You literally can't make this shit up

You literally can't make this shit up.

If it wasn't already obvious that ISIS is an Israel-front.

Yea but Trump is my Lord and God.

>be a jihadi
>stupidly attack real army trained to fight Arabs and win
>get massacred
>cry like babies, beg the Jews not to slaughter every last fucking one of them

Damn right they apologized. If they have the sense God have a sandnigger they won't fuck with the IDF again.

I think ISIL has more to worry about from the Chinese compared to the IDF, Chinese use Flamethrowers to immolate Sandnogs alive.


This may slide.

Nuke Israel


Nuke Israel

Fuck you stormkebab. Just fucking die.

F for Tom O'connor. ((((Theyll))) probably come for him

When the vids of that start getting leaked, Ima fap to em like I was 14 again...

Nuke Israel


So will someone kindly inform all these tens of thousands of ISIS fighters they work for Jews?


Nuke Israel

The Israeli military is a joke. They rely entirely on (((American))) protection.

>Apologizing to IDF
Yeah if they did that they are 100% run by kikes

So why did they attack Israel in the first place.

>to make it not seem like they're owned by Israel even though they apologized to Israel after, blowing their cover

Nuke Israel

Nuke Israel

They apologized because they are afraid of Israel. Nothing more than that.

Nuke Israel

Nuke kikestan.

Oh look another Irish nigger using jews as a scapegoat. Nu/pol/ will call this a coincidence.


Oy vey

Destroy israel with godfire.

Fuck off JIDF

reminder that people that live in the North East are NOT to be trusted

It's like everyone has forgotten about JIDF

Talk about mass suicide

It's called 4D chess

True but the easily defeated the arabs many times without help. But again those same arabs armies are being defeated by Isis and other small militias.

Looks like the JIDF leaf ran away

I used to think it was a meme but it's a legitimate, actual thing. I wish I was born Jewish not for the "muh IQ" or lizardblood or whatever, but so my satanic mission for my unholy elders could be to shitpost all day.


Israeli military leaders believe that the defeat of ISIS goes against Israeli interests because ISIS is useful for weakening Assad, Hezbollah, and Iran's regional influence. Therefore, Israel bombs Syrian Army forward positions when ISIS forces are taking a beating.
Israel has given encrypted satellite phones to jihadi rebels operating near the Gowan Heights for the purpose of allowing those rebels to alert the IDF when they require medical attention, which Israel provides to them.
USA gives Israel $3 billion annually, and this is how they repay American generosity.

Golan, not "Gowan." Fucking typo



sliding hard