, so they don't realize anymore how stupid you really are.

lol guy here, just wanna double down on this


*insert ice cream sex orgy*

You're worse than the specially trained rapists they use in Guantanamo.

There are plenty of people with university degrees that see left liberal bullshit for what it is.

I'm afraid that I'm going to live to see my county and culture die.

Good pic but the jewish girl should be behind the muslim, rubbing her hands together.

There were better edits


>Religious people getting along with a fag missing an arm for no reason, a tranny and eachother
Best meme of 2017

OP has been BTFO and left, threads over


I have great relations with my none white friends.

I accept my white privilege over them and wish to work together with them to end white institutionalized racism.

Together we will created multi ethnic multiculturalism liberal progressive utopia where racists don't exist any more.

Just look how strong we are on reddit against alt right, you have no chances.

l o l
o o
l o l

do you let your girlfriend fuck your black "friend" to create a utopia?

you forefathers sweat and bled for that privilege and you just throw it away

fucking shameful. this is why jews hate goyim. its THIS EASY to trick you people.

You sound like an illiterate imbecile.

My forefathers were bad racist men who enslaved and genocides millions of none white people.

>I accept my white privilege
You fucking dropped it
>Institutionalized racism
And you killed yourself too!

You're a fucking idiots for believing either of those things, critical thinking would do you good, from both sides, your "White privilige" and the "Opressed"

Also, since you are such a fucking cuck, will you also give your gf to tyrone?

>this is what the jews want you to believe and you fell for it

jesus fuck the world is doomed

kill yourself shill, exactly the opposite is happening.

Captcha: Gibbs La Pra

God do I hate you fucking racists. What does my gf have to do anything with this and why would she cheat on me. Also, we will never have kids because it is expensive and immigrates are coming to America who will work the jobs white people don't like.

you sound like an eight year old girl with a learning disability.

Kek, I sincerely doubt your claim

>Also, we will never have kids because it is expensive and immigrates are coming to America who will work the jobs white people don't like.

pushed a bit too far, still was decent until then, good luck in future trolling endeavors

>Black privilege exists...

>Also dumb nigga, don't speak on camera unless you're articulated enough, you're speaking for blacks in general according to whites ideologue.

You set an example of dumb nigga se.
In fact stop speaking all together, be like a monk...ffs.

nice bait, you got me


You really activate my almonds
This is now a redpill thread




I'm trolling? I don't see color, I see humans. So who cares if white people aren't having kids? None white people will have kids who will work, pay taxes and improve our country. White baby or black baby is all the same, we're all humans.


4/8, try harder

Because you are cultural Marxists. It's not fear, its loathing.

He likely has 'real' gurl friends, and not just girls he cucks...so yeh letting his mates fuck a mate, no issues with that...

>Playing safe...

Don't understand why a brown person is defending racists. Why do you hate yourself?

I though I had more pics saved, I'm almost out of pics.


You notice how Germans and Indians have same vocal tone patterns...

>Implies the lighter Indians 'gott'.

Hahahaha, I believe in national socialism I want to preserve the uniqueness of each race while working for the betterment of my race if that makes me self hating or a racist so be it

Cant wait for this one to see the gore
I hate muslims, thats why im here

I'm not very good at this type of thing but this is what I've got. Any improvements?

God damn, thats some good bait

Well German like hindi is a gendered language too

You're not a race though poo, you're a collection of races, that inbreed due to cultic values.

>Implies claiming one is of a race and not a land of 'peoples'.

I'm not very good at this but here's what I've got, any improvements? I forgot to get rid of the dead jew but it's gone now.

>shitty voter group that votes for gun grabbers and anti-free speech extremists
We're not afraid of you, we just hate you.

That has some degree of truth to it but what most people on this board don't realize is the time period the Aryans arrived before the iron age so for every intensive purpose Indians are the same race if aglos are the same race


Its not the language one was referring to, its was the vocal emission of sound waves which they share...

Can always tell a people by their tongue.

Germany gets its aryan traits from old India...but that doesn't mean old India wasn't influenced by an older People.

what an obvious bait

off yourself

I hope you will never lose the shadow of Love

>Must be brown
See, this is why nobody fucking cares about any of you

You proably grew up in a white neighborhood with a single black classmate, being told to REPENT FOR SLAVERY WHITEY for things you didn't do, and accepted bullshit such as white priviliege into your brain.

Because trust me you and your "Group" is all happiness and smiles until someone goes agasin't the norm, what if a black doesn't like BLM?
He's a sellout, a white wannabe, an uncle tom

The only people you defend are retards that use you as a tool
Think about it

>Black commit most crimes in the Us, so cops take precautions on black neighborhood, and they're the bad guys
>There's a black history month, but not a white history month
>It's racist in your eyes for a white to be happy of his heritage, and probably not for blacks.

You don't take pride in things your race did, but you repent for shit you didn't do
You're the kind of person who sees everything in black and white, because it's either EBIL NAZIS or PEACE AND PROGRESSION

And there "good" guys and "bad" guys on each side, even thought they both want the same

And don't fucking bother calling me racist, I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers, if those two mean the same to you, you're not fit to talk about race issues.

Even fucking HITLER said it
"Wanting to preserve the uniqueness of your race and culture is not the same as wanting to destroy all others"

I'm not reading all of that. tl, dr version plz

Its seems many peoples have their privilege attributes.

Its not just whites who have privileges...using privilege against the privileged.


You're a tool and blind

Not enough shills and reddit fags bombarding Sup Forums today....


> Sees undeniable logic. Muh racism tho.

>All those satanic handsigns in the background

Should've left it. They elite know that many of their fellow Jews will die in the process of cucking Europe.

>invent time machine
>go back and kill ancestors
>something else

We fucked up when we gave niggers freedom


then why do you obsess over the distinction between white and black? put your principles where your mouth is.

Why would any white person be insecure about brown people? They have lower IQs, they make less money, they're ugly, they live in unsafe communities, they're criminals.

Yeah, can't come up with anything there. White people are better than them in every single way. Just because you have white guilt and the kikes indoctrinated doesn't mean whites aren't superior in every way to every other race.

Why can't I have my own country^
Why why..why^
For fuck sake niggers have africa, asians have asian, sand niggers have middle east, slavs got east europe


It's okay leaf, don't cry

I am not afraid of Muslims.
I just know that Islam is cancer and should be treated like the biohazard it is.
If an infected person is near me I know they should be quarantined.
Possibly treated.
Possibly allowed to die comfortably and in peace.
Unless, of course, the infected reach a sufficient number that they pose a threat to the rest of society.
In which case they should be systematically eliminated.
I'm more interested in preserving the healthy people rather than those who are infected.
Our sympathies for those who can be saved must over-ride those who are unsalvageable.


I'm saving that Undertale-Genocide-Run.png

oh look, it's the "pretend to be a straw man so Sup Forums newfags can have something to hate" thread

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